Top 15 characters that can defeat thanos blank

Cosmic Ghost Rider AKA The Punisher, Frank Castle, was imbued with the powers of the Spirit of Vengeance and the Power Cosmic. He's joined the ranks of the most powerful Marvel characters since his debut. First appearing inThanos

13, by writer Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw, from the "Thanos Wins" story arc, Cosmic Ghost Rider has since jumped into the current Marvel Universe, even joining the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The upper limits of Cosmic Ghost Rider's powers have yet to be truly tested, and he's only been destroyed once in the comics. He's superlatively powerful, but that doesn't mean he's unbeatable.

Updarted on November 21, 2022 by David Harth: The Cosmic Ghost Rider is a powerful being, but he does have his share of weaknesses. Cosmic Ghost Rider may be a powerhouse, but there are Marvel characters who would be able to beat him with finesse. Even the toughest cookies can be cracked.

15 Galactus Could Strip Him Of The Power Cosmic

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Frank Castle gained the Power Cosmic by making a deal with Galactus. No other being in the Marvel Universe boasts the kill count the World Devourer does. He's nearly impossible to defeat through physical power and can fell even the strongest beings when he's starving. Cosmic Ghost Rider Is powerful, but he doesn't stand a chance against Galactus.

Not only could Galactus strip Castle of the Power Cosmic, but he possesses its full fury, something he doesn't share with his Heralds. Castle would still be powerful because of the Spirit of Vengeance, but he'd find it impossible to defeat Galactus, whereas the World Devourer could easily destroy his physical form.

14 Mephisto's Power And Cunning Would Defeat The Cosmic Ghost Rider

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Many Marvel villains love being evil – and then there's Mephisto. He's not the devil, but he's the next best thing. He loves nothing more than tempting the pure-hearted and tricking the foolish. He's the one who empowered Castle as the Spirit of Vengeance, and he can easily take that away, cutting down on the power of the Cosmic Ghost Rider.

Mephisto has battled enemies with the Power Cosmic before, like Silver Surfer, but he'd have an easier time with Castle. The Cosmic Ghost Rider was driven insane over the years and doesn't have the skill that Silver Surfer does. On top of that, Mephisto can alter reality itself when he needs to, allowing him to strip Castle of the Power Cosmic as well, leaving him an easily killed mortal.

13 Mistress Death Can End Anyone In Front Of Her


Mistress Death isn't the most powerful being in the universe, but she's definitely the most feared. Death comes for everyone and she's patient as can be, but she has no problem when someone wants to speed the process along, like Thanos. Even gods fear her, as she's an inevitable force and the un-living embodiment of entropy.

Mistress Death is far beyond the Cosmic Ghost Rider's powers. The Power Cosmic would have no effect on her and the Spirit of Vengeance's power is a pittance against Death. She could destroy the Cosmic Ghost Rider with a touch if she needed to.

12 Proteus's Reality Powers Would Be Too Much For Cosmic Ghost Rider

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Proteus is one of the X-Men's Omega class mutants. The powerful reality altering mutant is a member of the Five, helping to facilitate mutant resurrection. Proteus used to be among the X-Men's most dangerous foes, a body jumping enemy who could do anything he could imagine. Power like that would defeat Cosmic Ghost Rider.

Proteus would try to possess the Cosmic Ghost Rider, since a body with that power could hold Proteus for a long time. If that weren't possible, Proteus has more than enough power to destroy the Cosmic Ghost Rider. He could easily unravel Castle's molecular structure, something he'd have no defense against.

11 Professor Xavier's Telepathy Would Shut Down The Cosmic Ghost Rider

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Professor Xavier is the best telepath on Earth and beyond. He can get into anyone's mind and do whatever he wants. He wields a considerable amount of psionic energy, and can knock his opponents into the Astral Realm if he needs to. Xavier is a master of psychic combat and was even able to hold back every Eternal at once, a near impossible feat for anyone else.

There's no doubt that Cosmic Ghost Rider could destroy Xavier, but it would never come to that. He'd sense him coming from a mile away and attack. His best bet would be to throw Castle into the Astral Plane and defeat him there, but he could still overwhelm any psi defenses Castle has and take him down without doing that.

10 The Fallen One Beat The Cosmic Ghost Rider

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In the epic battle toward the end of the "Thanos Wins" arc, The Fallen One was able to destroy the Cosmic Ghost Rider with relative ease. Already blessed with the Power Cosmic, this version of the Silver Surfer was further enhanced with Black Matter and spent millennia becoming worthy of wielding Mjonir in his mission to defeat King Thanos. Plus, he commanded the Annihilation Wave, so it's safe to say it takes a lot of juice to do what he did to the Rider.

9 King Thanos Held The Cosmic Ghost Rider's Leash For Years

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King Thanos is a popular alternate version of the villain. An older Thanos who grew stronger as eons passed, he was able to defeat virtually every being in the Marvel universe to please Lady Death. He accomplished this feat without solely relying on the Infinity Gauntlet either, and was even victorious against The Fallen One (albeit with some help from his time-displaced younger self).

Furthermore, King Thanos wielded powerful items he won in battle like Surtur's Twilight Sword, tamed the Incredible Hulk as his pet, and most importantly made the Cosmic Ghost Rider his loyal servant. Castle was afraid of the Mad Titan, something King Thanos would take advantage of to win.

8 Hela Owns A Victory Over The Cosmic Ghost Rider

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In Guardians of the Galaxy # 6 of Cates and Shaw's 2019 series run, Hela easily subdues the Cosmic Ghost Rider. Since, at his core, the Rider is the deceased corpse of Frank Castle and Hela holds dominion over the dead, she beats him without even breaking a sweat.

