trickle down là gì - Nghĩa của từ trickle down

trickle down có nghĩa là

A fairy tale told by Republicans. Based on the idea that if rich people are given Uber-Welfare in the form of tax credits, that they may throw a few crumbs to the rest of us, which somehow benefits us (even though the crumbs we get don't equal the money we've handed over to the rich). see also: absolute bullshit

Made popular under the Reagan Administration, it was his Republican primary opponent George Bush (Version 1.0) who coined the term voodoo economics to describe the principle. This, of course, was before it dawned on Bush that he was a rich bastard himself and should probably just keep his mouth shut.

Called trickle down as an endearing visual of the upper 1% pissing all over the less fortunate.


The best part of Dubya was just a trickle down Barbara's thigh.

trickle down có nghĩa là

A Failed economic policy that asserts that if you give tax cuts to the rich the profits will trickle down to the lower classes.
Time has shown that this Regan policy is nothing more then a scam to give the rich a Free Ride in society


Trickle down economics don't trickle down on me! Where's my money and my job? They been outsourced by some elitist rich snob.

trickle down có nghĩa là

The theory that the views, values, beliefs, opinions and superstitions of the Super Rich can be made to trickle down to the rest of the populace forcibly. Because money is power, as the divide between the rich and the poor grows wider (as tax policy becomes less progressive via policy manipulations), eventually a very small portion of the population holds the vast majority of the wealth. Combined with a chronic and severe lobbyist problem and systematic removal of sane limitations on political ad spending, the result is that vast wealth can significantly affect public policy. The concept of Democracy (one person, one vote) begins to break down as the wealth unbalance becomes extreme. The effect is self-serving: the power of the super wealthy to steer policy grows, as does their wealth, due to their undue influence. The result is that logically-defective memes can trickle down to the population and cause otherwise reasonable people to vote against their own interests and even against the most fundamental founding principles of the nation. Refer to definition of "American Taliban".


Dude A: Why the fuck would you vote for him? He's promised to pass his Christian beliefs in to law and lower taxes AGAIN on the super rich (which includes him, by the way). Do we really want to teach intelligent design instead of evolution in public schools and create a new class of trillionaires? Dude B: This is a Christian Nation! More guns! Drill baby drill! America rules! We're far superior to those muslim degenerates with all those wacky religious laws. The only thing that would make America better is banning the teaching of evolution, arming all of our teachers, and defining abortion as murder. Oh, and taxes are illegal. I built that. Dude A: That's some seriously fucked up black-belt-level Rupert Murdoch trickle down bullshit. We're not also banning the teaching of trickle down theory, are we?

trickle down có nghĩa là

(Noun) To fuck someone's leftovers.


Damn, Thad's ex has a fine ass. I'm thinkin' some trickle down banging tonight? Alex Moran: "Well I will get you all your leftovers. I call it trickle down banging."

trickle down có nghĩa là

prehaps the worlds stupidist economic policy, based on the premis that if you make the rich ritcher, that they will somwhow improve the condition of the poorest. Involves a great mis-understanding of human nature (and the nature of econmics)


How the west oppresive goverments (Chilie, Mexico, most of Africa, many asian countries) strong, to avoid popular rebelions.

trickle down có nghĩa là

(Also called voodoo or reverse robin hood economics)
Trickle down economics in todays economic climate is like offering someone with lung cancer a pack of smokes.

Fair enough rich people should support it, hell if i was rich so would i! But why the hell do the poorest people in society support it? It's like when someone in the street who's mugging you at gunpoint realises he has no bullets; what do you do?
1) kick the crap out of him and call the police. (or)
2)offer him some bullets you have in your pocket.
crazy isn't it?


Why do poor people support giving their money to the rich?

trickle down có nghĩa là

A cocktail you can get at the bar in which you keep buying a rich person drinks until they eventually puke in your glass.


They serve trickle downs at the bar, Reagan Diaries, in DC.

trickle down có nghĩa là

See greed


The great thing about trickle-down economics is that every time I purchase a new yacht or Humvee it helps out every member of society. Don't see this five course meal and seven hundred dollar bottle of wine as an example of greed and excessive consumption, think of it as a consumer-based economic stimulus package. Now then, what's fifteen percent of three thousand dollars? Or maybe I should only tip ten, the waiter forgot to put THREE lemons in my water!

trickle down có nghĩa là

The phenomenon in which the rich elite of America let poor and lazy Americans catch the ball sweat trickling off of the rich man's scrotum. It is believed that consuming the rich man's testicular perspiration makes the poor pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.


Boy! Goldman Sachs sure can trickle down all over my face. Now I have a job and a house!

trickle down có nghĩa là

A sex act where a wealthy man urinates on a poor worker, claiming that it's good for him.


Trickle Down Economics greatly benefits the poor and my bladder.