Which of Kohlbergs levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood quizlet?

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Which of Kohlbergs levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood quizlet?


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Which of Kohlbergs levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

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Which of Kohlbergs levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

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Which of Kohlbergs levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood quizlet?

Learning and Behavior

7th EditionPaul Chance

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Terms in this set (50)

In Lawrence Kohlberg's preconventional reasoning stage, good and bad are interpreted in terms of

external rewards and punishments.

The industry versus inferiority stage is the ________ stage of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development.


Cynthia, a fourth grader, detests having to eat vegetables and recently, her mother caught her throwing away her lunch in the trash. Since this incident, Cynthia has been forcing herself to eat whatever food she is given, not because she understands that it is healthy for her, but because she is scared that her mother will announce another time out. This is an example of Kohlberg's ________ stage of moral reasoning.

heteronomous morality

All of the following are potential outcomes of being bullied EXCEPT:
Suicidal thoughts
Attempt suicide


In Tina's classroom there are no "learning" centers and each day is highly structured and organized. Tina is being educated with the ________ approach.

direct instruction

direct instruction

According to Erik Erikson, during middle and late childhood, children are in the stage of
integrity versus despair.

identity versus identity confusion.
industry versus inferiority.
initiative versus guilt.

industry versus inferiority.

Public speaking is an example of ________ talk.



Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to children's ability to understand others in middle and late childhood?

Children in this phase show a gradual decrease in perspective taking.

Perspective taking bears a high correlation with antisocial behavior.

Perspective taking improves children's ability to sympathize with those in distress.

Children in this stage lack the abilities of cognitive inhibition and cognitive flexibility.

Perspective taking improves children's ability to sympathize with those in distress.

The Urban Prep Academy for Young Men was established to provide single-sex education for African American males. What percentage of its first graduates enrolled in college?

10 percent
50 percent
75 percent
100 percent

100 percent

When compared with those who did the bullying, children who said they were bullied were more likely to

smoke and drink alcohol.
display highly prosocial behaviors.
display anxiety and socially withdrawn behavior.
have a history of being bullies themselves earlier.

display anxiety and socially withdrawn behavior.

Daniel was arrested for stealing government documents and he responded by saying that "Yes, I did steal the documents, and I am willing to go to jail for it. These documents prove that the government was engaging in a cover-up and I think the public has a right to know about such unethical actions." Lawrence Kohlberg would classify Daniel as using ________ morality in this situation.


Children of mothers with suboptimal mental health are more likely to
become bullies.
be popular.
be socially accepted.
react to ambiguous situations passively.

become bullies.

The care perspective of moral development was proposed by
Lawrence Kohlberg.
Carol Gilligan.
Jean Piaget.
Albert Bandura.

Carol Gilligan.

Kevin is a middle school boy who routinely makes fun of others students online and often posts threats to his fellow students through his social media site. When Kevin reaches adolescence he is
likely to engage in criminal behavior.
likely to be popular.
probably going to be elected class president.
likely to become show a secure attachment to his parents.

likely to engage in criminal behavior.

What students should know and the skills they should develop at each grade level in the various content areas are contained in

the Common Core State Standards.
the catalog of most colleges and universities.
the No Child Left Behind Act.
Public Law 94-142

the Common Core State Standards.

A ten-year-old is most likely to describe himself by saying,
"I am ten, and I have a bicycle."
"I am ten, and I have red hair and brown eyes."
"I am nice and I have a close friend named Tom."
"I live in a big, red brick house."

"I am nice and I have a close friend named Tom."

The most publicized criticism of Kohlberg's theory has come from Carol Gilligan who believes that Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development

focuses too much on the role played by family and cultural differences on moral development in children.
fails to use abstract principles of justice and ethics that are integral to morality.
fails to consider moral principles as universal and constant.
fails to account for relationships and concern for others as moral behavior.

fails to account for relationships and concern for others as moral behavior.

