Which of the following is not a type of aws credential for authentication?

AWS recommends the following AWS Identity and Access Management service – IAM Best Practices to secure AWS resources

Root Account – Don’t use & Lock away access keys

  • Do not use the AWS Root account which has full access to all the AWS resources and services including the Billing information.
  • Permissions associated with the AWS Root account cannot be restricted.
  • Do not generate the access keys, if not required
  • If already generated and not needed, delete the access keys.
  • If access keys are needed, rotate (change) the access key regularly
  • Never share the Root account credentials or access keys, instead create IAM users or Roles to grant granular access
  • Enable AWS multifactor authentication (MFA) on the AWS account

User – Create individual IAM users

  • Don’t use the AWS root account credentials to access AWS, and don’t share the credentials with anyone else.
  • Start by creating an IAM User with an Administrator role that has access to all resources as the Root except the account’s security credentials.
  • Create individual users for anyone who needs access to your AWS account and gives each user unique credentials and grant different permissions.

Groups – Use groups to assign permissions to IAM users

  • Instead of defining permissions for individual IAM users, create groups and define the relevant permissions for each group as per the job function, and then associate IAM users to those groups.
  • Users in an IAM group inherit the permissions assigned to the group and a User can belong to multiple groups
  • It is much easier to add new users, remove users and modify the permissions of a group of users.

Permission – Grant least privilege

  • IAM user, by default, is created with no permissions
  • Users should be granted LEAST PRIVILEGE as required to perform a task.
  • Starting with minimal permissions and adding to the permissions as required to perform the job function is far better than granting all access and trying to then tighten it down.

Passwords – Enforce strong password policy for users

  • Enforce users to create strong passwords and enforce them to rotate their passwords periodically.
  • Enable a strong password policy to define password requirements forcing users to create passwords with requirements like at least one capital letter, one number, and how frequently it should be rotated.

MFA – Enable MFA for privileged users

  • For extra security, Enable MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) for privileged IAM users, who are allowed access to sensitive resources or APIs.

Role – Use temporary credentials with IAM roles

  • Use roles for workloads instead of creating IAM user and hardcoding the credentials which can compromise the access and are also hard to rotate.
  • Roles have specific permissions and do not have a permanent set of credentials.
  • Roles provide a way to access AWS by relying on dynamically generated & automatically rotated temporary security credentials.
  • Roles  associated with it but dynamically provide temporary credentials that are automatically rotated

Sharing – Delegate using roles

  • Allow users from same AWS account, another AWS account, or externally authenticated users (either through any corporate authentication service or through Google, Facebook etc) to use IAM roles to specify the permissions which can then be assumed by them
  • A role can be defined that specifies what permissions the IAM users in the other account are allowed, and from which AWS accounts the IAM users are allowed to assume the role

Rotation – Rotate credentials regularly

  • Change your own passwords and access keys regularly and enforce it through a strong password policy. So even if a password or access key is compromised without your knowledge, you limit how long the credentials can be used to access your resources
  • Access keys allows creation of 2 active keys at the same time for an user. These can be used to rotate the keys.

Track & Review – Remove unnecessary credentials

  • Remove IAM user and credentials (that is, passwords and access keys) that are not needed.
  • Use the IAM Credential report that lists all IAM users in the account and the status of their various credentials, including passwords, access keys, and MFA devices and usage patterns to figure out what can be removed
  • Passwords and access keys that have not been used recently might be good candidates for removal.

Conditions – Use policy conditions for extra security

  • Define conditions under which IAM policies allow access to a resource.
  • Conditions would help provide finer access control to the AWS services and resources for e.g. access limited to a specific IP range or allowing only encrypted requests for uploads to S3 buckets etc.

Auditing – Monitor activity in the AWS account

  • Enable logging features provided through CloudTrail, S3, CloudFront in AWS to determine the actions users have taken in the account and the resources that were used.
  • Log files show the time and date of actions, the source IP for an action, which actions failed due to inadequate permissions, and more.

Use IAM Access Analyzer

  • IAM Access Analyzer analyzes the services and actions that the IAM roles use, and then generates a least-privilege policy that you can use.
  • Access Analyzer helps preview and analyze public and cross-account access for supported resource types by reviewing the generated findings.
  • IAM Access Analyzer helps to validate the policies created to ensure that they adhere to the IAM policy language (JSON) and IAM best practices.

Use Permissions Boundaries

  • Use IAM Permissions Boundaries to delegate permissions management within an account
  • IAM permissions boundaries help set the maximum permissions that you delegate and that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM role.
  • A permissions boundary does not grant permissions on its own.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.

