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Govindappa Navalagi

Department of Mathematics, KIT Tiptur-572202, Karnataka, India.

Sujata Mookanagoudar

Department of Mathematics, Government First Grade College, Haliyal-581329,

Karnataka, India.


The aim of this paper is to introduce and study some forms of weak regular spaces and weak

forms of normal spaces , viz.

s- regular spaces , s

-regular spaces ,

s-normal spaces by using

-closed sets and semiopen sets . Also , we studied some related functions like


functions ,

gs-continuous functions for preserving these regular spaces and normal spaces .

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) : 54 A 05 , 54 C 08 ; 54 D 15

Key words and Phrases : semiopen sets, -closed sets, -open sets, E.D. spaces ,PS-spaces ,

gs-closedness , s-continuity, -continuity, -irresoluteness, irresoluteness


In 1963, N.Levine [16] introduced and studied the concepts of semiopen sets and semi

continuity in topological spaces and in 1983, M.E. Abd ElMonsef et al [1] have introduced the

concepts of -open sets and -continuity in topology . Latter , these -open sets are recalled as

semipreopen sets , which were introduced by D. Andrejevic in [5]. Further these semi open sets

and -open sets ( = semipreopen sets ) have been studied by various authors in the literature see

[2, 4,10,14,17,23]. In 1970 and 1990, respectively Levine [15] and S.P.Arya et al [6] have

defined and studied the concept of g-closed sets and gs-closed sets in topology . The aim of this

paper is to introduce and study some forms of weak regular spaces and weak forms of normal

spaces , viz. s- regular spaces , s-regular spaces , s-normal spaces by using -closed sets and

semiopen sets . Also , we studied some related functions like gs-closed functions , gs-

continuous functions for preserving these regular spaces and normal spaces .

International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and IT

ISSN: (2349-0322)

Impact Factor- 5.489, Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2018

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A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories.

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2. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper X,Y will denote topological spaces on which no separation axioms

assumed unless explicitly stated. Let f : X Y represent a single valued function. Let A be a

subset of X. The closure and interior of A are respectively denoted by Cl(A) and Int(A).

The following definitions and results are useful in the sequel.

Definition 2.1: A subset A of X is called

(i) semiopen (in short , s-open) set [16] if A ClInt(A) .

(ii) preopen (in short , p-open) set [20] if A IntCl(A).

(iii) -open [1] (=semipreopen [5]) set if A ClIntCl(A) .

The complement of a s-open (resp. p-open , -open ) set is called s-closed[7] (resp. p-closed

[13] , -closed [1] ) set. The family of s-open (resp. p-open , -open ) sets of X is denoted by

SO(X) (resp. PO(X) , O(X)) .

Definition 2.2 : The intersection of all s-closed (resp. -closed ) sets containing a subset A of

space X is called the s-closure [7] (resp. -closure[ 2] ) of A and is denoted by sCl(A) (resp.


Definition 2.3 : The union of all s-open (resp. -open ) sets which are contained in A is called

the s-interior[7] ( resp. the -interior [2]) of A and is denoted by sInt(A) (resp. Int(A)).

Definition 2.4 [6]: A subset A of a space X is called gs-closed if sCl(A) U whenever A U

and U is open set in X.

Definition 2.5[ 22]: A space X is said to be -regular if for each closed set F and for each x X-

F , there exist two disjoint -open sets U and V such that xU and F V.

Definition 2.6 [19 ]: A space X is said to be s-regular if for each closed set F and for each x X-

F , there exist two disjoint s-open sets U and V such that xU and F V.

Definition 2.7 [12]: A space X is said to be semi-regular if for each semiclosed set F and for

each x X-F , there exist two disjoint s-open sets U and V such that xU and F V.

Definition 2.8 [18]: A space X is said to be s-normal if for any pair of disjoint closed subsets A

and B of X , there exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that AU and B V.

Definition 2.9 [11]: A space X is said to be semi-normal if for any pair of disjoint semiclosed

subsets A and B of X , there exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that AU and B V.

Definition 2.10 [25]: A space X is said to be submaximal if every dense set of X is open in X

(i.e., every preopen set of X is open in X ).