Hela is a ruler of one of the Ten Realms and a master combatant. Armed with the Nightsword, she rivals Thor himself for strength and skill. She'd thrown an army of dead servants at Castle to slow him down, giving her time to come up with a plan to use against the Cosmic Ghost Rider. In single combat, the Norse Goddess of Death would teach Castle what pain truly is.

7 Cosmic King Thor Had The Power And Skill To Win

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Thor has always been powerful, but there was a time when he became the Herald of Galactus. This gave the God fo Thunder the Power Cosmic, which is honestly overkill when it comes right down to it. Thor was even able to kill Galactus with his combined powers, which for anyone else would have been impossible.

Given Castle's susceptibility to damage from Mjolnir, the cosmic-enhanced Thor can beat the Rider down. Thor is warrior born and has a ferocity that the addled Castle couldn't really muster. With the Power Cosmic on his side, Thor was nigh unstoppable. Even assuming the Power Cosmic is a wash, his God of Thunder powers are enough to win.

6 Doctor Strange's Magical Might Would Too Much For The Cosmic Ghost Rider To Handle

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Doctor Strange is the greatest Sorcerer Supreme. He's faced down the worst enemies imaginable over the years, protecting the universe from unspeakable threats. As a former Defender, he was a friend of the Silver Surfer and understands the Power Cosmic like few others. Add his magical might to that and he's got Castle's number.

Strange wouldn't attack Castle physically, instead using his magic to mess with CGR's mind. That would give him the time he needed to come up with the right spells to use. He'd nullify Castle's power, which would pretty much be the end of battle.

5 Knull's Fearsome Power Would Spell The End For The Cosmic Ghost Rider

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Knull is the symbiote god. His existence predates the Big Bang, and has been trying to conquer the universe by consuming it in darkness. He forged All-Black the Necrosword, a living symbiote weapon that augments its user's powers.

Knull has slain Celestials, defeated the Silver Surfer, and is essentially immortal since he can recover even from death given due time. He outmatches the Cosmic Ghost Rider in terms of raw power and durability, which would give him an easy edge in the battle. Castle would put up a good fight, but ultimately fail before Knull.

4 The Sentry Is More Than A Match For The Cosmic Ghost Rider

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Noted as having "the power of a million exploding suns," Robert Reynolds was a former meth addict who found an experimental formula that gave him amazing power. One of Marvel's many Superman analogues, he had a malicious dark repressed persona, the Void, which manifested from his powers. His time as an Avenger saw him join the ranks of the scariest Avengers out there.

The Sentry's physical power is unmatched, but Cosmic Ghost Rider would still give him a hard fight. It's almost certain that the stress of the battle would bring the Void out, which would be the end for the CGR. The Sentry is powerful, but he's not as vicious as the Void, who would go all out to destroy Castle.

3 The Dark Phoenix Would Devour Cosmic Ghost Rider

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The ancient Phoenix Force is one of the most feared cosmic entities in the entire Marvel universe. It has come to Earth several times, but the most notable was when it replaced Jean Grey. The Phoenix Force masqueraded as her, but the difficulty of human emotion brought out the Dark Phoenix. She destroyed an entire star system and was only stopped by killing herself.

Regardless of its host, the Dark Phoenix has powers that dwarf Cosmic Ghost Rider's. Telepathy alone would be enough to pulp Castle's mind. The Dark Phoenix would probably just devour Cosmic Ghost Rider, draining him of his power and leaving him a burnt out husk.

2 Franklin Richards Created Entire Universes

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Reed Richards and Susan Storm's son, Franklin Richards was long though to be an Omega level mutant. This has proven not to be the case, but he is still very powerful. He can manipulate reality, has virtually every conceivable psionic power (such as telepathy, telekinesis, and precognition), and also create pocket universes – which he literally keeps in his pockets.

The Fantastic Four's adventures saw him start to run out of power, getting closer and closer to empty every time he used them. However, he wouldn't need much power to defeat the Cosmic Ghost Rider. Franklin could casually blink Castle out of existence with power to spare.

1 Immortal Hulk Tore Through All Comers

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The Immortal Hulk quickly jumped to the top of the most powerful versions of the Hulk list. Not only did he have the infinite strength potential, his intelligence grew as well. He became a smart but unyielding Hulk, defeating everything in his way. What really made the Immortal Hulk dangerous was the fact that he resurrected from everything. He was truly immortal.

While there were some drawbacks – Bruce only transformed into the Hulk at night – he was beyond dangerous. As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.

Who can easily defeat Thanos?

9 MCU Characters Who Could Have Beat Thanos (If They Didn't Die....

8 Bor. Bor is not a significant player in the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but did make an important appearance in Thor: The Dark World's prologue. ... .

7 Hela. ... .

6 The Ancient One. ... .

5 Dormammu. ... .

4 Surtur. ... .

3 Quicksilver. ... .

2 Ultron. ... .

1 Ego..

Who is strong enough to kill Thanos?

That's not to say no single hero can't beat him, as heroes like the original Captain Marvel, Adam Warlock, and Silver Surfer all have victories over him. DC's heroes are often more powerful than their marvelous counterparts, which would give more of them a chance to beat Thanos entirely on their own.

Who was the closest to killing Thanos?

Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch were. Carol was crushing Thanos's hand and a headbutt did nothing to her and if it wasn't for the Power Stone then we would see her beating Thanos. Scarlet Witch very nearly killed Thanos and he had to resort to bomb everything as he was helpless.

Who can beat Thanos hand to hand?

3 Darkseid Is Thanos's Superior Few enemies have ever been able to beat him one on one and killing him is nigh impossible. Thanos is a fearsome enemy, but Darkseid is his superior in all forms. Thanos can't compete with Darkseid and would pay for trying.