murrieta là gì - Nghĩa của từ murrieta

murrieta có nghĩa là

A city full of congestion, trafic, gas stations on every corner, guys with lifted trucks, dirtbike or a quad in the back. alot of posers. A prison looking school. and some really nice houses. A lot of idiot drivers. and even more trafic. Also known as the 951


Eyyy bro were u from? I REP THE 951, MURRIETA (murrtown)

murrieta có nghĩa là

Murrieta (Murr-town) California. The 44th safest city in the nation. The safest in Riverside County. Also making it 1st on the list of most Copulated city, with more than 30 cops per square mile at all times.


Murrieta has so many cops around, they don't even have time to eat donuts

murrieta có nghĩa là

A town full of traffic, shopping centers, bisexuals, and beautiful two story houses.

Consists of: Bros, Bro Hoes, Posers, and some hot people.


Ayo I DGAF lets move to murrieta.

murrieta có nghĩa là

A city in the Inland Empire of Southern California.
More and more gangs are moving in here from different ghettos. The ghetto mentality has settled in permanently here among all ethnicities. There are tons of drugs, anything their is, its here. Houses are cheap here because this place is terrible. The city is desperate to sucker people into moving here for the tax revenue. Don't let the low housing prices fool you, because as with anything else in life, you get what you pay for. Good luck, dont get jacked!


Shit man, Murrieta has changed a lot, seems everywhere you go some motherfucker is trying to sell a sack or scrap.

murrieta có nghĩa là

An extremly lame place to live. Thats the fact.


Person 1: Hey lets move to Murrieta! Person 2: LETS NOT

murrieta có nghĩa là

A city in Southern California. Usually filled with idiots driving, traffic, car accidents, more traffic, and traffic. Schools are shit. Houses became shit after the economy dropped leading to cheaper prices thus allowing mexicans to move in. Never move to Murrieta. It's been hell for 6 years.


Person 1 "Hey have you heard of Murrieta?" Person 2 "Oh yeah! Isn't that a shitty suburb in California?" Person 1 "Hey man I used to live there." Person 2 "I am soooo sorry for you"

murrieta có nghĩa là

Known to others as a city in between Los Angeles and San Diego. Known to Murrietans as the place between nowhere and hell. No rain, weather always close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, most interesting thing is a trampoline park or a shitty "Family Fun" center known as Mulligan's (which is infested with 6 year olds or 10 year olds that claim to be stoner's. After 2 weeks here you want to leave. Every white kid claims he's a pro skater, MX rider, of BMX rider. Every black kid and mexican acts like they're in a gang. We have a very low fucking crime rate so no excitement, or gang. The best drug you can get off the street is fucking oregano. The schools are shitty except the sports. It's Vista Murrieta or nothin' or you're wrong ( the school has like 4000 fucking people).


John: Hey have yo ever been to Murrieta
Nancy: Oh that shithole? Unfortunately yes.

murrieta có nghĩa là

Murrieta is a shitty suburb and its always 39 degrees or 103 degrees. There is absolutely nothing to do besides go to a shitty skating ring or go to a mall in temecula where the cops and their assumptions are 12 feet up your ass. Everyone claims to skate and they dress like it ; but no one actually can put two feet on the board. ( Except for an amount that nears 25 kids). It is overpopulated and one high school has over 4000 kids. There is 4 middle schools and 3 high schools. at every one, half of the schools population vapes. So yeah the MURR-TOWN is a splendid place.


Average Joe 1: You ever been to that shithole Murrieta?
Average Joe 2: Ya I have visited the Murr-town, its hell on earth.

murrieta có nghĩa là

kind of nice mid class city filled with trashy rugged people which makes it not nice any more, if you dont play sports there is no point living there, the bitches r flatout weird or ran thru, the niggas there just be on drugs 24/7 & if they not on em they tryin to sell em , in about 5-7 years theres going to be small amounts of gangs, this city is pretty much a Moreno Valley in the making, dudes that are damn near 30 still attend high school parties and fuck on minors , its boring as fuck so there really isnt shit to do but fuck bitches , get high/drunk, or fight . MV kids were gay as fuck or crackheads, Mesa kids were squares or crackheads, Vista kids were athletes, groupie bitches, weirdos, a couple real ones or crackheads. "the loop" is practically the little projects of murrieta almost, the white kids want to be a mexican or be black super bad. Everyone is fake depressed or suicidal. High number of weak bloods & crips ,cokeheads,pregnant bitches, bumass baby-daddies, tattletells, 304s & std's. the local plugs get robbed every other week at gunpoint, did i also mention all these hoes are pregnant?? and last but not least its so fuckin boring kids play cops and robbers for fun..


murrieta,ca .... a wasteland for young adults and kids.

murrieta có nghĩa là

Murrieta is a place where a lot of pretend hood rat kids live. Greer ranch is home to a bunch of dirt bike kids who think they are the shit. Cal oaks park is where most of us boys grew up scootering then quit at about 13 to ride bikes or skate. Now freshman in highschool most of us have matured and play sports or smoke weed, Whichever path you chose to take. Murrieta is also home to the stupidest cops who will give you a ticket for practically nothing.


Yo dude where is murrieta?
Murrieta is that one place with wannabe gangsters Ohh those dumbasses haha