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Definition 2.11[14]: A space X is said to be extremely disconnected (in brief , E.D.,) space if

Cl(G) is open set for each open set G of X .

Definition 2.12[4]: PS- spaces .A space X is said to be s-regular [ ] if for each closed set F and

for each x X-F , there exist two disjoint s-open sets U and V such that xU and F V.

Definition 2.13 [17]: A function f: XY is said to be -irresolute if f-1(V) is is -open set in

X for each for each -open set V in Y.

Definition 2.14[8] : A function f: XY is said to be irresolute if f-1(V) is is s-open set in X for

each for each s-open set V in Y.

Definition 2.15[9] : A function f: XY is said to be presemiopen if f(V) is is semiopen set in

Y for each for each semiopen set V in X.

Definition 2.16[22] : A function f: XY is said to be M--closed if the image of each -closed

set of X is -closed in Y.

3. Properties of s-regular spaces

We, define the following.

Definition 3.1 : A topological space X is said to be s-regular if for each -closed set F of X

and each point x in X - F, there exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that x U and F V.

Clearly, every s-regular space is s-regular as well as semi-regular , since every closed set as

well as s-closed set is -closed set.

Definition 3.2 : A space X is said to be *-regular if for each -closed set F and for each x X-

F , there exist -open sets U and V such that F U and xV.

Theorem 3.3 : Every *-regular space is -regular.

Proof : Let X be *-regular space and F be a closed set not containing x implies F be a -

closed set not containing x. As X is *-regular space , there exist disjoint -open sets U and V

such that x V and F U. Therefore X is -regular.

Lemma 3.4: If A is subset of X and BO(X) such that AB= then Cl(A) B = .

Proof : Let us assume that Cl(A) B implies there exists x such that x Cl(A) and

x B. Now x Cl(A) A U for each -open set U containing x which is

contradiction to hypothesis AB = for B O(X,x).Hence Cl(A) B = .

Lemma 3.5 : Every s-regular space is *-regular space .

Proof : Let X be s-regular space and F be a -closed set not containing x. As X is s-regular

space , there exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that x V and F U. But, every s-open set

is -open set and thus X is *-regular.

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Converse of Lemma-3.5 is not true . For example,

Example 3.6 : Let X = { a,b,c}, = { X, , {a}, {b,c} }

O(X) = { X, , {a}, {b}, {c}, {a,b},{a,c},{ b,c} }

SO(X) = { X, , {a}, {b,c} }

Clearly X is *-regular space but not s-regular . Since for -closed set {a,b} and c{a,b}

there donot exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that cU and F V.

Theorem 3.7: For a topological space X the following statements are equivalent ;

(a) X is s-regular

(b) For each xX and for each -open set U containing x there exists a s-open set V

containing x such that x V sCl(V)U.

(c) For each -closed set F of X , {sCl(V)/FV and VSO(X)} = F

(d) For each nonempty subset A of X and each U O(X) if A U then there exists

VSO(X) such that AV  and sCl(V) U

(e) For each nonempty subset A of X and each FF(X) if A F = then there exists

V,WSO(X) such that AV  , FW and VW =.

Proof : (a) (b) Let X be s- regular space. Let xX and U be -open set containing x implies

X - U is -closed such that xX- U. Therefore by (a) there exists two s-open sets V and W such

that xV and X-U W X-W U. Since VW = sCl(V) W = sCl(V) X- W

U. Therefore , x V sCl(V) U.

(b) (c) Let F be a -closed subset of X and xF , then X - F is -open set containing x. By

(b) there exists s-open set U such that xU sCl(U) X-F implies F X-sCl(U) X-U i.e F

V X-U where V = X-sCl(U) SO(X) and xV that implies x sCl(V) implies x {

sCl(V) / FVSO(X)}. Hence , { sCl(V) / FVSO(X)} = F

(c) (d) A be a subset of X and UO(X) such that A U .

there exists x0 X such that. x0 A U. Therefore X-U is -closed set not containing x0

x0 Cl(X-U). By (c) , there exists W SO(X) such that X-U W x0 sCl(W). Put V = X-

sCl(W) , then V is s-open set containing x0. A V and sCl(V) sCl(X-sCl(W))

sCl( X-W).Therefore , sCl(V) sCl(X-W) U.