An insecure attachment to a mother during middle and late childhood is linked to

better peer relations in high school.
increases in anxiety levels.
higher cognitive functioning.
better physical fitness.

increases in anxiety levels.

Researchers investigating the benefits of single-sex education have found

that boys are now doing better academically than girls in both math and language arts when belonging to a single-sex institution.
that in an all-girl classroom, teachers have trouble keeping the girls focused.
no significant benefits for low-income children of color who participated in single-sex education.
improved cooperation between boys and girls once they are allowed to work together.

no significant benefits for low-income children of color who participated in single-sex education.

Which of the following statements about gender differences in emotions is accurate?

Girls are less likely than boys to express their emotions openly.
Boys are more likely to show empathy than are girls.
Girls are more likely to be able to read others' emotions than boys.
Boys are more likely to show self-regulation of emotion than girls.

Girls are more likely to be able to read others' emotions than boys.

________ refers to global evaluations of the self; it is also called self-worth or self-image.


Candice is presented with a moral dilemma. She responds by saying that the person in the dilemma should choose a course of action that will ensure that people will not think badly of that person. Candice's response reflects Lawrence Kohlberg's ________ reasoning level of moral development.

autonomous moral


According to recent research, which of the following is a long-term consequence of low self-esteem?

Increased marital satisfaction
Decreased life satisfaction
Decreased financial stability
Increased career satisfaction

Decreased life satisfaction

At Kohlberg's ________ level of moral reasoning, the individual recognizes alternative moral courses, explores the options, and then decides on a personal moral code.

social systems


Proponents of the constructivist approach believe that
schools should increase the amount of rote memorization required to ensure children are acquiring enough knowledge.
play and recess should be eliminated from the curriculum.

collaboration, children working together, should receive more emphasis in schools.
passive learning is best suited for teaching children critical thinking skills.

collaboration, children working together, should receive more emphasis in schools.

Susan Jones, a group counselor, came to Amelie's class and gave the students a questionnaire where students had to fill in the name of a classmates, one of whom they liked the most, one whom they disliked the most, and whom they considered to be a best friend. Susan cumulated all the results to give a score for each child. From the scenario, we can infer that

Susan's assessment was designed primarily to reveal the androgynous characteristics of the students.

Susan used the Bem Sex-Role Inventory for the purpose of her study.
Susan evaluated each student's sociometric status in her study.
Susan was studying the cognitive and intellectual capacities of each child.

Susan evaluated each student's sociometric status in her study.

Which of the following is NOT a function of friendship?

Social comparison
Ego support


Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to bullying?

Girls are more likely to be bullied than boys.
Younger middle school students were least likely to be affected by bullying.
Incidents of bullying are unaffected by social context as there are no witnesses to acts of bullying in most cases.
Boys are more likely to be bullies than girls.

Boys are more likely to be bullies than girls.

________ children are infrequently nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.



Neglected children are

infrequently nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.

frequently nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their teachers.

frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked.

infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers.

infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers.

According to William Damon, sharing in early elementary school years is characterized by the

objective standard of fairness.
motivation to obey adult authority figures.
sense of obligation.
sense of imitation.

objective standard of fairness.

Intimacy in friendships is characterized by sharing based on

principles of fairness and exchange.
principles of coregulation and autonomy.
self-disclosure involving private thoughts.
compliance to parental authority.

self-disclosure involving private thoughts.

________ reasoning is the highest level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.



Jane and Cara often speak to each other about happenings at school, their weekend plans, or even something new they learned. Their friendship grew even more when Jane's parents separated and Cara was there to listen to Jane's fears about her parents' impending divorce. Cara then told her how her parents fought very often too and that she was fearful that her parents may opt for a divorce as well. The communication in their friendship is characterized by

relational aggression.
self assertion.
features of report talk.


Joanna, a fourth grader, loves to go to school. Joanna's parents are amazed at how quickly she understands concepts, internalizes skills, and makes friends at school. Yesterday, Joanna came home and told her parents that the working model of a windmill that she had made with her friends was put on display in class and applauded widely by everyone. Joanna is likely to develop a sense of ________ from her adjustments and accomplishments at this stage, according to Erikson's psychosocial theory.