  1. Your organization is preparing for a security assessment of your use of AWS. In preparation for this assessment, which two IAM best practices should you consider implementing? Choose 2 answers
    1. Create individual IAM users for everyone in your organization (May not be needed as can use Roles as well)
    2. Configure MFA on the root account and for privileged IAM users
    3. Assign IAM users and groups configured with policies granting least privilege access
    4. Ensure all users have been assigned and are frequently rotating a password, access ID/secret key, and X.509 certificate (Must be assigned only if using console or through command line)
  2. What are the recommended best practices for IAM? (Choose 3 answers)
    1. Grant least privilege
    2. User the AWS account(root) for regular user
    3. Use Mutli-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    4. Store access key/private key in git
    5. Rotate credentials regularly
  3. Which of the below mentioned options is not a best practice to securely manage the AWS access credentials?
    1. Enable MFA for privileged users
    2. Create individual IAM users
    3. Keep rotating your secure access credentials at regular intervals
    4. Create strong access key and secret access key and attach to the root account
  4. Your CTO is very worried about the security of your AWS account. How best can you prevent hackers from completely hijacking your account?
    1. Use short but complex password on the root account and any administrators.
    2. Use AWS IAM Geo-Lock and disallow anyone from logging in except for in your city.
    3. Use MFA on all users and accounts, especially on the root account. (For increased security, it is recommend to configure MFA to help protect AWS resources)
    4. Don’t write down or remember the root account password after creating the AWS account.
  5. Fill the blanks: ____ helps us track AWS API calls and transitions, ____ helps to understand what resources we have now, and ____ allows auditing credentials and logins.
    1. AWS Config, CloudTrail, IAM Credential Reports
    2. CloudTrail, IAM Credential Reports, AWS Config
    3. CloudTrail, AWS Config, IAM Credential Reports
    4. AWS Config, IAM Credential Reports, CloudTrail


  • AWS IAM Documentation
  • Re-Invent Video

AWS IAM Roles vs Resource-Based Policies

AWS allows granting cross-account access to AWS resources, which can be done using IAM Roles or Resource-Based Policies.

IAM Roles

  • Roles can be created to act as a proxy to allow users or services to access resources.
  • Roles support
    • trust policy which helps determine who can access the resources and
    • permission policy which helps to determine what they can access.
  • Users who assume a role temporarily give up their own permissions and instead take on the permissions of the role. The original user permissions are restored when the user exits or stops using the role.
  • Roles can be used to provide access to almost all the AWS resources.
  • Permissions provided to the User through the Role can be further restricted per user by passing an optional policy to the STS request. This policy cannot be used to elevate privileges beyond what the assumed role is allowed to access

Resource-based Policies

  • Resource-based policy allows you to attach a policy directly to the resource you want to share, instead of using a role as a proxy.
  • Resource-based policy specifies the Principal, in the form of a list of AWS account ID numbers, can access that resource and what they can access.
  • Using cross-account access with a resource-based policy, the User still works in the trusted account and does not have to give up their permissions in place of the role permissions.
  • Users can work on the resources from both accounts at the same time and this can be useful for scenarios e.g. copying objects from one bucket to the other bucket in a different AWS account.
  • Resources that you want to share are limited to resources that support resource-based policies
    • S3 allows you to define Bucket policy to grant access to the bucket and the objects
    • Simple Notification Service (SNS)
    • Simple Queue Service (SQS)
    • Glacier Vaults
    • OpsWorks stacks
    • Lambda functions
  • Resource-based policies need the trusted account to create users with permissions to be able to access the resources from the trusted account.
  • Only permissions equivalent to, or less than, the permissions granted to your account by the resource owning account can be delegated.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. What are the two permission types used by AWS?
    1. Resource-based and Product-based
    2. Product-based and Service-based
    3. Service-based
    4. User-based and Resource-based
  2. What’s the policy used for cross-account access? (Choose 2)
    1. Trust policy
    2. Permissions Policy
    3. Key policy


  • IAM Roles
  • IAM Resource-based Policies
  • IAM Role differ from Resource-based Policies
  • IAM role is very similar to a user, in that it is an identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and cannot do in AWS.
  • IAM role is not intended to be uniquely associated with a particular user, group, or service and is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it.
  • Role does not have any static credentials (password or access keys) associated with it and whoever assumes the role is provided with dynamic temporary credentials.
  • Role helps in access delegation to grant permissions to someone that allows access to resources that you control.
  • Roles can help to prevent accidental access to or modification of sensitive resources.
  • Modification of a Role can be done anytime and the changes are reflected across all the entities associated with the Role immediately.
  • IAM Role plays a very important role in the following scenarios
    • Services like EC2 instances running an application that needs to access other AWS services.
    • Cross-Account access – Allowing users from different AWS accounts to have access to AWS resources in a different account, instead of having to create users.
    • Identity Providers & Federation
      • Company uses a Corporate Authentication mechanism and doesn’t want the User to authenticate twice or create duplicate users in AWS
      • Applications allowing login through external authentication mechanisms e.g. Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc
  • Role can be assumed by
    • IAM user within the same AWS account
    • IAM user from a different AWS account
    • AWS services such as EC2, EMR to interact with other services
    • An external user authenticated by an external identity provider (IdP) service that is compatible with SAML 2.0 or OpenID Connect (OIDC), or a custom-built identity broker.
  • Role involves defining two policies
    • Trust policy
      • Trust policy defines – who can assume the role
      • Trust policy involves setting up a trust between the account that owns the resource (trusting account) and the account that owns the user that needs access to the resources (trusted account).
    • Permissions policy
      • Permissions policy defines – what they can access
      • Permissions policy determines authorization, which grants the user of the role with the needed permissions to carry out the desired tasks on the resource
  • Federation is creating a trust relationship between an external Identity Provider (IdP) and AWS.
    • Users can also sign in to an enterprise identity system that is compatible with SAML
    • Users can sign in to a web identity provider, such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, or any IdP that is compatible with OpenID connect (OIDC).
    • When using OIDC and SAML 2.0 to configure a trust relationship between these external identity providers and AWS, the user is assigned to an IAM role and receives temporary credentials that enable the user to access AWS resources.
  • IAM Best Practice – Use roles for applications running on EC2 instances
  • IAM Best Practice – Delegate using roles instead of sharing credentials