(d) (e) Let A be a nonempty subset of X and F be -closed set such that A F = .Then X-F

is -open in X and A (X-F) . Therefore by (d) , there exist V SO(X) such that A V

and sCl(V) X F. Put W = X- sCl(V) then W SO(X) such that F W and WV =.

(f) (a) Let x X be arbitrary and F be -closed set not containing x. Let A= X\F be a

nonempty -open set containing x then by (e) ,there exist disjoint s-open sets V and W such that

F W and A V xV. Thus X is a s-regular.

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Theorem 3.8 : In a topological space X following statements are equivalent;

(a) X is s-regular

(b) for each -open set U of X containing x there exists s-open set V such that x V

sCl(V) U

Proof : (a) (b) Let x X and U be -open set of X containing x X - U is -closed set not

containing x. As X is s- regular , there exist disjoint s-open sets V and W such that xV and

X-U W X-W U. As VW = sCl (V) W = sCl(V) X-W U. Hence x

V sCl(V) U.

(b) (a) Let for each x X, F be -closed set not containing x , therefore X-F is -open set

containing x hence from (b) there exists s-open set V such that x V sCl(V) X-F . Let U =

X sCl(V) then U is s-open set such that F U , x V and U V = . Thus there exists

disjoint s-open sets U and V such that xV and F U. Therefore X is s- regular.

We, define the following.

Definition 3.9: A space X is said to be strongly *-regular if for each -closed set F and for

each x X-F , there exists disjoint open sets U and V such that F U and xV.

Theorem 3.10: Every strongly *- regular space is *-regular space.

Proof : Let X be strongly *-regular space and F be any -closed set and xF. Then there exist

disjoint open sets U and V such that xU and FV .Since every open set is -open and hence U

and V are - open sets such that xU and F V. This shows that X is *-regular.

Converse of the theorem 3.10 and other statements are not true in general. For,

Example 3.11 : Let X = { a,b,c}, = { X, , {a}, {b}, {a,b} }

O(X) = { X, , {a}, {b}, {a,b},{a,c},{ b,c} }

Clearly X is *-regular but not strongly *-regular .

Theorem 3.12 : For a topological space X the following statements are equivalent ;

(a) X is strongly *-regular

(b) For each xX and for each -open set U of X containing a point x , there exists an open

set V such that xV Cl(V)U.

(c) For each -closed set F of X , {Cl(V)/FV } = F .

(d) For each nonempty subset A of X and each U O(X) if A U then there exists

open set V such that AV  and Cl(V) U .

(e) For each nonempty subset A of X and each closed set F of X such that A F = , there

exit , V,W O(X), such that AV , FW and VW =.

The routine proof of the theorem is omitted.

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Next , we prove some preservation theorems in the following.

Theorem 3.13 : If f : X Y is a pre-semiopen , -irresolute bijection and X is s-regular

space , then Y is s-regular .

Proof : Let F be any -closed subset of Y and y Y with y F . Since f is -irresolute,

f-1(F) is -closed set in X. Again, f is bijective, let f (x) = y , then x f-1(F).Since X is s-

regular , there exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that x U and f-1(F) V . Since f is ,

presemiopen bijection , we have y f(U) and F f(V) and f(U) f(V) = f (U V) = .

Hence, Y is s-regular space.

We , define the following.

Definition 3.14 : A function f : X Y is said to be always--closed if the image of each -

closed subset of X is -closed set in Y.

Now, we prove the following.

Theorem 3.15 : If f : X Y is an always -closed , irresolute injection and Y is s-regular

space , then X is s-regular .

Proof : Let F be any -closed set of X and x F. Since f is an always -closed injection, f(F)

is -closed set in Y and f(x) f(F) . Since Y is s-regular space and so there exist disjoint s-

open sets U and V in Y such that f(x) U and f(F) V . By hypothesis, f-1(U) and f-1(V)

are s-open sets in X with x f-1(U) , F f-1(V) and f-1(U) f-1(V) = . Hence, X is s-

regular space.