Female brains differ from male brains, in that

female brains are larger than male brains.
an area of the parietal lobe that functions in visuospatial skills is smaller in males than female.
the areas of the brain involved in emotional expression show more metabolic activity in males than females.
one part of the hypothalamus responsible for sexual behavior is larger in men than women.

one part of the hypothalamus responsible for sexual behavior is larger in men than women.

Suicidal ideation, depression, and suicide attempts are all associated with

securely attached children.
being bullied.
being a bully.
participating in sports programs.

being bullied.

Jeremy is nine years old. He is mediocre in terms of his academic and extracurricular performance and suffers from low self-esteem. His parents have been using various strategies to help him increase his self-esteem. Which of the following strategies they have been using is LEAST likely to be effective?

scheme internalization
behavior modification


Which of the following is TRUE with regard to stepfamilies?

Infants and preschoolers are the largest group of children growing up in stepfamilies.

A vast majority of stepfamilies succeed in providing a stable family environment.

Three common types of stepfamily structure are (1) stepfather, (2) stepmother, and (3) blended or complex.

The largest number of stepfamilies are preceded by death of a spouse rather that differences between partners leading to a divorce.

Three common types of stepfamily structure are (1) stepfather, (2) stepmother, and (3) blended or complex.

During middle and late childhood, lower levels of internalized symptoms, such as depression and anxiety, are linked to a(n) ________ attachment.



________ talk is the language of conversation and a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships.



________ children are infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers.



When compared to boys, girls are likely to engage in

more report talk than rapport talk.
less self-regulation of emotion than males.
more relational aggression.
more assertive communication and less prosocial behavior.

more relational aggression.

Bernard has low self-esteem. Which of the following is likely TRUE?

Bernard has an unwarranted sense of superiority.
Bernard is at risk for suicide and depression.
Bernard is arrogant and conceited.
Bernard believes himself to be good looking.

Bernard is at risk for suicide and depression.

A person evaluates the degree to which actual laws preserve and protect fundamental human rights and values at Kohlberg's ________ stage of moral reasoning.

heteronomous morality
individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange
interpersonal expectations and interpersonal conformity
social contract or utility and individual rights

social contract or utility and individual rights

________ talk is talk that gives information.



Gender differences in communication have shown that girls engage in more ________ when compared to boys.

self-assertive speech
passive listening
report talk


Which of the following is a feature of social conventional reasoning?

Emphasis on ethical standards
Focus on rules of morality
Arbitrary nature
Incorporation of the concept of justice

Arbitrary nature

Which of the following is TRUE regarding gender differences in brain structure and function?

Female brains are smaller but have more surface brain tissue than males.

One part of the hypothalamus responsible for sexual behavior is larger in women than men.

The areas of the brain involved in emotional expression show more metabolic activity in males than in females.

An area of the parietal lobe that functions in visuospatial skills is larger in females than in males.

Female brains are smaller but have more surface brain tissue than males.

Which of the followings statements is TRUE with regard to Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

Kohlberg proposed the two stages of heteronomous morality and autonomous morality to explain moral development in children.

Kohlberg proposed that children of different genders and cultural groups go through these stages in different ways.

Progression through the levels occurs as morality becomes more internal or mature.

This theory represents the care perspective of morality and undermines the justice perspective of morality.

Progression through the levels occurs as morality becomes more internal or mature.

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Which of Kohlbergs levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood quizlet?

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Which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning is most likely to be seen during middle late childhood?

Preconventional Moral Reasoning According to Kohlberg, children early in their middle childhood stage of development will typically display "Preconventional" moral reasoning. Children displaying preconventional moral reasoning have internalized basic culturally prescribed rules governing right and wrong behavior.

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-increased self-regulation is one of the most important aspects of the self in middle and late childhood.