AWS STS & Temporary Credentials

  • AWS Security Token Service (STS) helps create and provide trusted users with temporary security credentials that control access to AWS resources
  • STS is a global service with a single endpoint https://sts.amazonaws.com
  • AWS STS API calls can be made either to a global endpoint or to one of the regional endpoints. Regional endpoint can help reduce latency and improve the performance of the API calls
  • Temporary Credentials are similar to Long Term Credentials except for
    • are short term and are regularly rotated
    • can be configured to last from few minutes to several hours
    • do not have to be embedded or distributed
    • are not stored or attached with the User, but are generated dynamically and provided to the user as and when requested

AWS Service Roles

  • Some AWS services need to interact with other AWS services for e.g. EC2 interacting with S3, SQS, etc
  • Best practice is to assign these services with IAM roles instead of embedding or passing IAM user credentials directly into an instance, because distributing and rotating long-term credentials to multiple instances is challenging to manage and a potential security risk.
  • AWS automatically provides temporary security credentials for these services e.g. EC2 instance to use on behalf of its applications
  • Deleting a role or instance profile that is associated with a running EC2 instance will break any applications running on the instance

Complete Process Flow

  1. Create an IAM role with services who would use it for e.g. EC2 as a trusted entity and define permission policies with the access the service needs
  2. Associated a Role (actually an Instance profile) with the EC2 service when the instance is launched
  3. Temporary security credentials are available on the instance and are automatically rotated before they expire so that a valid set is always available
  4. Application can retrieve the temporary credentials either using the Instance metadata directly or through AWS SDK
  5. Applications running on the EC2 instance can now use the permissions defined in the Role to access other AWS resources
  6. Application, if caching the credentials, needs to make sure it uses the correct credentials before they expire

Instance Profile

  • An instance profile is a container for an IAM role that you can use to pass role information to an EC2 instance when the instance starts.
  • If a Role is created for EC2 instance or any other service that uses EC2 through AWS Management Console, AWS creates a Instance profile automatically with the same name as the Role. However, if the Role is created through CLI the instance profile needs to be created as well.
  • An instance profile can contain only one IAM role. However, a role can be included in multiple instance profiles.

Service-linked Roles

  • A service-linked role is a unique type of IAM role that is linked directly to an AWS service.
  • Service-linked roles are predefined by the service and include all the permissions that the service requires to call other AWS services on your behalf.
  • Service-linked roles appear in your IAM account and are owned by the service. An IAM administrator can view, but not edit the permissions for service-linked roles.

Cross-Account access Roles

  • IAM users can be granted permission to switch roles within the same AWS account or to roles defined in other AWS accounts that you own.
  • Roles can also be used to delegate permissions to IAM users from AWS accounts owned by Third parties
    • You must explicitly grant the users permission to assume the role.
    • Users must actively switch to the role using the AWS Management Console.
    • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) protection can be enabled for the role so that only users who sign in with an MFA device can assume the role
  • However, only One set of permissions are applicable at a time. User who assumes a role temporarily gives up his or her own permissions and instead takes on the permissions of the role. When the user exits, or stops using the role, the original user permissions are restored.