We, define the following.

Definition 3.16 : A function f : X Y is said to be s-continuous if the inverse image of each

-open set of Y is s-open set in X.

Next, we give the following.

Theorem 3.17 : If f : X Y is an always -closed , s-continuous injection and Y is -

regular space , then X is s-regular .

4.s-normal spaces.

We , define the following.

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Definition 4.1 : A function f : X Y is said to be gs-continuous if for each -closed set F of

Y , f-1 (F) is gs-closed set in X.

It is obvious that a function f : X Y is gs-continuous if and only if f-1(V) is gs-open in X

for each -open set V of Y.

Definition 4.2: A function f : X Y is said to be gs-closed if for each -closed set F of

X , f(F) is gs-closed set in Y.

We, recall the following .

Definition 4.3[ 23] : A function f : X Y is said to be :

(i)pre-gs-continuous if the inverse image of each s-closed set F of Y is gs-closed in X.

(ii)pre-gs-closed if the image of each s-closed set of X is gs-closed in Y.

Clearly, (i) every pre-gs-continuous function is pre-gs-continuous ,

(ii) every pre-gs-closed function is pre-gs-closed , since in both cases every s-closed

set is -closed set.

We ,prove the following.

Theorem 4.4 : A surjective function f : XY is gs-closed if and only if for each subset B of Y

and each -open set U of X containing f-1(B) , there exists a gs-open set V of Y such that B V

and f-1(V) U.

Proof : Suppose f is gs-closed function. Let B be any subset of Y and U be any -open set in

X containing f-1(B) . Put V = Y f(X-U). Then , V is gs-open set in Y such that B V and

f-1(V) U.

Conversely, let F be any -closed set of X . Put B = Y f(F) , then we have f-1(B) X F

and X-F is -open in X. There exists a gs-open set V of Y such that B =Y-f(F) V and f-1(V)

X F .Therefore , we obtain that f(F) = Y-V and hence f(F) is gs-closed set in Y .This shows

that f is gs-closed function.

We,define the following.

Definition 4.5 : A function f : XY is said to be strongly -closed if the image of each -

closed set of X is closed in Y.

Definition 4.5 : A function f : XY is said to be always gs-closed if the image of each gs-

closed set of X is gs-closed in Y.

Theorem 4.6: Let f : XY and g : Y Z be two functions . Then the composition function

gof : X Z is gs-closed if f and g satisfy one of the following conditions :

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(i) f is gs-closed and g is always gs-closed .

(ii) f is strongly -closed and g is gs-closed .

Proof : (i)Let H be any -closed set in X and f is gs-closed , then f(H) is gs-closed set in

Y.Again , g is always gs-closed function and f(H) is gs-closed set in Y , then gof (H) is gs-closed

set in Z . This shows that gof is gs-closed function.

(ii)Let F be any -closed set in X and f is strongly -closed function, then f(F) is closed set in Y.

Again, g is gs-closed function and f(F) is closed set in Y, then gof (F) is gs-closed set in Z. This

shows that gof is gs-closed function.

We, define the following.

Definition 4.7 : A function f : X Y is said to be gs-closed if for each gs-closed set F of

X , f(F) is -closed set in Y.

Theorem 4.8 : Let f : XY and g : Y Z be two functions . Then ,

(i) if f is -losed and g is gs-closed , then gof is gs-closed .

(ii) if f is gs-closed and g is strongly gs- closed , then gof is strongly -closed.

(iii) if f is M--closed and g is gs-closed , then gof is gs-closed .

(iv) if f is alays gs-closed and g is gs-closed , then gof is gs-closed.

Proof : (i). Let H be a closed set in X , then f(H) be -closed set in Y since f is -closed

function. Again , g is gs-closed and f(H) is -closed set in Y then g(f(H))= gof(H) is gs-

closed set in Z .Thus, gof is gs-closed function.

(ii)Let F be any -closed set in X and f is gs-closed function, then f(F) is gs-closed set in Y.

