Miễn phí tiếng anh viết là gì

This is therefore offered free of charge to all those who wish to attend.

Schooling leading to a qualification has traditionally been free of charge.

Local government provided medical care for paupers free of charge in their homes or in a workhouse infirmary.

The reports are available free of charge on request.

Most services are free of charge, although modest copayments are sometimes applied.

During the last 6 years, a newsletter with a circulation of 80,000 copies has been produced and distributed free of charge.

It works as follows: screening every 2 years, age groups 50-59 years, free of charge, two projections, and two radiologists.

In children's clinics, vaccinations, health checks, and consultations are provided free of charge to all children under school age.

Since then, the insured (but not family members) have received medical care free of charge, excluding some minor fixed-amount costs (11).

At present medicines for pensioners are free of charge.

If such aftercare involves nursing/residential home care, perhaps with an older person with dementia, then this must be provided free of charge.

By making this site available free of charge, my hope is to stimulate more interest in structural macroeconometric model building.

These medicinal formulas were then distributed in the affected regions free of charge.

A newsletter is produced and distributed free of charge and has a circulation of 100,000 copies.

Companies provide medical devices free of charge in order to occupy the market and create a demand for their equipment.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Indeed, like many newly freed people, they considered parties almost illegitimate threats to national unity.

In this situation, it frees writers from the effort of investigating their themes and encourages them to rely on a ready-made solution.

The sculptor's thought is freed to be completely three-dimensional.

They take the postmodernist achievement to be one which conveniently frees theological conservatism from the uncomfortable pressures of secular, rationalist criticism.

They would often be put in the stocks until they sobered up, but they would invariably lapse again as soon as they were freed.

Though advertising revenue freed the press from direct political control, it introduced its own form of constraints on an expanding press in the 20th century.

The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.

If a whole industry is swept aside because of failing entrepreneurship, resources would be freed for other, expanding sectors.

The divine was consequently freed from any responsibility for such prodigies.

If the sustainable catch is fixed, improved technical efficiency is a benefit only if resources are freed from the catching sector for productive use elsewhere.

On the other hand, some leaders of the scientific community supported freer scientific research on human embryos.

The patient is simply freed from being held prisoner by the current state of the art of medical technology.

Giving internalization a superior status might have freed it from many old debates.

The exception are aristocrats, who are served by a sufficient number of other people to be freed of this daily burden.

The alternative, they argue, is to let the great mass of people engage in market processes, freeing themselves from such dependency.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Trên đời này không có gì là miễn phí tiếng Anh?

"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch" (nghĩa là không có bữa ăn trưa nào là miễn phí) (cách viết khác, "There is no such thing as a free lunch" hay các biến thể khác) là một câu thành ngữ phổ biến truyền đạt ý tưởng rằng không thể có được một cái gì đó mà không phải mất gì cả.

Free có nghĩa là gì?

Tự do. Không mất tiền, không phải trả tiền; được miễn. (+ from) Không bị, khỏi phải, thoát được. Rảnh, không có người ở, không có người giữ chỗ.

Miễn phí trong tiếng Anh là gì?

free of charge, free, for free là các bản dịch hàng đầu của "miễn phí" thành Tiếng Anh.

To be free là gì?

rảnh, rảnh việc, rỗi là các bản dịch hàng đầu của "be free" thành Tiếng Việt. Câu dịch mẫu: I'll be free tonight. ↔ Đêm nay tôi rảnh rỗi.