sydnei là gì - Nghĩa của từ sydnei

sydnei có nghĩa là

Sydney is unique in a very special way. Her love is one to die for, and her love will absolutely make your heart melt. Once in love, she is committed to the end. Sydney takes things VERY seriously, so one false move could be the end for you. But at the same time, she is very sarcastic. Although shy at times, she is very energetic. She absolutely knows how to turn a horrible day to the brightest day of your life. She is the type that hides the pain, and just wears a fake smile on the outside; only that one special person would know what is wrong, yet she will not admit it. No matter what, she is always positive. She is very insecure and sensitive but don't ever take advantage of that. Once you become hers, keep it that way. Once she lets you go, you're gone forever. She believes everyone makes mistakes, but no one could ever make the same mistake twice. Attractive, admirable, and VERY adorable. She has a very nice figure, not to mention her beauty on the outside AND inside. Loves to cuddle anytime of the day and loves to eat and sleep. Procrastinates a lot, and is VERY bipolar. Indeed VERY smart, but doesn't acknowledge it. Art and music is her passion. Laughs a lot, and will be very successful in her future. Flawless and strong willed. Great kisser and is the BEST in bed. Has VERY nice hair, and has a great sense of style. She puts others first before herself. She strives perfection. Sydney is one to die for.


Person #1: "She seems like a Sydney!" Person #2: "Hey, I'm gonna go ask her!" (Person #2 comes over and asks then walks back) Person #2: "Yup, man! That's definitely a Sydney!"

sydnei có nghĩa là

sydney is generally a beautiful, nice, spontaneous girl. she is usually quiet and shy, but around her friends she is outgoing. friends go to her for advice, because she knows what she is talking about. when you compliment her, she is always flattered, but doesn't see it in herself. she is beautiful, and if you tell her that, it will mean so much to her. she is a great friend, and an even better girlfriend, who will give a guy all the time in the world. if you have her, never let her go. sydneys are crazy, wild creatures, but are truly amazing. Her eyes are a mesmerizing olive-green, and they turn grey in the winter. she has passion for arts and music, and is in fact brilliant, though she may not show it. if you and a sydney are friends, you can trust her because she will not betray you. she has a guilty conscience, so she will always try to keep everyone happy. Her body is perfect, curvy rather than anorexic-skinny, yet her personality is even more perfect. She likes holding hands, cuddling, eating food like a regular human, and mismatched socks. When she likes a guy, don't be surprised that she doesn't go for the popular ones. Her fashion sense is unique, like her personality. Her faults are singing too loud and being clumsy. Don't betray the trust of her, though. She gives second chances, but isn't stupid and naive. Be kind to her, like she is to you. Sydney is the most spontaneous girl you will ever know, and she is not one you should take for granted.


"Wow, my girlfriend is too great. I really got to see her creative side." "Is she Sydney?" "You bet!"

sydnei có nghĩa là

A girl who will talk to you every day and still enjoy your company. She's super cute and attractive, yet she doesn't see what others see in her. She is super funny, and likes to make lame puns. She makes you want to wake up every morning and make sure the first voice she hears every day is yours. She is the best friend you could ever have. Thousands of miles can separate you, but that can't get in the way of your friendship. The perfect girl. If you're lucky enough to find your own Sydney, don't let her get away.


Man, Sydney is the most perfect girl in the world.

sydnei có nghĩa là

An amazing girl all around. Super funny. She'll be your best friend when you need her and your support when you're down. No matter what, she's there for you. Always. If you're her boyfriend, treat her right, because you're lucky to have her. Even with her loud and fun personality, she gets quiet if she really likes you. Has killer hair and piercing eyes, but doesn't believe it when you tell her she's beautiful.


"I'm so lucky to have Sydney as a friend."

sydnei có nghĩa là

A very nice girl. Sydneys are generally very nice, kind, atheletic, big readers although maybe not the best in school. Sydney is very beautiful but will deny and reject almost any compliment, she is very modest. She will have big dreams often leading her toward an artistic area. Sydneys often have big trust issues and are prone to heart break. This is a girl that you dont want to hurt because you never know if you will get her back. Sydneys will generally have very nice eyes and hair. She will refuse to be a stereotype and often is very seperate from the popular crowd. She will always find great friends though.
Sydneys are girls like no other <3< p>


See that girl Sydney over there? She is so nice, I wish she would talk to me. To shy I guess.

sydnei có nghĩa là

a lovely female with beautiful hair, nice lips, perfect skin tone, lovely eyes, loved by many guys, but only the lucky ones can get with her because she only gets with the best. her laugh is infectious, and the room lights up when she smiles. she has messed up in her past, but she is able to recognize her mistakes and move past them. she is sexual when provoked. most would call her sexy, others call her beautiful. she is patient and caring. there's nothing not to love, except her temper maybe LOL.


sydney's is perfect.

sydnei có nghĩa là

Someone who actually cares about you. She is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet, even on bad days. She normally thinks poorly of herself, but is always a good time to talk to. She is perfect.


Sydney is such a great person

sydnei có nghĩa là

Is irresistible yet moody. Talks a lot and has her own opinions which can't be altered easily. Anyone who comes into contact with her will be immediately begging her to be their best friend. She loves when people listen to her but can sometimes be shy in front of large crowds. She can be very persuasive and she uses this to her advantage. She wants to love somebody but when she finds that perfect person she is afraid to open her heart and say YOLO.


"Sydney, I love you"
"So do 3,000 other people"

sydnei có nghĩa là

A girl who is sexy off her ass. Knows whats up. She is the kind of girl who is an amazing lover. She has brown eyes and her features are very unique. Every man wants a Sydnei. She is beautiful.


Man-"Woah look at that sydnei!"

sydnei có nghĩa là

Amazingly beautiful with gorgeous hazel/green eyes. She has the brains of a scholar and the confidence of a super- model. She's funny and the most loyal friend anyone could ask for.


Wow! Did you meet the new girl? "guy 1" MmmHmm...She's a total Sydnei! "guy 2"