So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135

Having read about every thread I could find using the search function I am still torn about going with my current lens setup; or adding the Sigma to get better low-light functionality over the kit lens.

I have settled on the Sigma over the Canon for the same reasons that lead me to choose the 70-200 OS vs the MK II; Sigma offers 85% of the functionality/Quality for 60% of the cost.

Will adding the f2.8 really make that much difference over the f3.5 on the wide end; I believe that most of the evening shots will be at the wide end? Still have a day or two to decide before the shipping clock runs out. - Love Amazon Prime


So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135



So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135

1,137 posts Likes: 4 Joined Nov 2010 Location: Toronto, Canada

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Nov 14, 2011 10:07 |


I took my 17-50 to europe and it was perfect, if you have room take a small prime like a 30 1.4 or 28 1.8 and you should be fine. 2.8 is really needed inside the attractions, f3.5 you would need your flash. Leave the zooms at home, your back will thank you.

Nov 14, 2011 12:05 |


+1 to the above the Sigma 17-50 2.8 OS is a truely great lens.

So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135


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Nov 14, 2011 16:37 |


+1 for me on SIgma 17-50. If I could just bring 1 lens going to Disneyland trip, it is better performer in low light especially from dawn to evening shots. No question much better IQ & faster AF. Bring your 55-250 with you if you want more reach during daytime shots. Good luck with your decision

So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135

Canon 6D | Canon 17-40L | Sigma 12-24ii | Canon 24-70 f/4L IS | Tamron 70-200 f/2.8 VC | Canon 70-300L | Sigma 35 1.4 Art | Canon 85 1.8 | Canon 85 1.2Lii | Canon 135L Canon 7D | Sigma 50-150 OS



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Nov 15, 2011 14:21 |


So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135
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Aug 11, 2012 06:40 |


I know this is kind of an old thread, but what lens did you finally choose? I'm asking because I'm thinking of selling my 18-135 and getting a Sigma 17-50 instead...

7D | 100L | Σ 70-200 2.8 OS | Σ 10-20 4-5.6 | Σ 17-50 2.8 OS | Σ 50 1.4 | Σ 1.4x | 580 EX II | other stuff

Aug 11, 2012 17:30 |


Sigma 17-50mm 2.8 OS = Def. stays IMO

I had this lens last year and it was the best all around lens !

Aug 12, 2012 08:32 |


This is one of those "Gotchas". The EF-S 18-135 gives you that fantastic reach and it spoils you. It's a very capable walk about type lens- great for a one-lens walkabout solution... the 17-50 OS on the other hand is better in low light, very accurate, sharp. Sometimes, I wonder if I should have wandered into the middle and picked up something like a 15-85.. Personally, most of the time- outside- I don't find 50mm long enough- no where near.

I have a 17-50 OS- and it's mainly relegated to indoors/ low-light type shots- and I like it because it works well with the 7D- providing very accurate f/2.8 shots. It's really a wonderful lens- but for most outdoors type stuff- I find it a bit short. I kept my 18-135 just because of that fact. I thought the 18-55 was short- and I hated it- not because of the variable aperture, - but for its short range. I knew what I liked. So, I keep both in my kit- a 18-135 for daily walk about- and 17-50 /f2.8 OS for night time/indoors type stuff. Two different lenses for two different purposes. Now, as for your situation- with 2/3rds of a stop and only concerned at the wide end-I'd probably bump up the iso or down the shutter speed or a mix- (shutterspeed down by 1 click and iso up by one click )- and you've basically negated the difference ). The only other thing that you haven't negated- is perhaps that f/2.8 is a little more accurate for center point on a 7D. For shots at a distance- less important. If you need to use fill flash- also less important. Naw- I probably would not change it out in your case. But a lot should depend upon how you use your 18-135.. If you are on the wide end mostly- then 17-50 yes.. If a mix- maybe keep both ?

If I were you, I'd probably buy the 17-50- because I've been thinking about it so much. then take it out on such an outing. Take a permanent marker or a notepad and pen with you... Every time that you get ready to take a picture and wish that you wished for a longer lens at that time, put down a tick mark- and at the end of the day- see how many shots you got like you wanted and how many you wished that you had something longer.. then you will know. As far as the silly remark- step a few feet forward- that works for subjects that are close to you- but if you are taking a picture of something in the far distance- stepping forward a few steps makes little difference- sometimes- raw focal length rules!

EOS 5D III, EOS 7D,EOS Rebel T4i, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 IS II, Canon 24-105L, Canon 18-135 IS STM, 1.4x TC III, 2.0x TC III, Σ 50mm f/1.4, Σ 17-50 OS, Σ 70-200 OS, Σ 50-500 OS, Σ 1.4x TC, Σ 2.0x TC, 580EXII(3), Canon SX-40, Canon S100 Fond memories: Rebel T1i, Canon 18-55 IS, Canon 55-250 IS, 18-135 IS (Given to a good home)...



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Aug 12, 2012 11:24 |


For a Disney trip, you will need more reach during the parade but not so much elsewhere. How about two lenses solution in the evening only? I would suggest either Tamron 70-300 or Canon 55-250IS with Sigma 17-50 OS.

Still learning Nikon D750, Sigma 24-105OS, 105mm 2.8g micro VR, Tamron 70-300VC

El ­ Duderino


So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135

1,921 posts Likes: 8 Joined Mar 2007 Location: Denver, CO

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Aug 12, 2012 11:28 |


You'll get better low-light and sharpness.

The 17-50 is a fantastic lens.

Nikon D600 | Bower 14mm f/2.8 | Nikon 16-35mm f/4 VR | Nikon 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 VR | Nikon 50mm f/1.8G | Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR 500px

So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135
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So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135

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So sánh sigma 17 50 và canon 18 135
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