rugger buggers là gì - Nghĩa của từ rugger buggers

rugger buggers có nghĩa là

A large, often hairy, man who plays rugby for some local or regional club, is built like a brick house privy, and after the game retires to the pub with the rest of the team to sing rude songs and tell blue jokes.

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"OH! Football is for poofters
And tennis is for queers
Cricket is for batty boys
who take it up the rears
Golfers bite their pillows
And swimmers do the same
Nhưng! We are proper men because RUGBY is our game!"


"You're a rugger bugger, intcha?"

rugger buggers có nghĩa là

These are thick, blockheaded, assholes who can't do much but get drunk and play Rugby. Often bully people while in school, then after leaving do any of the following:
1. Try to play rugby professionally, but fail, and work in their daddy's company.
2. Become major alcoholics and become extemely sad and sit around in the pubs all day talking about their "glory days".
3. (My personal favorite) Roll over and die somewhere...

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rugger buggers có nghĩa là

Rugby playing schoolkids/University lads who seem to have an insatiable curiosity about all things involving gay sex. See rugby songs/jokes.

Ví dụ


"OH! Football is for poofters
And tennis is for queers
Cricket is for batty boys
who take it up the rears
Golfers bite their pillows
And swimmers do the same
Nhưng! We are proper men because RUGBY is our game!"


"You're a rugger bugger, intcha?" These are thick, blockheaded, assholes who can't do much but get drunk and play Rugby. Often bully people while in school, then after leaving do any of the following:
1. Try to play rugby professionally, but fail, and work in their daddy's company.
2. Become major alcoholics and become extemely sad and sit around in the pubs all day talking about their "glory days".
3. (My personal favorite) Roll over and die somewhere... Rugger buggers: Focking hell mon, let go get focking drunk, then snort some Creo and deck some focking birds. Rugby playing schoolkids/University lads who seem to have an insatiable curiosity about all things involving gay sex. See rugby songs/jokes. Rugger bugger song>

The sexual life of a camel
Is stranger than anyone thinks
At the height of the mating season,
He tries to bugger the sphinx
But the sphinx's posterior orifice
Is blocked with the sands from the Nile
Which accounts for the hump on the camel
And the sphinx's inscrutable smile

Singing Bum Titty, Bum Titty, Titty Bum
Bum Titty Bum Titty ay,
Singing Bum Titty, Bum Titty, Titty Bum
Singing Bum Titty Bum Titty ay
'Cos we're all queers together
That's why we go around in pairs
Yes we're all queers together
Excuse us while we go upstairs

rugger buggers có nghĩa là

Now the sexual life of a bullfrog

Ví dụ


"OH! Football is for poofters
And tennis is for queers
Cricket is for batty boys
who take it up the rears
Golfers bite their pillows
And swimmers do the same
Nhưng! We are proper men because RUGBY is our game!"


"You're a rugger bugger, intcha?"

rugger buggers có nghĩa là

These are thick, blockheaded, assholes who can't do much but get drunk and play Rugby. Often bully people while in school, then after leaving do any of the following:
1. Try to play rugby professionally, but fail, and work in their daddy's company.
2. Become major alcoholics and become extemely sad and sit around in the pubs all day talking about their "glory days".
3. (My personal favorite) Roll over and die somewhere... Rugger buggers: Focking hell mon, let go get focking drunk, then snort some Creo and deck some focking birds. Rugby playing schoolkids/University lads who seem to have an insatiable curiosity about all things involving gay sex. See rugby songs/jokes.

Ví dụ

Rugger bugger song>

The sexual life of a camel
Is stranger than anyone thinks

rugger buggers có nghĩa là

At the height of the mating season,

Ví dụ

He tries to bugger the sphinx

rugger buggers có nghĩa là

But the sphinx's posterior orifice
Is blocked with the sands from the Nile
Which accounts for the hump on the camel
And the sphinx's inscrutable smile

Singing Bum Titty, Bum Titty, Titty Bum
Bum Titty Bum Titty ay,
Singing Bum Titty, Bum Titty, Titty Bum

Ví dụ

Singing Bum Titty Bum Titty ay