Again , g is strongly gs-closed and f(F) is gs-closed set in Y , then gof(F) is closed set in Z .This

shows that gof is strongly -closed function.

(iii)Let H be any -closed set in X and f is M--closed function then f(H) is -closed set in Y.

Again, g is gs-closed function and f(H) is -closed set in Y , then gof (H) is gs-closed set in Z.

Therefore , gof is gs-closed function.

(iv)Let H be any gs-closed set in X and f is always gs-closed function , then f(H) be gs-closed set

in Y . Again , g is gs-closed function and f(H) is gs-closed set in Y, then gof (H) is -closed set

in Z . This shows that gof is gs-closed function.

Theorem 4.9 : Let f : XY and g : Y Z be two functions and let the composition function

gof : X Z is gs-closed.Then, the following hold :

(i) if f is -irresolute surjection , then g is gs-closed.

(ii) if g is gs-irresolute injection , then f is gs-closed .

Proof : (i) Let F be a -closed set in Y . Since f is -irresolute surjective , f-1(F) is -closed set

in X and (gof)(f-1(B)) = g(F) is gs-closed set in Z . This shows that g is gs-closed function.

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(ii)Let H be a -closed set in X .Then, gof (H) is gs-closed set in Z . Again , g is gs-irresolute

injective , g-1(gof(H)) = f(H) is gs-closed set in Y . This shows that f is gs-closed function.

We , define the following.

Definition 4.10: A space X is said to be s-normal if for any pair of disjoint -closed sets A and

B of X ,there exist disjoint s-open sets U and V such that A U and B V.

Clearly, every s-normal space is s-normal as well as semi-normal , since every closed set as

well as s-closed set is -closed set.

Definition 4.11 : A space X is said to be *-normal if for any pair of disjoint -closed sets A and

B of X ,there exist disjoint open sets U and V such that A U and B V.

Clearly , every *-normal space is s-normal space.

We , recall the following.

Lemma 4.12 [6] : A subset A of a space X is gs-open iff F sInt(A) whenever F A and F is

closed set in X.

Lemma 4.13 [3] : If X is submaximal and E.D. space , then every -open set in X is open set.

We, characterize the s-normal spaces in the following.

Theorem 4.14 : The following statements are equivalent for a submaximal and E.D., space X :

(i) X is s-normal space,

(ii) For any pair of disjoint -closed sets A , B of X , there exist disjoint gs-open sets

U , V such that A U and B V,

(iii) For any -closed set A and any -open set V containing A , there exists a gs-open set

U such that A U sCl(U) V.

Proof : (i) (ii) . Obvious , since every s-open set is gs-open set.

(ii)(iii) . Let A be any -closed set and V be any -open set containing A . Since A and X-V

are disjoint -closed sets of X , there exist gs-open sets U and W of X such that A U and

X-V W and U W =  . By Lemmas 4.12 and 4.13 , we have X V sInt (W) . Since

U sInt(W) = , we have sCl(U) sInt(W) =  and hence sCl(U) X-sInt(W) V. Thus ,

we obtain that A U sCl(U) V .

(iii) (i). Let A and B be any disjoint -closed sets of X . Since X-B is -open aet containing

A, there exists a gs-open set G such that A G sCl(G) X-B. Then by Lemmas-4.12

and 13 , A sInt(G) . Put U = sInt (G) and V = x-sCl(G). Then , U and V are disjoint s-open

sets such that A U and B V . Therefore, X is s-normal space.

Theorem 4.15 : If f : X Y is a -irresolute , gs-closed surjection and X is s-normal, then Y

is s-normal space.

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Proof : Let A and B be any disjoint -closed sets of Y. Then, f-1(A) and f-1(B) are disjoint -

closed sets of X since f is -irresolute function . Since X is s-normal , there exist disjoint s-open

sets U and V in X such that f-1(A) U and f-1(B) V . By Th.4.4 , there exist gs-open sets G

and H of Y such that A G , B H , f-1(G) U and f-1(H) V . Then , we have

f-1(G) f-1(H) =  and hence G H =  . It follows from Th.4.14 that space Y is s-normal.


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