Which AWS service would a customer use with a static website?


Which of the following components of the Cloudfront service can be used to distribute content to users across the globe?

Answer :

  • Amazon Edge locations

You’ve been asked to migrate 300 PB of data in one week. Which of the following solutions would you consider?

Answer :

  • Use multiple snowball devices

A company is storing an access key (access key ID and secret access key) in a text file on a custom AMI. The company uses the access key to access DynamoDB tables from instances created from the AMI. The security team has mandated a more secure solution. Which solution will meet the security team’s mandate?

Answer :

  • Create an IAM role with permissions to access the table, and launch all instances with the new role

An application saves the logs to an S3 bucket. A user wants to keep the logs for one month for troubleshooting purposes, and then purge the logs. What feature will enable this?

Answer :

  • Configuring lifecycle configuration rules on the S3 bucket

You’ve been asked to migrate a static website onto AWS. You have been told that the solution should be cost-effective. Which of the following solutions would you consider?

Answer :

  • Create a website using S3 static website hosting

A Solutions Architect is developing a document-sharing application and needs a storage layer. The storage should provide automatic support for versioning so that users can easily roll back to a previous version or recover a deleted account. Which AWS service will meet the above requirements?

Your company is planning to move to the AWS Cloud. You need to give a presentation on the cost perspective when moving existing resources to the AWS Cloud. When it comes to Amazon EC2, which of the following is an advantage when it comes to the cost perspective?

Answer :

  • The ability to only pay for what you use

Your company is planning on moving to the AWS Cloud. Once the move to the Cloud is complete, they want to ensure that the right security settings are put in place. Which of the below tools can assist with Security compliance. Choose 2 answers from the options given below.

Answer :

  • AWS Inspector
  • AWS Trusted Advisor

There is a requirement to collect important metrics from AWS RDS and EC2 Instances. Which of the following services can help fulfill this requirement?

Answer :

  • Amazon CloudWatch

Currently, your organization has an operational team that takes care of ID management in their on-premise data centre. They now also need to manage users and groups created in AWS. Which of the following AWS tools would they need to use for performing this management function?

Answer :

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

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Managing the network infrastructure

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, what is AWS responsible for?

AWS Simple Monthly Calculator

Which service should be used to estimate the costs of running a new project on AWS?

Which AWS tool will identify security groups that grant unrestricted Internet access to a limited list of ports?

Which AWS service can be used to generate alerts based on an estimated monthly bill?

All Upfront Reserved Instances for a 3-year term

Which Amazon EC2 pricing model offers the MOST significant discount when compared to On- Demand Instances?

Physically destroying storage media at end of life

Which of the following is the responsibility of AWS?

There is no guessing on capacity needs.

Which of the following is an advantage of using AWS?

Which AWS service would a customer use with a static website to achieve lower latency and high transfer speeds?

AWS Elastic Beanstalk,AWS CloudFormation

Which services manage and automate application deployments on AWS?

AWS Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

A user wants guidance on possible savings when migrating from on-premises to AWS. Which tool is suitable for this scenario?

Design for automated failure recovery,Use multiple Availability Zones

Which principles are used to architect applications for reliability on the AWS Cloud?

Rotate passwords and access keys,Contact AWS Support.

What tasks should a customer perform when that customer suspects an AWS account has been compromised?

Ensuring an application remains accessible, even if a resource fails

What is an example of high availability in the AWS Cloud?

Which AWS security service protects applications from distributed denial of service attacks with always-on detection and automatic inline mitigations?

A company wants to monitor the CPU usage of its Amazon EC2 resources. Which AWS service should the company use?

An entity that defines a set of permissions for use with an AWS resource

What is an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role?

They provide a discount over on-demand pricing.Customers can reserve capacity in an Availability Zone.

What are the advantages of Reserved Instances?

They automatically add or replace instances across multiple Availability Zones when the application needs it.

How do Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups help achieve high availability for a web application?

By using AWS Organizations consolidated billing

How can one AWS account use Reserved Instances from another AWS account?

3 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds

A customer runs an On-Demand Amazon Linux EC2 instance for 3 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds. For how much time will the customer be billed?

AWS Lambda,Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Which of the following AWS services provide compute resources?

Which AWS service enables users to deploy infrastructure as code by automating the process of provisioning resources?

AWS Direct Connect,AWS Storage Gateway

Which AWS services provide a way to extend an on-premises architecture to the AWS Cloud?

Which of the following allows users to provision a dedicated network connection from their internal network to AWS?

Amazon CloudFront,AWS Shield

Which services use AWS edge locations?

AWS Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

Which tool can be used to compare the costs of running a web application in a traditional hosting environment to running it on AWS?

Users pay for software by the hour or month depending on licensing.AWS Marketplace enables the user to launch applications with 1-Click.

What is the value of using third-party software from AWS Marketplace instead of installing thirdparty software on Amazon EC2?

Loosely couple components.

Which of the following is a cloud architectural design principle?

Patching of operating systems,Configuration of the security group

Under the shared responsibility model; which of the following areas are the customer's responsibility?

Which AWS service would a customer use with a static website to achieve low latency and high transfer speeds?

Amazon CloudFront is a web service that gives businesses and web application developers an easy and cost effective way to distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds.

Which AWS service or feature can be used for caching static web content?

Amazon S3 is a good choice for an Amazon CloudFront origin that includes static content such as images, videos, HTML pages, . css files, and . js files.

Which AWS service can be used to provide an on demand cloud based contact center?

With Amazon Connect, you can set up a contact center in minutes that can scale to support millions of customers.

Which of the following AWS service or features allows a user to easily connect thousands of VPCs?

AWS Transit Gateway allows you to easily scale connectivity across thousands of Amazon VPCs, AWS accounts, and on-premises networks controls.