Complete Process Flow

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A company is building software on AWS that requires access to various AWS services. Which configuration should be used to ensure that AWS credentials (i.e., Access Key ID/Secret Access Key combination) are not compromised?
    1. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication for your AWS root account.
    2. Assign an IAM role to the Amazon EC2 instance.
    3. Store the AWS Access Key ID/Secret Access Key combination in software comments.
    4. Assign an IAM user to the Amazon EC2 Instance.
  2. A company is preparing to give AWS Management Console access to developers. Company policy mandates identity federation and role-based access control. Roles are currently assigned using groups in the corporate Active Directory. What combination of the following will give developers access to the AWS console? (Select 2) Choose 2 answers
    1. AWS Directory Service AD Connector
    2. AWS Directory Service Simple AD
    3. AWS Identity and Access Management groups
    4. AWS identity and Access Management roles
    5. AWS identity and Access Management users
  3. A customer needs corporate IT governance and cost oversight of all AWS resources consumed by its divisions. The divisions want to maintain administrative control of the discrete AWS resources they consume and keep those resources separate from the resources of other divisions. Which of the following options, when used together will support the autonomy/control of divisions while enabling corporate IT to maintain governance and cost oversight? Choose 2 answers
    1. Use AWS Consolidated Billing and disable AWS root account access for the child accounts.
    2. Enable IAM cross-account access for all corporate IT administrators in each child account. (Provides IT governance)
    3. Create separate VPCs for each division within the corporate IT AWS account.
    4. Use AWS Consolidated Billing to link the divisions’ accounts to a parent corporate account. (Will provide cost oversight)
    5. Write all child AWS CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch logs to each child account’s Amazon S3 ‘Log’ bucket.
  4. Which of the following items are required to allow an application deployed on an EC2 instance to write data to a DynamoDB table? Assume that no security keys are allowed to be stored on the EC2 instance. (Choose 2 answers)
    1. Create an IAM Role that allows write access to the DynamoDB table
    2. Add an IAM Role to a running EC2 instance. (With latest enhancement from AWS, IAM role can be assigned to a running EC2 instance)
    3. Create an IAM User that allows write access to the DynamoDB table.
    4. Add an IAM User to a running EC2 instance.
    5. Launch an EC2 Instance with the IAM Role included in the launch configuration (This was the correct answer before, as AWS did not allow IAM role to be added to an existing instance)
  5. You are looking to migrate your Development (Dev) and Test environments to AWS. You have decided to use separate AWS accounts to host each environment. You plan to link each accounts bill to a Master AWS account using Consolidated Billing. To make sure you Keep within budget you would like to implement a way for administrators in the Master account to have access to stop, delete and/or terminate resources in both the Dev and Test accounts. Identify which option will allow you to achieve this goal. [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Create IAM users in the Master account with full Admin permissions. Create cross-account roles in the Dev and Test accounts that grant the Master account access to the resources in the account by inheriting permissions from the Master account.
    2. Create IAM users and a cross-account role in the Master account that grants full Admin permissions to the Dev and Test accounts.
    3. Create IAM users in the Master account Create cross-account roles in the Dev and Test accounts that have full Admin permissions and grant the Master account access
    4. Link the accounts using Consolidated Billing. This will give IAM users in the Master account access to resources in the Dev and Test accounts
  6. You have an application running on an EC2 Instance which will allow users to download flies from a private S3 bucket using a pre-assigned URL. Before generating the URL the application should verify the existence of the file in S3. How should the application use AWS credentials to access the S3 bucket securely? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Use the AWS account access Keys the application retrieves the credentials from the source code of the application.
    2. Create a IAM user for the application with permissions that allow list access to the S3 bucket launch the instance as the IAM user and retrieve the IAM user’s credentials from the EC2 instance user data.
    3. Create an IAM role for EC2 that allows list access to objects in the S3 bucket. Launch the instance with the role, and retrieve the role’s credentials from the EC2 Instance metadata
    4. Create an IAM user for the application with permissions that allow list access to the S3 bucket. The application retrieves the IAM user credentials from a temporary directory with permissions that allow read access only to the application user.
  7. An administrator is using Amazon CloudFormation to deploy a three tier web application that consists of a web tier and application tier that will utilize Amazon DynamoDB for storage when creating the CloudFormation template which of the following would allow the application instance access to the DynamoDB tables without exposing API credentials?  [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Create an Identity and Access Management Role that has the required permissions to read and write from the required DynamoDB table and associate the Role to the application instances by referencing an instance profile.
    2. Use the Parameter section in the Cloud Formation template to nave the user input Access and Secret Keys from an already created IAM user that has me permissions required to read and write from the required DynamoDB table.
    3. Create an Identity and Access Management Role that has the required permissions to read and write from the required DynamoDB table and reference the Role in the instance profile property of the application instance.
    4. Create an identity and Access Management user in the CloudFormation template that has permissions to read and write from the required DynamoDB table, use the GetAtt function to retrieve the Access and secret keys and pass them to the application instance through user-data.
  8. An enterprise wants to use a third-party SaaS application. The SaaS application needs to have access to issue several API commands to discover Amazon EC2 resources running within the enterprise’s account. The enterprise has internal security policies that require any outside access to their environment must conform to the principles of least privilege and there must be controls in place to ensure that the credentials used by the SaaS vendor cannot be used by any other third party. Which of the following would meet all of these conditions? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. From the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Security Credentials page and retrieve the access and secret key for your account.
    2. Create an IAM user within the enterprise account assign a user policy to the IAM user that allows only the actions required by the SaaS application create a new access and secret key for the user and provide these credentials to the SaaS provider.
    3. Create an IAM role for cross-account access allows the SaaS provider’s account to assume the role and assign it a policy that allows only the actions required by the SaaS application.
    4. Create an IAM role for EC2 instances, assign it a policy mat allows only the actions required tor the SaaS application to work, provide the role ARM to the SaaS provider to use when launching their application instances.
  9. A user has created an application which will be hosted on EC2. The application makes calls to DynamoDB to fetch certain data. The application is using the DynamoDB SDK to connect with from the EC2 instance. Which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the best practice for security in this scenario?
    1. The user should attach an IAM role with DynamoDB access to the EC2 instance
    2. The user should create an IAM user with DynamoDB access and use its credentials within the application to connect with DynamoDB
    3. The user should create an IAM role, which has EC2 access so that it will allow deploying the application
    4. The user should create an IAM user with DynamoDB and EC2 access. Attach the user with the application so that it does not use the root account credentials
  10. A customer is in the process of deploying multiple applications to AWS that are owned and operated by different development teams. Each development team maintains the authorization of its users independently from other teams. The customer’s information security team would like to be able to delegate user authorization to the individual development teams but independently apply restrictions to the users permissions based on factors such as the users device and location. For example, the information security team would like to grant read-only permissions to a user who is defined by the development team as read/write whenever the user is authenticating from outside the corporate network. What steps can the information security team take to implement this capability? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Operate an authentication service that generates AWS STS tokens with IAM policies from application-defined IAM roles. (no user separation, will just help generate temporary tokens)
    2. Add additional IAM policies to the application IAM roles that deny user privileges based on information security policy. (Different policy with deny rules based on location, device and more restrictive wins)
    3. Configure IAM policies that restrict modification of the application IAM roles only to the information security team. (Authorization should still be in developers control)
    4. Enable federation with the internal LDAP directory and grant the application teams permissions to modify users.
  11. You are creating an Auto Scaling group whose Instances need to insert a custom metric into CloudWatch. Which method would be the best way to authenticate your CloudWatch PUT request?
    1. Create an IAM role with the Put MetricData permission and modify the Auto Scaling launch configuration to launch instances in that role
    2. Create an IAM user with the PutMetricData permission and modify the Auto Scaling launch configuration to inject the users credentials into the instance User Data
    3. Modify the appropriate Cloud Watch metric policies to allow the Put MetricData permission to instances from the Auto Scaling group
    4. Create an IAM user with the PutMetricData permission and put the credentials in a private repository and have applications on the server pull the credentials as needed



