Spotify playlisting Reddit

I manage a bar in sunny Manchester UK. Always looking for the best music/playlists to pour pints to.

I find searching for playlists pretty rubbish. Never a lot on their browse section and searching manually is very limited. Why can't I search for playlists which contain a particular song or artist?

Anyhoo. Send us yer best and I'll love you forever!

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Spotify playlisting Reddit

Spotify playlisting Reddit


I've just written a very long post on my website about how to get your music on Spotify playlists. I noticed a few things to share:

Why do so many artists copy and paste a 'press release' into the Bio? A press release is meant for the press, not the public. The Spotify About section is an ideal chance to connect with fans, but most artists squander it by posting something really dry, boring and written in the third person.

How many artists are using Canvas or Spotify Codes? These free tools are available to boost your plays on Spotify.

Spotify Pre-saves are fairly easy to set up. Seems like a lot of artists aren't using them.

Services like Submithub, Playlist Club and MySphera get mixed reviews. However, if your music is pop, indie or hiphop they could be worth a shot.

Spotify advertising is under utilised. Some artists use growth hacking techniques by targeting low CPM countries like Mexico to boost numbers. The sudden increase in Listeners sometimes results in being included on a Spotify 'algo' playlist, which is the main aim (not more listeners in Mexico :)

Not enough artists embed a Follow button on their website. Given how easy it is to do, why not? A Follower then gets notified every time you tour or release new music.

If you perform Livestreams, Spotify enables you to promote them via the Songkick integration.

Dua Lipa has released 37 singles on Spotify during 2020. Each time it gives her a chance to submit to more Spotify playlists. Spotify is focused on singles, not albums. learn how to use it.

Use playlists to your advantage, not just links to your singles and albums. Create a free account if you don't want to use your personal account to share playlists.


Example of a Spotify Code

I've seen a few posts from people I follow with a screenshot of Spotify's notice that "such and such track has been added to our such and such playlist". For those of you who have been added to one, did you get this notice on the date of your track's release? Or before?

Hey Reddit,

The title pretty much sums up what this post is about. I've made some pretty funky playlists, which have been tested on friends and family over the years. I've put a lot of effort into these guys, including learning Photoshop to make my own playlist art.

Some of these playlists might have a couple of familiar songs, but I'm entirely confident that everyone will find some new music in every single playlist here. I won't give you any more filler than is necessary, just a quick explanation of the intended mood of each playlist - and its flagship songs.

I have spent years curating these playlists, taking out songs almost as fast as I add them to keep quality high. Somewhere along the way, I decided to collect all the songs that either didn't make the cut or didn't fit into any specific playlist. Thus, Spare Sessions was born. This is an incredibly eclectic mix of music, recommended for only the very adventurous listener.

As happy as I am with all of these playlists, none of them are (or ever will be) fully complete. I'll continue to add and remove songs from them in the future. So, if you have any song recommendations for any of these playlists I would love to hear them.

Enjoy :)

Here are some best Spotify curator playlists to submit your music for free. These have worked for me so thought of sharing them here with everyone. from musicmarketing

Hey guys total beginner here in terms of music industry i just wanna know the best way to get your music on Spotify Playlist ... you know... those popular ones like rap caviar and etc...

Spotify playlists: your secret guide to getting featured from WeAreTheMusicMakers

I tried to make this post for a few different sub-reddits, but literally all of them removed this post because it was too in-depth on music promotion and not music itself. I am just trying to help others. I am not promoting myself and I actually prefer to stay entirely anonymous. This subreddit has a lot less members than the others I tried, but hopefully it still ends up helping someone. Anyways here is the post;

First of all I got the idea to do this from this video:

So let that video be the TLDR. Watch it. It teaches you how to find Spotify playlists you can submit too. So I don't have to explain it myself.

Anyways, I want to start first with the mistakes I made / learned from while doing this...


#1: Never purchase promotion from anyone on any cash-sending service other than PayPal, to prevent being scammed. Do not use CashApp, Venmo, etc. These platforms do not provide buyer protection.

#2: When you do decide to do business over PayPal, never send the money using the "sending money to a friend" option, and if the person you're talking too asks you to do this, it is a huge red flag and most likely a scam. I say most likely and not 100% guaranteed a scam because it is possible that some people are just cheap as fuck and don't want to pay the tiny ass PayPal fee so they can receive 100% of your money, but in that case, explain to them why you are not going to do that, if they have a problem with it, it's probably a scam.

Got scammed out of $75 from this person, and they are still continuing to scam more artists every day (feel free to go report him):

#3: An easy way to tell if a playlist is fake and buying fake streams is by clicking the name under the Playlist to see who made it, if you see it has no profile picture, or very, very few followers, it's a fraud.

