All the better for là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "all the better", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ all the better, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ all the better trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. That's all the better.

2. I'm feeling all the better for my holiday.

3. She felt all the better for the drink.

4. You'll feel all the better for a holiday.

5. I love him all the better for his fault.

6. I like him all the better for his shortcomings.

7. I like him all the better for his criticism.

8. "How are you?" —"All the better for seeing you."

9. I like her all the better for her simplicity.

10. I like him all the better for his faults.

11. And the piece was all the better for it.

12. Wolf All the better to hear you with, my dear!

13. I lide her all the better for her plain speaking.

14. The fish will bite all the better for the rain.

15. You'll feel all the better for a good night's sleep.

16. I like Kyoto all the Better for its many narrow streets.

17. I like him all the better for his criticism on me.

18. A: It is fun, and if it does well, all the better.

19. This room would look all the better for a spot of paint.

20. If there is some meat left on the bones, all the better.

21. I think it's all the better for that extra ten minutes' cooking.

22. I want to develop education all the better for its un development.

23. Well, a statement like that is all the better for proof, but go on, anyway.

24. My grandmother therefore moulded my life, and I believe I am all the better for it.

25. If there's good skiing, breathtaking scenery and you don't need to catch a plane, all the better!

26. The game at Twickenham today will be all the better for the inclusion of the National Anthem.

27. Gods whose ways co-existed with farming and nature now functioned all the better in the guise of saints.

28. 21 Gods whose ways co-existed with farming and nature now functioned all the better in the guise of saints.

29. And it was all the better for being hosted by real-deal Alice Cooper rather than fat phoney Phill Jupitus.

30. The average length of the forearm of a water polo player in relation to their total arm got longer, all the better for a forceful throwing whip.

31. The other main obstacle to the economic advancement of the Africans is the industrial colour bar by which all the better jobs of industry are reserved for whites only.

32. The average elite female gymnast shrunk from 5'3" to 4'9" on average over the last 30 years, all the better for their power-to-weight ratio and for spinning in the air.

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe all the better for somethingbe all the better for somethingIMPROVEto be improved by a particular action, change etc  I think it’s all the better for that extra ten minutes’ cooking. betterExamples from the Corpusbe all the better for somethingAnd it was all the better for being hosted by real-deal Alice Cooper rather than fat phoney Phill Jupitus.And the piece was all the better for it.My grandmother therefore moulded my life, and I believe I am all the better for it.Spa towns, though, are all the better for looking somewhat passé and Eaux-Bonnes is more passé than most.The game at Twickenham today will be all the better for the inclusion of the National Anthem.Well, a statement like that is all the better for proof, but go on, anyway.

(all) the better for (something) Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

blow it (something)

fail at something I tried hard but I am sure that I blew the final math exam last week.

fill (something) in

write words needed in blanks Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist.

get (something) over with

finish, end He wants to get his exams over with so that he can begin to relax again.

get hold of (something)

get possession of When you get hold of a dictionary could you please let me see it for a few minutes.

get on with (something)

continue to do; make progress
" Be quiet and get on with your homework."

have (something) going for one

have ability, talent or good looks She has a lot going for her and I am sure that she will get the new job.

keep (something) under one

keep something secret I plan to keep my plans to apply for a new job under my hat.

let (something) go

pay no attention to, neglect She seems to be letting her appearance go since she lost her job.

let (something) ride

continue without changing a situation We should forget about his recent problems at work and just let the whole matter ride.

look (something) up

search for something in a dictionary or other book I

not to touch (something) with a ten-foot pole|not

v. phr. To consider something completely undesirable or uninteresting. Some people won't touch spinach with a ten-foot pole. Kids who wouldn't touch an encyclopedia with a ten-foot pole love to find information with this computer program.

play on/upon (something)

cause an effect on, influence They played on his feelings of loneliness to get him to come and buy them dinner every night.

pull (something) off

accomplish something remarkable He really is lucky in being able to pull off the new business merger with no problems.

put (something) over on someone

fool, trick He was trying to put something over on his boss when he said that he was sick and couldn

put (something) past someone (negative)

be surprised by what someone does I wouldn

ram (something) down one

force one to do or agree to something not wanted She always tries to ram her ideas down our throats which makes us very angry.

ram (something) down someone's throat

force one to do or agree to something not wanted The lawyer rammed the settlement down our throats even though we were not happy with it.

run into (something)

hit something or crash into something His car ran into the other car on the highway.

run up against (something)

encounter They ran up against many problems when they were building the freeway.

see about (something)

check into something I

see to (something)

attend to or do something I will see to the rental car and you can see to the airplane tickets.

try (something) out

test We were not allowed to try the computer out before we bought it.

(all) the better for (something)

Improved or made better by (doing) something. It was tough, but I feel the better for having confronted her about my feelings. I'm sorry I got so ratty with you earlier. I think we'll both be all the better for a full night's sleep.Learn more: better

(all) the better for something

made better by something or by doing something; benefiting from something: You’ll be all the better for a weekend by the sea.Learn more: better, something
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