AWS IAM – Identity Access Management
  • AWS IAM – Identity and Access Management is a web service that helps you securely control access to AWS resources for your users.
  • IAM is used to control
    • Identity – who can use your AWS resources (authentication)
    • Access – what resources they can use and in what ways (authorization)
  • IAM can also keep the account credentials private.
  • With IAM, multiple users can be created under the umbrella of the AWS account or temporary access can be enabled through identity federation with the corporate directory or third-party providers.
  • IAM also enables access to resources across AWS accounts.

IAM Features

  • Shared access to your AWS account
    • Grant other people permission to administer and use resources in your AWS account without having to share your password or access key.
  • Granular permissions
    • Each user can be granted a different set of granular permissions as required to perform their job
  • Secure access to AWS resources for applications that run on EC2
    • can help provide applications running on EC2 instance temporary credentials that they need in order to access other AWS resources
  • Identity federation
    • allows users to access AWS resources, without requiring the user to have accounts with AWS, by providing temporary credentials for e.g. through corporate network or Google or Amazon authentication 
  • Identity information for assurance
    • CloudTrail can be used to receive log records that include information about those who made requests for resources in the account.
  • PCI DSS Compliance
    • supports the processing, storage, and transmission of credit card data by a merchant or service provider, and has been validated as being Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant
  • Integrated with many AWS services
    • integrates with almost all the AWS services
  • Eventually Consistent
    • is eventually consistent and achieves high availability by replicating data across multiple servers within Amazon’s data centers around the world.
    • Changes made to IAM would be eventually consistent and hence would take some time to reflect
  • Free to use
    • is offered at no additional charge and charges are applied only for use of other AWS products by your IAM users.
  • AWS Security Token Service
    • provides STS which is an included feature of the AWS account offered at no additional charge.
    • AWS charges only for the use of other AWS services accessed by the AWS STS temporary security credentials.