Fake playlist example:

The Spotify account that made the fake playlist that you can click on (no picture, no followers):

I was scammed out of $240 for 7 Spotify playlist placements and a total of 6,000 fake Spotify streams from this person. I didn't notice they were fake until Spotify removed 6 out of 7 of the playlists from my Spotify analytics (a month later), and when I went to go investigate the Playlists they stopped appearing in the search results, and I noticed the fake Spotify accounts that made the playlists. Stupidly didn't notice them before, but it's all good. Gonna try to see if I can get my money back via PayPal.

This was the page that provided me fake Spotify playlist placements and scammed me:

Also I decided to spend $77 on this guy:, TLDR: Not worth it.

Ya'll have probably seen him all over Facebook ads and YouTube ads. I bought his cheapest Spotify playlist promotion just to say fuck it and try it out. It's been almost 4 weeks and I've gotten about 300 streams. His cheapest package does say you can expect anywhere from 500-5,000 streams, so I'm sure his more expensive packages generate more plays, but fuck that. The playlists look kinda iffy to me too. It's just all independent unknown artists on the playlist. And... just na. I wouldn't bother with this dude. The playlists I'm on kinda look sus. Most ads on Facebook we can all just assume that talk about promoting your music for you are bullshit.

Also, don't pay to submit your song to a playlist on Spotify. Just hit them up inquiring about a placement on their playlist and put a link to your song and ask them if it meets their standards and basically if they fuck with it or not.


THE RESULTS: (Sorry, there may be some fuck-ups with my math)

I spent $915 on Spotify Playlists total + the $77 with the dude above for $992. $315 of that being me basically setting my money on fire because I was scammed.

So I spent about $700, for a total of about 20,000 REAL Spotify streams, about a 1,000 total song saves and exactly 17 new Spotify followers.

I bought 15 total Spotify Playlist placements, and only 6 of them ended up being legit.

Also, I marketed random songs, not a specific one. I didn't really think this through completely obviously but fuck it. Only 3 of the songs ended up on real playlists. I attempted to just scatter 7 random songs of mine in playlists lol.

My goal with running these campaigns was not to get a ROI. And anytime you market a song, that shouldn't be the goal imo, or at least in the short term. You will not make your money back in the short term, but you will when you end up touring arenas and stadiums in 5 years, or if your song really blows up, but then you risk being Desiigner and a one-hit wonder if you don't already have a catalog of music like how X did when 'Look At Me' blew up. So yeah... Lol. My my goal was to hopefully gain some new fans... That should be the real goal. Grow your fanbase.

The results on that though were: 0 increase on social media, no new followers on any platforms, no DMs, nothing. I'm pretty inactive on social media (I know, bad) so I notice all the engagement I get. I got zero new engagement.

But I did get 17 new Spotify followers, and a 1,000 song saves, so maybe they'll convert into real fans someday. You never know.

HUGELY IMPORTANT: My songs outside of the Playlists have been generating about 100-200 plays a day from outside the playlists, meaning by themselves for awhile now. So that means those streams are either coming from peoples personal libraries, their own personal playlists, or they're going out of their way to search up my song. So even after my songs expire on the playlists I bought slots on, it looks like they're still going to be generating plays. Before this, one of my songs had averaged like 5-15 streams a day. Now it's averaging 100 and again this is outside the playlist it's placed on, if I include the playlist, it's averaging about 400, but also about a month ago was averaging about 800. Not sure what happened. Because it's still in the same spot.



Also remember to negotiate prices with these people if you decide to play this game of chance and do it.

If you get onto a bunch of fake playlists and end up generating a shit ton of fake streams you risk being banned on Spotify.

Ya'll might be like damn, what a waste of money. But in my opinion the $700 that was spent on legitimate playlists (minus the $77 on Omari) was worth it. Just because now 3 of my songs are averaging 100-150 plays a day by themselves. I haven't seen any increase in engagement on social medias like I said but that's straight. Of course as an artist, if you want to build a real fanbase you want people to fuck with YOU like on some Logic and XXXTENTACION shit. But people fucking with a few of my songs is a good start.

Of course depending on your music, how good it sounds or what you're talking about, and the playlists you get placed on, you could get better or worse results.

But for me the $700 for 20,000 Spotify streams, a 1,000 song saves, 17 new followers, and now averaging about 100-150 plays on 3 of my songs a day for free was worth it.

Side note: From June to early September I spent $1,000 total on marketing one of my songs (all on Facebook) that gave me about 2,500 YouTube Plays, 2,700 Soundcloud plays, and about 200 Spotify plays. That's for comparison. Of course I gained some new "fans" and engagement on Facebook too. just saying this for comparison.

Feel free to AMA.