Which of the following are reasons why the amount of traditional news the typical American watches has declined since the 1970s quizlet?

Which statement best describes the "softening" of American news in the 1980s and 1990s?

A) Most news outlets incorporated celebrity gossip, sensational crimes, and human-interest stories to attract a broader audience.
B) All outlets incorporated some form of soft news, such as celebrity gossip, even The New York Times.
C) Sensationalism and other forms of soft news only really caught on in electronic-only media as it became more popular.
D) Newspapers and magazines stuck to hard news, but all other outlets embraced soft news.



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10: The News Media and The Internet: Communicating Politics

Terms in this set (87)

American newspapers were originally


Which of the following inventions revolutionized newspaper journalism in the early 1800s?

the telegraph
the power-driven printing press

Which term refers to the irresponsible and sensationalist approach to news reporting that characterized journalism in the early 1900s?

yellow journalism

In the early decades of the twentieth century, the press responded to "yellow journalism" by

committing to objective journalism.

What new technology led to the chaos that spurred the establishment of the Federal Communications Commission?


Much like political parties and interest groups, the news media, or press,

are a key intermediary between Americans and their leaders.

During the era of "objective journalism," radio broadcasters were prohibited by law from editorializing, while ______ were not.


Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson felt that newspapers should

promote partisan viewpoints on political matters.

Sensational and largely inaccurate newspaper reports on the cruelty of Spanish rule in Cuba may have helped spark

the Spanish-American War.

Adolph Ochs, the architect of objective journalism, had taken ownership of which newspaper?

The New York Times

Which of the following rules required a broadcast station to provide a "reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of public importance"?

the Fairness Doctrine

During the era of "objective journalism," most ______ backed one political party or another in their editorial and opinion (op-ed) pages.


What was the goal of yellow journalism?

to lure in readers by any means

journalism refers to news reporting that is based on "fact" rather than opinion and that presents both sides of a partisan debate.

Blank 1: Objective

Which of the following media were subject to the FCC's Fairness Doctrine?

broadcast radio
broadcast television

What is the information commons?

a shared set of facts and ideas transmitted to Americans through the news media

Which of the following resulted from the invention of the power-driven printing press in the late 1800s?

1. Newspapers were less dependent on government financial support.
2. Newspaper readership increased because the papers could be sold at a lower price.
3. Newspaper advertising generated more revenue.

Which of the following happened when the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated in 1987?

Hundreds of radio stations switched from playing music to airing partisan talk shows.

The invention of the telegraph resulted in newspapers

replacing opinion commentary with news reports.

During the era of "objective journalism," radio broadcasters were prohibited by law from editorializing, while ______ were not.


The elimination of the meant that radio stations no longer had to air a conservative talk show if they aired a liberal one.

Blank 1: Fairness or fairness
Blank 2: Doctrine or doctrine

When Ted Turner started CNN in 1980, he instructed his correspondents to

strive for partisan neutrality.

What major cable news network was launched to be the liberal alternative to Fox?


YouTube political bloggers with the largest audiences are concentrated on

the extreme right.

Which of the following happened when the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated in 1987?

Hundreds of radio stations switched from playing music to airing partisan talk shows.

Most successful partisan radio and television talk show hosts promote a ______ viewpoint.


True or false: Rupert Murdoch originally intended Fox News to be an objective, nonpartisan news channel.


The news media operate as gatekeepers, which means that they

determine which events will be covered and which will not.

What is the largest news outlet that began on the Internet?

the Huffington Post

Which of the following are reasons that national news coverage is very much the same no matter where you live in the United States?

1. Reporters cover the same beats and rely on the same sources when preparing stories.
2. Reporters are expected to treat politicians in a balanced way.
3. Most news outlets lack the resources to gather news outside of their own location and so rely on the wire services.

True or false: All media outlets, including those on the Internet, are part of the news media.


Which of the following media channels is most preferred by Republicans because of its conservative slant?

Fox News

How do media gatekeepers affect American citizens?

They determine what messages we see and hear.

The media's function serves to alert the public to important events in a timely fashion.

Blank 1: signaling, signaler, signal, or signaling function

The media carry out a(n) -function when they disseminate information from political leaders to the public.

Blank 1: common
Blank 2: carrier

Television newscasts use a format in which the journalist acts as the


All media outlets, whether broadcast, print, cable, or on the Internet, that are in the business of creating and reporting original news stories are called the news .

Blank 1: media

Unlike CNN, Fox News was launched with the purpose of

adopting a partisan approach to the news.

The media's ability to function as signalers and influence what people are thinking about and discussing is called agenda .

Blank 1: setting

Which of the following are reasons that government officials sometimes fail to get favorable coverage?

