hagrids là gì - Nghĩa của từ hagrids

hagrids có nghĩa là

Slang for a big, tall, ugly, fat guy with long hair and unshaved facial hair and tattered clothing. Originates from a fictional character created by J.K. Rowling.

Ví dụ

"Look at that Hagrid over there, begging people for money."

hagrids có nghĩa là

hagid:the huge fat guy who is the gamekeepr at Hogwarts

hagrid:big and hairy you wouldn't be talking about me now would ya.
harry:NO the wizarding world doesn't always revolve around you.
hermione:it revolves around harry.

Ví dụ

"Look at that Hagrid over there, begging people for money."

hagrids có nghĩa là

hagid:the huge fat guy who is the gamekeepr at Hogwarts

hagrid:big and hairy you wouldn't be talking about me now would ya.

Ví dụ

"Look at that Hagrid over there, begging people for money."

hagrids có nghĩa là

hagid:the huge fat guy who is the gamekeepr at Hogwarts

Ví dụ

"Look at that Hagrid over there, begging people for money."

hagrids có nghĩa là

hagid:the huge fat guy who is the gamekeepr at Hogwarts

Ví dụ

hagrid:big and hairy you wouldn't be talking about me now would ya.
harry:NO the wizarding world doesn't always revolve around you.

hagrids có nghĩa là

hermione:it revolves around harry.

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hagrids có nghĩa là

a term used to describe anything. no matter how good or bad it is.

Ví dụ

harry:lovin' your hut hagrid it's very...rustic!

hagrids có nghĩa là

n; letting slide a vital piece of information at an inopportune time, especially while intoxicated

Ví dụ

Dude, she has The Hagrid going on!

hagrids có nghĩa là

n; a person who spills vital information when under the influence

Ví dụ

Dude, don't tell Sally anything important, she's a major hagrid; no secret is safe with her after she's had a few Excessive amount of pubic hair. Totally untamed, untrimmed, all natural 70's bush. Obviously, the term gets its name from the Harry Potter Character, Rubeus Hagrid, who's face looks like it's covered entirely with pubes.

hagrids có nghĩa là

So that girl last night... yeah, total Hagrid. It looked like the gamekeeper was taking a nap between her legs.

Ví dụ

a fat woman who resembles hagrid from the harry potter series. one whos cooch oozes mysterious potions. tends to make out with gay men and convince them to bang her with her pussy potions.