slaved là gì - Nghĩa của từ slaved

slaved có nghĩa là

1. S&M term to describe the submissive or submissives.

2. Human property.

3. Setting on a secondary hard disk drive, CD-Rom, etc.


1. You know the punishment for trying escape from your cage! On you knees slave, this is going to hurt.

2. Shaniqua thinks she's entitled to extra welfare because her great great great graddaddy was a slave.

3. I set the jumper on the back of the drive to slave and hooked it up on the IDE cable, but Windows still will not recognize it.

slaved có nghĩa là

a girl in service to a man.


I was sitting when my Master walked in. As soon as I saw him, all the thoughts wiped out of my mind and all I wanted to do was make him happy. I prostrated myself before him, and kissed his feet. He smirked and ordered me to stand. I did so, smiling at the chance to obey an order. “Take off your shirt,” he said. I did so. He stared for a while, and then ordered me to kneel. He pulled down his fly and ordered me to suck his dick. I didn’t want to, but the compel of his order pushed my head toward it. He pushed my head so I was deep-throating him. Then he pulled up his pants and some of his friends walked in. I realized that suddenly I didn’t want to obey his orders anymore, but I couldn’t move. “Stay,” he ordered. What was wrong with me? Why did I have to obey? All of his friends sat around a table, and he said “Let’s play! Guys, this is Maria, my new woman. I put the chip in last night.” Everyone smiled, and I realized he was controlling me somehow. “Now!” he said. “All you want in life, Maria, is to make me happy. You will do whatever I say without complaint—I am your god.” And then, suddenly, all I wanted was to make him happy. I threw myself at his feet again, and everyone laughed. “I’m so glad of those woman chips!” one said. “the government finally realized that they’re the lesser race. Now we can control them!!” My master explained the rules of the game, “Poker Face”. All of the men would sit around a table and I’d fondle one of them, and then he would have to try to keep a straight face. I didn’t want to, but the compelling press of his order made me get under the table smiling. I bowed and got under, and began fondling the first penis I encountered. I heard the men laughing and I got out from under. The man I had been doing has immediately cummed and was gasping; he lost. “Good job!” said my master. I felt SO happy. His praise was life to me. Then, he ordered his friends out and I had to pole dance for him. Then he began to French me, and we were leaning back toward the bed. “Have sex with me,” he said, “and let me whip you. Love when I whip you! Moan in desire!!” And he pulled my clothes off, tied me to the bed. He began to whip my bare ass, yelling “yeah, you naughty girl!! Scream!!” I screamed. I had to. He played his penis around the lips of my pussy, and I moaned. He finally pierced me, and I was a slave to his dick. It pierced me with it’s girth and length. Finally he cummed and got up. “You serve no purpose now!” he yawned. He left me tied there and just walked off. “can I do her?” a voice said. “sure. She has to listen to you.”

slaved có nghĩa là

Someone who is willingly owned as property by a master or mistress. Slaves have a very deep need to please and serve a Dominant person, and doing so is the only way they can feel truly happy and complete. Not to be confused with a bottom or submissive.


Ignorant people often think owning a slave like me by mutual consent is abusive, not understanding that we want and need this.

slaved có nghĩa là

Employee who is forced to work really hard for his meager salary.


My boss can't fire me, slaves have to be sold.

slaved có nghĩa là

One who works for EA games. the have to work from 9am to 10pm 7 days a week, and can sometimes get off from work on saturday at 6:30 pm for good behavior. they get no vacation time and as a result of their fatigue they, the make games of lesser quality. for god sakes docters dont work these hours and still get paid more. until recently they were forced to work these hours and do uncompensated over time. Do your self a favor and dont work for them.


The slaves almost have it better than EA employees by a very thin margin

slaved có nghĩa là

Employees of Electronic Arts, a video game company with studios all over the world. They favor paying their employees with bagels and Coca-Cola and forcing them to sleep in the office rather than providing them with a living wage.


When you walk through the parking garage you see all of the nice cars belonging to upper management. It's not until you attend a company function offsite that you see all of the crappy cars that the slaves are forced to drive.

slaved có nghĩa là

Derives from the Latin word for "Slavic". The Slavics are Europeans who were enslaved throughout history by the Greeks and Romans (who sold them to Arabs and Africans in North Africa and Spain), the Vikings, and even the Germans and Russians (in more recent times). So although ignorant people will use the term "slave" to disparage people of African descent, the term is actually more associated with Europeans.


"I never knew that the Slavics were slaves to the Greeks and Romans centuries ago until I did some research on it".

slaved có nghĩa là

putting in overtime hours to get work done when you are getting paid on salary. And thus working for free.


Steve "You out of work yet or still slaving away?" Laura "slaving" (sad face)

slaved có nghĩa là

As kenny ackerman once said everyones a slave to something. Thats true cause your gonna be a slave in my basement soon


Lol no you fucking dont slave

slaved có nghĩa là

Word used to describe a person who looks rough, in a state of disarray, or as if they were enslaved.


1.) With his tattered outfit and nappy hair, John was looking slavely.
2.) Dave hadn't cut his hair or shaved in a couple of weeks, and was looking quite slavely