What are the pros and cons of cloud computing in comparisons of distributed and grid computing?

Cloud computing refers to a client-server computing framework where resources are managed in a centralized fashion. It is provided as a pay-per-use service. Cloud computing makes the system all-time accessible.

Grid computing refers to a network of the same or different types of computers whose target is to provide an environment where a task can be performed by multiple computers together on a need basis. Each computer can work independently as well. Grid Computing is used internally by organizations.

Read through this article to find out more about Cloud Computing and Grid Computing and how they are different from each other.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing provides a platform to facilitate the on-demand availability of computer system resources, particularly data storage (cloud storage) and processing power, without active administration by the users.

Functions in large clouds are frequently spread over many locations, each of which is a data centre. Cloud computing relies on resource sharing to achieve coherence and economies of scale, generally through a "pay-as-you-go" approach, which can reduce capital expenditures but also expose users to unanticipated operational expenses. Cloud computing proponents also argue that it helps businesses to get their applications up and running faster.

Cloud computing allows you to put your complete computer infrastructure, including both hardware and software, online. It maintains data and apps via the Internet and remote central servers. The most simple and commonly used examples of cloud computing include Gmail, Yahoo mail, Facebook, Hotmail, Orkut, and others.

What is Grid Computing?

Grid computing is the use of widely spread computer resources to achieve a shared objective. A computer grid may be conceived of as a distributed system with numerous files and non-interactive tasks.

Grid computing differs from traditional high-performance computing systems such as cluster computing in that each node is dedicated to a certain job or application.

Grid computers are also more diverse and geographically distributed than cluster computers (and hence not physically linked). Although a single grid might be dedicated to a single application, grids are frequently utilized for several purposes. General-purpose grid middleware software libraries are frequently used to create grids.

Grid computing brings together machines from many administrative domains to achieve a shared goal, perform a single job, and then vanishes as fast as it appeared.

Grids can be small, for example, it can be confined to a network of computer workstations within a business. At the same time, the size of a grid might be fairly big, for example, public collaborations involving several organizations and networks.

Difference between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing

The following table highlights the major differences between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing:

KeyCloud ComputingGrid Computing
Architecture Cloud Computing follows a client-server computing architecture. Grid Computing follows a distributed computing architecture.
Resource In Cloud Computing, resources are centrally managed. In Grid Computing, resources are managed on a collaboration pattern.
Flexibility Cloud Computing is more flexible than Grid Computing. Grid Computing is less flexible.
Payment Users pay for using the cloud computing resources. They need not to set up anything. They use the platform as a service. Grid computing needs to be set up first. Users need not pay anything once the set-up is done.
Accessibility Cloud Computing is a highly accessible service. It can be accessed using conventional web protocols. Grid Computing is low on accessibility as compared to cloud computing. It can be accessed using grid middleware.
Scalability When compared to grid computing, it is extremely scalable. Grid computing, on the other hand, is not as scalable as cloud computing.


The most important difference that you should note here is that Cloud Computing follows a client-server architecture, while Grid Computing follows a distributed architecture. In contrast to Grid Computing, Cloud Computing is highly flexible, scalable, and accessible.

What are the pros and cons of cloud computing in comparisons of distributed and grid computing?

Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:09:39

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What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?

A list of advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing:.

What is grid computing compare between cloud and grid computing?

In Cloud Computing, resources are centrally managed. In Grid Computing, resources are managed on a collaboration pattern. Cloud Computing is more flexible than Grid Computing. Grid Computing is less flexible.

What are the major advantages of cloud computing compared to distributed computing?

Cloud computing helps to access hardware and software resources remotely via the network. It provides advantages such as easy resource sharing, cost reduction, scalability, and platform independence. A distributed computing, on the other hand, is a network with multiple computers to achieve a goal.

What is the difference between cloud computing and distributed computing?

Cloud computing refers to providing on demand IT resources/services like server, storage, database, networking, analytics, software etc. over internet. Distributed computing refers to solve a problem over distributed autonomous computers and they communicate between them over a network.