IAM identities determine who can access and help to provide authentication for people and processes in your AWS account

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. Which service enables AWS customers to manage users and permissions in AWS?
    1. AWS Access Control Service (ACS)
    2. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    3. AWS Identity Manager (AIM)
  2. IAM provides several policy templates you can use to automatically assign permissions to the groups you create. The _____ policy template gives the Admins group permission to access all account resources, except your AWS account information
    1. Read Only Access
    2. Power User Access
    3. AWS Cloud Formation Read Only Access
    4. Administrator Access
  3. Every user you create in the IAM system starts with _________.
    1. Partial permissions
    2. Full permissions
    3. No permissions
  4. Groups can’t _____.
    1. be nested more than 3 levels
    2. be nested at all
    3. be nested more than 4 levels
    4. be nested more than 2 levels
  5. The _____ service is targeted at organizations with multiple users or systems that use AWS products such as Amazon EC2, Amazon SimpleDB, and the AWS Management Console.
    1. Amazon RDS
    2. AWS Integrity Management
    3. AWS Identity and Access Management
    4. Amazon EMR
  6. An AWS customer is deploying an application that is composed of an AutoScaling group of EC2 Instances. The customers security policy requires that every outbound connection from these instances to any other service within the customers Virtual Private Cloud must be authenticated using a unique x.509 certificate that contains the specific instanceid. In addition an x.509 certificates must be designed by the customer’s Key management service in order to be trusted for authentication. Which of the following configurations will support these requirements?
    1. Configure an IAM Role that grants access to an Amazon S3 object containing a signed certificate and configure the Auto Scaling group to launch instances with this role. Have the instances bootstrap get the certificate from Amazon S3 upon first boot.
    2. Embed a certificate into the Amazon Machine Image that is used by the Auto Scaling group. Have the launched instances generate a certificate signature request with the instance’s assigned instance-id to the Key management service for signature.
    3. Configure the Auto Scaling group to send an SNS notification of the launch of a new instance to the trusted key management service. Have the Key management service generate a signed certificate and send it directly to the newly launched instance.
    4. Configure the launched instances to generate a new certificate upon first boot. Have the Key management service poll the AutoScaling group for associated instances and send new instances a certificate signature that contains the specific instance-id.
  7. When assessing an organization AWS use of AWS API access credentials which of the following three credentials should be evaluated? Choose 3 answers
    1. Key pairs
    2. Console passwords
    3. Access keys
    4. Signing certificates
    5. Security Group memberships (required for EC2 instance access)
  8. An organization has created 50 IAM users. The organization wants that each user can change their password but cannot change their access keys. How can the organization achieve this?
    1. The organization has to create a special password policy and attach it to each user
    2. The root account owner has to use CLI which forces each IAM user to change their password on first login
    3. By default each IAM user can modify their passwords
    4. Root account owner can set the policy from the IAM console under the password policy screen
  9. An organization has created 50 IAM users. The organization has introduced a new policy which will change the access of an IAM user. How can the organization implement this effectively so that there is no need to apply the policy at the individual user level?
    1. Use the IAM groups and add users as per their role to different groups and apply policy to group
    2. The user can create a policy and apply it to multiple users in a single go with the AWS CLI
    3. Add each user to the IAM role as per their organization role to achieve effective policy setup
    4. Use the IAM role and implement access at the role level
  10. Your organization’s security policy requires that all privileged users either use frequently rotated passwords or one-time access credentials in addition to username/password. Which two of the following options would allow an organization to enforce this policy for AWS users? Choose 2 answers
    1. Configure multi-factor authentication for privileged IAM users
    2. Create IAM users for privileged accounts (can set password policy)
    3. Implement identity federation between your organization’s Identity provider leveraging the IAM Security Token Service
    4. Enable the IAM single-use password policy option for privileged users (no such option the password expiration can be set from 1 to 1095 days)
  11. Your organization is preparing for a security assessment of your use of AWS. In preparation for this assessment, which two IAM best practices should you consider implementing? Choose 2 answers
    1. Create individual IAM users for everyone in your organization
    2. Configure MFA on the root account and for privileged IAM users
    3. Assign IAM users and groups configured with policies granting least privilege access
    4. Ensure all users have been assigned and are frequently rotating a password, access ID/secret key, and X.509 certificate
  12. A company needs to deploy services to an AWS region which they have not previously used. The company currently has an AWS identity and Access Management (IAM) role for the Amazon EC2 instances, which permits the instance to have access to Amazon DynamoDB. The company wants their EC2 instances in the new region to have the same privileges. How should the company achieve this?
    1. Create a new IAM role and associated policies within the new region
    2. Assign the existing IAM role to the Amazon EC2 instances in the new region
    3. Copy the IAM role and associated policies to the new region and attach it to the instances
    4. Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) of the instance and copy it to the desired region using the AMI Copy feature
  13. After creating a new IAM user which of the following must be done before they can successfully make API calls?
    1. Add a password to the user.
    2. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication for the user.
    3. Assign a Password Policy to the user.
    4. Create a set of Access Keys for the user
  14. An organization is planning to create a user with IAM. They are trying to understand the limitations of IAM so that they can plan accordingly. Which of the below mentioned statements is not true with respect to the limitations of IAM?
    1. One IAM user can be a part of a maximum of 5 groups (Refer link)
    2. Organization can create 100 groups per AWS account
    3. One AWS account can have a maximum of 5000 IAM users
    4. One AWS account can have 250 roles
  15. Within the IAM service a GROUP is regarded as a:
    1. A collection of AWS accounts
    2. It’s the group of EC2 machines that gain the permissions specified in the GROUP.
    3. There’s no GROUP in IAM, but only USERS and RESOURCES.
    4. A collection of users.
  16. Is there a limit to the number of groups you can have?
    1. Yes for all users except root
    2. No
    3. Yes unless special permission granted
    4. Yes for all users
  17. What is the default maximum number of MFA devices in use per AWS account (at the root account level)?
    1. 1
    2. 5
    3. 15
    4. 10
  18. When you use the AWS Management Console to delete an IAM user, IAM also deletes any signing certificates and any access keys belonging to the user.
    1. FALSE
    2. This is configurable
    3. TRUE
  19. You are setting up a blog on AWS. In which of the following scenarios will you need AWS credentials? (Choose 3)
    1. Sign in to the AWS management console to launch an Amazon EC2 instance
    2. Sign in to the running instance to instance some software (needs ssh keys)
    3. Launch an Amazon RDS instance
    4. Log into your blog’s content management system to write a blog post (need to authenticate using blog authentication)
    5. Post pictures to your blog on Amazon S3
  20. An organization has 500 employees. The organization wants to set up AWS access for each department. Which of the below mentioned options is a possible solution?
    1. Create IAM roles based on the permission and assign users to each role
    2. Create IAM users and provide individual permission to each
    3. Create IAM groups based on the permission and assign IAM users to the groups
    4. It is not possible to manage more than 100 IAM users with AWS
  21. An organization has hosted an application on the EC2 instances. There will be multiple users connecting to the instance for setup and configuration of application. The organization is planning to implement certain security best practices. Which of the below mentioned pointers will not help the organization achieve better security arrangement?
    1. Apply the latest patch of OS and always keep it updated.
    2. Allow only IAM users to connect with the EC2 instances with their own secret access key. (Refer link)
    3. Disable the password-based login for all the users. All the users should use their own keys to connect with the instance securely.
    4. Create a procedure to revoke the access rights of the individual user when they are not required to connect to EC2 instance anymore for the purpose of application configuration.
IAM Access Management
  • IAM Access Management is all about Permissions and Policies.
  • Permission help define who has access & what actions can they perform.
  • IAM Policy helps to fine-tune the permissions granted to the policy owner
  • IAM Policy is a document that formally states one or more permissions.
  • Most restrictive Policy always wins
  • IAM Policy is defined in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format

