Why is there a limit to invites on Facebook?

At FPTraffic, we love sharing quick and easy strategies to help you get more traffic to your Facebook Page. If you just created a new Page or have a small following, this technique is for you.

Facebook has a feature that allows you to invite people to Like your Facebook Page who have liked your posts . It requires a few clicks on your part, but it’s quick, free and sure to get you results. Sounds pretty good, right?

It’s possible and likely that people are seeing and liking your posts even if they aren’t following your Page, especially if you ran an ad or boosted a post. This feature allows you to snag those users and convert them into Page followers.

How do we know it works? The people you’re inviting have already shown their interest in your Page by liking your content. Because they’ve come across your Page, they’re already familiar with your brand or niche. For those reasons, they’re that much more likely to push the “Like” button on your invite.

Another perk – since these users have engaged with your content already, you’re gaining followers who are likely to keep the engagement rate going up. By inviting people who like your posts to like your Page, you’re going to improve your reach and engagement!

And it only takes a few clicks of the mouse. Keep reading to learn how to invite people to like your Facebook Page.

Once you’ve created a Facebook Page, you need to get likes on a post in order to use this Facebook feature. Start by adding valuable content with FPTraffic, then set up an ad to put your content in front of the right audience.

When you have a number of likes on your post, click the total number of likes as shown below:

Why is there a limit to invites on Facebook?

Note: If Facebook only shows a couple names, this won’t work. Use a post that shows how many likes there are.

100k Rule

You are only able to invite people to Like your Page if you have less than 100,000 Likes on your Facebook Page.

A pop-up appears showing the names of users who liked the post. To the right of the person’s name, there will be a button that either displays Invite or Liked. Click the Invite buttons to invite those users to like your Page.

Why is there a limit to invites on Facebook?

The user will receive an invitation in their notifications to like your Page. More often than not, you’ll find that they accept and you’ll have a new Page Like!

According to the Facebook Help Team, there is no set limit on how many people you can invite to like your Page from the posts. The system may only place a limit if there is a high number of people not responding to the invite. We recommend only inviting 200 people a day maximum just to be safe.

Tips for Inviting Users

Using this feature can easily get you more Likes without costing you any extra money. We have a couple guidelines to keep in mind to use this feature effectively:

  • Do it manually: You can find tools to automatically invite your friends to Like your Page, but we recommend doing it manually to help prevent your Facebook account from being flagged.
  • Invite people quickly after publishing the post: The more recent a person interacted with your content, the more likely they are to accept your invitation to like your Page.
  • Implement this into your daily or weekly routine: Every couple days, make a point to go through your recent posts to invite those users who liked them to Like your Page. It only takes a minute or two and you’ll find it to be well worth your time.


You need engagement on your Facebook Page before you can begin inviting users to Like it. Start getting engagement today by finding and posting awesome content using FPTraffic’s Content Finder!

When you’re trying to grow your Page’s audience, inviting people who like your posts to like your Page is a free and easy way to rapidly increase your number of Page likes. Give it a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Have you used this Facebook feature to get more likes? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below!

Why is there an invite limit on Facebook?

We limit the number of invites each person can send to 500 per event because events with large invite lists may be reported as spam. If you send a large number of invites that people are not responding to, we may limit the number of invites for a short period of time.

Does Facebook limit the number of invites?

Limitations of the New Button There is a limit to the number of invitations you can send per day. It seems to be somewhere between 500 and 1,000. Once you've hit your limit, Facebook will tell you as much. Check back in a day or two to see if you can start inviting more people who have engaged with your posts.

Why can I only invite 50 people to an event?

As a way of preventing spam and driving promotion to their ad platform, Facebook limits the amount of invites an account can make to 500, and if they notice you regularly using that quota with little response, they'll limit you further to a maximum of 50.