1. The words of government officials are often woven together as part of a larger story.
2. Reporters often try to present the positions of leaders from both political parties.

The length of time within a television story that a newsmaker speaks without interruption is called

a sound bite.

Which of the following is not a traditional function of the news media (press)?

political support

Which of the following media typically have a signaling function?

daily newspapers
television networks
wire services

Why is it important that the media perform the common-carrier function?

People cannot support or oppose a leader's plans if they do not know about them.

In the 1960s, a newsmaker's sound bite was more than 40 seconds, whereas today it is less than ______ seconds.


In priming, who or what determines how people will interpret the information they receive?

the media

The media's function of ______ setting refers to the media's ability to determine what the public thinks is important.


What event marked a turning point in the American press's approach to politicians' motives and actions?

the Watergate scandal

The Washington Post's publication of a tape recording of Donald Trump making lewd comments about women is an example of how digital technology has increased media's ______ function.


When the media use framing they are

presenting a selective version of reality.

The rise of partisan news outlets in the past few decades has contributed to an increase in

party polarization.

The media serves a(n) function when it alerts the public to unethical or illegal activities by the government.

Blank 1: watchdog or watch-dog

True or false: The rise of digital technology such as Wikileaks has increased the media's ability to serve as a watchdog over government.


Most partisan Internet sites also take the "______" approach described in the Tufts University study.


During Trump's first year in office, how did Fox approach the story of Russian meddling in the 2016 president election?

Fox downplayed the story.

The news media's partisan function means that they

act as advocates for particular viewpoints.

What is fake news?

entirely fictional stories that originate on the Internet

When the media highlight certain aspects of a situation and downplay other aspects, they are engaged in


What describes the "softening" of American news?

Only a few news outlets stuck to the traditional hard news.

What is the primary way in which Fox newscasts differ from MSBNC newcasts?

They choose to highlight different stories.

Tufts University's Sarah Sobieraj and Jeffrey Berry's study described the basis for partisan talk show programming as paritsan "______."


What role did the news media play in contributing to the public perception, in the period leading up to the 2016 election, that Hillary Clinton was not trustworthy because of her use of private email servers?

The media called it a scandal and highlighted it relentlessly.

When did CNN stop covering the Malaysian Airline Flight 370 story?

when the ratings dropped

The most dangerous partisan Internet sites

offer world views that demonize particular groups.

The onset of ______ increased the entertainment content in traditional news outlets as audiences for those outlets began to shrink.

cable television



Which of the cable news networks most fully treats news as a form of entertainment?


One of the first humor programs to focus on current affairs was

The Daily Show.

Which of the following describes a high-choice media system?

one in which people have a great number of places to go for information

In 1980, the viewers of ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news were roughly 40 years of age, on average. Today that average is roughly ______ years of age


What best describes partisan media outlets in the era of the information commons?

They were very rare.

In echo chambers, people hear

only information that aligns with their partisan loyalty.

Stories about celebrities, sensational crimes, and scandals in high places were labeled

soft news.

Most of the humor programs that focus on current affairs, like The Daily Show, are carried on

nontraditional news channels.

A few decades ago, the media system centered on broadcast news networks, but Americans now have a ______ media system, where they can pick from a wide variety of outlets.


In the 1970s, the average reader devoted more than 30 minutes to reading the printed newspaper. That average is now ______ minutes.


Republicans are ______ times more likely than Democrats to say that Fox is their main source of news.


On social media, most people are likely to encounter

people who agree with their political ideology.

The most frequent target of jokes on humor programs that focus on current affairs is/are

whoever happens to be the president.

The United States has a high-choice media system, which means that

there are a large number of sources from which people can choose to get their information.

Which of the following are reasons why the amount of news the typical American watches has declined since the 1970s?

1.Children stopped watching the dinner-time news with their parents.
2. Cable television and other high-choice media became available.

The audience for Huffington Post's website is overwhelmingly


True or false: Thanks to the Internet, the typical American watches more news today than in the 1970s.


Which of the following correctly describes members of the "inattentive audience"?

1. They usually know little about politics.
2. Their political knowledge tends to be inaccurate.

When Democrats encounter opposing views on social media, they are more likely to ______ than Republicans are.

"unfriend" someone

Adults under 30 years of age are ______ those over 50 to follow the news.

less likely than

True or false: Thanks to the Internet, the typical American watches more news today than in the 1970s.


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Which statement best describes the softening of American news in the 1980s and 1990s quizlet?

Which statement best describes the "softening" of American news in the 1980s and 1990s? Most news outlets incorporated celebrity gossip, sensational crimes, and human-interest stories to attract a broader audience.

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Terms in this set (12) Which of the following best characterizes the information commons? The public shares a base of information through access to the same news outlets and stories, which are presented in similar ways. have been less informed than older ones.