neighbourhood là gì - Nghĩa của từ neighbourhood

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

A dark-pop alternative band formed in August 2011 from California that is most famous for their song "Sweater Weather" which was released in early 2012. Released their debut EP "I'm Sorry" and "Thank You" that same year which also included their other well-known song "Female Robbery". Now with there new album "I Love You" still featuring "Sweater Weather" and "Female Robbery". One of the most amazing bands ever formed. A band that may change the perspective of alternative dark-pop.


"Hey, have you heard The Neighbourhood?"
"Dude, best band ever. Alternative mixed with dark feelings."

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

One word:bisexual


Girl:mom i listen to The Neighbourhood
Mom:oh so ur bisexual

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

A Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy is usually a random person, who is now dead, that nobody can be bothered picking up.
The Dead Guy will, after a number of weeks, become a member of that society despite his obvious death and putrid stench.
A Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy's history can only be assumed by locals, and a main conclusion drawn between citizens is that they are drifters scalped for their body parts which usually explains the entrails often hanging out of the Dead Guy's face.


Roger: "Darn, I love not doing anything morally correct in society! Oh hello, Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy!"
Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy: "..." Patricia: "Doesn't anyone think we should pick him up? Give him a burial service? Some sort of recognition?"
Constable Williams: "Haha, Patricia, you make me laugh. He's the Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy, and thats all the recognition he deserves."

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

If you are 100% into the neighbourhood without knowing them from tiktok, you are definitely a legend.
And if you are obsessed af like me then you are not straight or bi or whatever,
you are The Neighbourhood Sexual !


,,Whats your favorite song from The Neighbourhood?”
Ohh come on thats too hard for me because i’m The Neighbourhood Sexual, theres no favorite song, theres just love to everything of them.”

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

1.Post-rock band that recently turned into a weird electro music but is still pleasing and is formed by Jesse Rutherford and some other folks. 2.Band loved And supported by hoodlums™️(listening to sweater weather doesn’t make you a hoodlum™️) que


I miss the wiped out! era of The Neighbourhood

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

A commonly used fifa celebration in pro clubs. Used by tall, big, black players to intimidate your opponent as they stare into the camera


Oh shit what a goal mate!
Yeah, let’s do neighbourhood and intimidate them!

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

generally residing in a Caucasian neighbourhood. possessing a lvl 10 skill in shootouts and lvl 5 bradvoidence. only council members are aware of really identity and physical/astral location. only known weakness is dimsum. known to hav unleashed the wonderpalm technique in dire situations


girls - where you guys going
Snow - noids
girl 1 - who is that?
*smoke bomb*
girl 2 - who took my dimsum

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

The guy on the block who thinks everything is his business and takes it upon himself to inform people of every happening. The Neibourhood Mayor does not generally like to be outdone by his fellow Neibourhood dwellers.


Andrew: Why does Tim always gossip about every bodies business as if it were his own? John: Don't mind Tim he is just the Neighbourhood Mayor. Last week I borrowed Fred's rusted out box trailer to haul some brush to the dump. It was obvious that Tim was annoyed he hasn't waved since. I didn't ask to borrow his dual axel galvanised trailer.

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

The combined edition of Eminem's Shake That feat. Nate Dogg and glue70 Casin.These song have been combined by the autor SHOKK on soundcloud look below #1 on 22 may 2014. His inspiration was the video called BUYING MODS look below #2 by the autor novajam on youtube in 24 of april the same year to show frustration about steam alowing people to sell mods to the game Skyrim . Many people including me enjoyed that piece of art made by SHOKK so they started to remix the song in many ways. Like you reposted in the wrong swamp look below #3 made by JerryTerry on 11 of september 2016 the songs are all star by smash mouth and of course glue70 casin and the video used in the song is from the cartoon called the critic and shows the character Jay Sherman dancing from season 2 episode 1.It gained massive popularity reaching over 4 milion views. p.s sorry for my bad english im from poland understand it.


#1 type in google you reposted in the wrong neighborhood top search
#2 type in google BUYING MODS its the top one
#3 type in google you reposted in the wrong swamp its the top one
You reposted in the wrong neighbourhood-a meme created by the user SHOKK. sometimes its just the song with someone dancing or sometimes the neighbourhood is being replaced ex.
You reposted in the wrong Mcdonalds
Another p.s. i did not use link because Urban Dictionary does not allow them

neighbourhood có nghĩa là

a catchy song thats a remix of glue70 - Casin and Shake That-Nate Dogg & Eminem ,meme faktor 1000


you: dude did you hear you've reposted in the wrong neighbourhood yet?
you: why its awesome