IAM policy basically states “Principal A is allowed or denied (Effect) to perform Action B on Resource C given Conditions D are satisfied”

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. IAM’s Policy Evaluation Logic always starts with a default ____________ for every request, except for those that use the AWS account’s root security credentials b
    1. Permit
    2. Deny
    3. Cancel
  2. An organization has created 10 IAM users. The organization wants each of the IAM users to have access to a separate DynamoDB table. All the users are added to the same group and the organization wants to setup a group level policy for this. How can the organization achieve this?
    1. Define the group policy and add a condition which allows the access based on the IAM name
    2. Create a DynamoDB table with the same name as the IAM user name and define the policy rule which grants access based on the DynamoDB ARN using a variable
    3. Create a separate DynamoDB database for each user and configure a policy in the group based on the DB variable
    4. It is not possible to have a group level policy which allows different IAM users to different DynamoDB Tables
  3. An organization has setup multiple IAM users. The organization wants that each IAM user accesses the IAM console only within the organization and not from outside. How can it achieve this?
    1. Create an IAM policy with the security group and use that security group for AWS console login
    2. Create an IAM policy with a condition which denies access when the IP address range is not from the organization
    3. Configure the EC2 instance security group which allows traffic only from the organization’s IP range
    4. Create an IAM policy with VPC and allow a secure gateway between the organization and AWS Console
  4. Can I attach more than one policy to a particular entity?
    1. Yes always
    2. Only if within GovCloud
    3. No
    4. Only if within VPC
  5. A __________ is a document that provides a formal statement of one or more permissions.
    1. policy
    2. permission
    3. Role
    4. resource
  6. A __________ is the concept of allowing (or disallowing) an entity such as a user, group, or role some type of access to one or more resources.
    1. user
    2. AWS Account
    3. resource
    4. permission
  7. True or False: When using IAM to control access to your RDS resources, the key names that can be used are case sensitive. For example, aws:CurrentTime is NOT equivalent to AWS:currenttime.
    1. TRUE
    2. FALSE (Refer link)
  8. A user has set an IAM policy where it allows all requests if a request from IP Another policy allows all the requests between 5 PM to 7 PM. What will happen when a user is requesting access from IP at 6 PM?
    1. IAM will throw an error for policy conflict
    2. It is not possible to set a policy based on the time or IP
    3. It will deny access
    4. It will allow access
  9. Which of the following are correct statements with policy evaluation logic in AWS Identity and Access Management? Choose 2 answers.
    1. By default, all requests are denied
    2. An explicit allow overrides an explicit deny
    3. An explicit allow overrides default deny
    4. An explicit deny does not override an explicit allow
    5. By default, all request are allowed
  10. A web design company currently runs several FTP servers that their 250 customers use to upload and download large graphic files. They wish to move this system to AWS to make it more scalable, but they wish to maintain customer privacy and keep costs to a minimum. What AWS architecture would you recommend? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Ask their customers to use an S3 client instead of an FTP client. Create a single S3 bucket. Create an IAM user for each customer. Put the IAM Users in a Group that has an IAM policy that permits access to subdirectories within the bucket via use of the ‘username’ Policy variable.
    2. Create a single S3 bucket with Reduced Redundancy Storage turned on and ask their customers to use an S3 client instead of an FTP client. Create a bucket for each customer with a Bucket Policy that permits access only to that one customer. (Creating bucket for each user is not a scalable model, also 100 buckets are a limit earlier without extending which has since changed link)
    3. Create an auto-scaling group of FTP servers with a scaling policy to automatically scale-in when minimum network traffic on the auto-scaling group is below a given threshold. Load a central list of ftp users from S3 as part of the user Data startup script on each Instance (Expensive)
    4. Create a single S3 bucket with Requester Pays turned on and ask their customers to use an S3 client instead of an FTP client. Create a bucket tor each customer with a Bucket Policy that permits access only to that one customer. (Creating bucket for each user is not a scalable model, also 100 buckets are a limit earlier without extending which has since changed link)

Identity & Access Management – IAM

  • administrators authorize who can take what action on which resources
  • IAM Member can be a Google Account (for end users), a service account (for apps and virtual machines), a Google group, or a Google Workspace or Cloud Identity domain that can access a resource.
  • IAM Role is a collection of permissions granted to authenticated members.
  • supports 3 kinds of roles
    • Primitive roles – board level of access
    • Predefined roles – finer-grained granular access control
    • Custom roles – tailored permissions when predefined roles don’t meet the needs.
  • Best practice is to use Predefined over primitive roles
  • IAM Policy binds one or more members to a role.
  • IAM policy can be set at any level in the resource hierarchy:  organization level,  folder level, the project level, or the resource level.
  • IAM Policy inheritance is transitive and resources inherit the policies of all of their parent resources.
  • Effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set on that resource and the policies inherited from higher up in the hierarchy.
  • Service account is a special kind of account used by an application or a virtual machine (VM) instance, not a person.
  • Access Scopes are the legacy method of specifying permissions for the instance for default service accounts
  • Best practice is to set the full cloud-platform access scope on the instance, then securely limit the service account’s access using IAM roles.
  • Delegate responsibility with groups (instead of individual users) and service accounts (for server-to-server interactions)

Cloud Identity

  • Cloud Identity is an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solution that helps centrally manage the users and groups.
  • configured to federate identities between Google and other identity providers, such as Active Directory and Azure Active Directory
  • Cloud Identity and Google Workspace support Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 for single sign-on  with authentication performed by an external identity provider (IdP)
  • With SAML,  Cloud Identity or Google Workspace acts as a service provider that trusts the SAML IdP to verify a user’s identity on its behalf.
  • Google Cloud Directory Sync – GCDS implements the synchronization process between external IdP

Cloud Billing

  • Google Cloud Billing defines billing accounts linked to Google Cloud Projects to determine who pays for a given set of Google Cloud resources.
  • To move the project to a different billing account, you must be a billing administrator and the project owner.
  • To link a project to a billing account, you must be a Billing Account Administrator or Billing Account User on the billing account OR Project Billing Manager on the project
  • Cloud Billing budgets can be created to monitor all of the Google Cloud charges in one place and configure alerts
  • supports BigQuery export with detailed Google Cloud billing data (such as usage, cost estimates, and pricing data) automatically throughout the day to a specified BigQuery dataset
  • Google Cloud billing data is not added retroactively to BigQuery, so the data before export is enabled will not be visible.

    What are the types of authentication in AWS?

    AWS account root user. When you create an AWS account, you begin with one sign-in identity that has complete access to all AWS services and resources in the account. ... .
    IAM Users and Groups. ... .
    IAM Roles. ... .
    Identity-Based Policies. ... .
    Other Policy Types. ... .
    Multiple Policy Types..

    What are AWS credentials?

    When you interact with AWS, you specify your AWS security credentials to verify who you are and whether you have permission to access the resources that you are requesting. AWS uses the security credentials to authenticate and authorize your requests.

    Which types of credentials can IAM user have to access AWS?

    You can access AWS in different ways depending on the IAM user credentials:.
    Console password: A password that the IAM user can type to sign in to interactive sessions such as the AWS Management Console. ... .
    Access keys: Used to make programmatic calls to AWS..

    Which of the following are the credentials are used to log in to AWS?

    To sign in as an IAM user The account owner provides you with the account ID or alias, your user name, and your password. For more information, see Signing in as an IAM user in the AWS Sign-In User Guide. For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting sign-in issues in the AWS Sign-In User Guide.