Eye in the sky tvb review năm 2024

Maybe, this drama should have been named “Eye in Szeto Sun” (Szeto Sun being Kevin Cheng’s character), because, he knows everything. EVERYTHING. Not only does he have a 99.999% insight into his twin brother’s mind/life/soul (though I must mention, not once does his twin brother ever read him back), he also reads everyone else’s intentions and knows exactly what they would do next. It’s scary enough that he actually has a board full of news articles and pictures of suspects in his office (and his bedroom, yes, talk about bringing work home). Szeto Sun is one of those that you simply do not mess with. Which makes me feel sad for, even though he’s the “main villain”, Ah Lik (Szeto Sun’s twin brother, played by Ruco Chan, who is probably the most successful case in the history of plastic surgeries). At some point, I felt Ah Lik could have just led his own separate life since he looks so good/hot/sexy anyway, but where’s the drama in that right?

Kevin and Ruco are probably the finest actors for their roles and that should be looked at separate from the absurdities of the script at times. I mean, what kind of a motive is that, for Ah Lik to do whatever it takes (like swimming back to Hong Kong en route to Vietnam... and survive!) to take revenge on someone who made him look so good/hot/sexy anyway? What even happened to that damn diamond? Looking past that, what is the last episode really? I loved every bit of it, until my eye candy Ah Lik just dies. He literally JUST dies. I will probably deal with Szeto Sun killing Ah Lik plus minus it being accidental, or maybe Ah Lik going to jail plus minus him being remorseful, I can even deal with Ah Lik killing himself out of guilt, but seriously, LOGS OF WOOD? That aside, Ruco can play such a convincing psychopath, I was actually scared.

And then there’s Jan (played by Tavia Yeung). Poor girl. She was so loveable and cute, but the whole side story about Jan and her father’s PI company could have been easily written off this drama. Jan only cares about Szeto Sun, but Szeto Sun only cares about Ah Lik. That gives Jan a total of 0.0001% of screentime in each episode since all we really care about is Ah Lik. Maybe Jan could have cared more about Ah Lik and we’ll get why she’s even a character. And for once I wished TVB actually used a new actress to play Jan. I mean, ANY newbie could have played Jan. Midway through the series, I forgot Jan had a photographic memory. In fact, I just remembered she did.

Supporting cast Samantha Ko and Tony Hung worked well and are actually more easy-on-the-eye now. Vivien Yeo was effective in her role as Miss Mysterious. To think that in last year’s trailer, Tavia was meant to play a role like Hon San. Now, why they didn’t just combine Jan and Hon San to make one character is just another question I have to add to my book of questions-to-ask-a-TVB-executive-if-i-meet-one. Lin Xia Wei could have been a more interesting character besides pure “love-crushing”. Maybe she could have had a photographic memory and we can do without Jan! Brilliance!

So my final verdict is that this drama is a to-watch if you’re a fan of either Kevin or Ruco (or both). They function well as twin brothers and act the chops out of each other. Tavia’s involvement in this drama remains a mystery.

It has been a long time since a drama that TVB produced is both a thriller and good enough to watch till the very end. But thankfully, this one is, let’s say the first one in 2015.

Twin brothers Szeto Shun (Kevin Cheng) and Lik Heng Cheng (Ruco Chan) were separated right after birth when the midwife gave Lik away to another woman whose son had just died. From that moment on, the fate of the two brothers changed forever. Both brothers grew up not knowing the existence of their twin. Szeto was raised as an only child and became a policeman, using his logic and wits to solve cases, sometimes even outsmarting his supervisor Anson (Becky Lee). Meanwhile Lik’s “adopted parents” died in the same year, leaving him homeless and to tend for his own needs by himself. He met Terry (Tony Hung) who would become his childhood friend. Terry’s grandmother also took Lik in and cared for him as a grandson. Lik and Terry frequently stole valuables for large sums of money.

Flash forward to present time, Jan (Tavia Yeung) and Agatha (Samantha Ko) are private investigators working in Jan’s father’s detective agency. One day the two are caught in the middle of a jewelry store robbery and Szeto comes to rescue Jan with a sweeping motorcycle. It is love at first sight for Jan and she is even more shocked when she sees him coming to the detective agency at night to ask her to track down a Taiwanese triad boss. After finding the triad boss, Jan and who she perceives to be Szeto spend the night together. Szeto is caught in a net of confusion when he is arrested for setting a warehouse storage on fire. Because he had no alibi, he must go through the court trials. Even his police coworkers find it hard to believe that he is not the one shown in the surveillance video, as they look exactly the same! Even though pronounced innocent, Szeto quits the police force and exclaims unless he can prove himself innocent, he will not return. He becomes the head of the security department at a luxury service apartments building.

Eighteen months later, Jan spots Szeto in an elevator but he does not recognize who she is, causing her much agony. Szeto is at a shopping mall when he helps tackle a pervert and this is the first time he sees Lik, who has transformed. The reason behind Lik’s transformation is because he had to save Terry from being tied up in the warehouse by the triad boss. They fled together to the Philippines, helping Mr. Pittman (Brian Burrell) to steal an expensive and valuable necklace. But, just as they are about to leave with the necklace, a mysterious person sets their car on fire. Terry is able to escape, but Lik’s face suffered many burns, which resulted in him having to undergo 30+ plastic surgeries, to the face he currently has. Lik and Terry suspect and have narrowed down their potential targets to someone residing in the luxury apartment suites. Lik becomes a security guard in the building, making it easier to help Terry, who disguises as a tenant to find the person behind their misfortune.

At first they suspect it is Mr. Kong (Lau Kong), the owner of the building who lives on the top floor. His security is also very tight, one having to scan their fingerprints and eye before they can enter his room. His suite is off limits to all the other tenants, most of the security guards, and most of the housekeepers. Lik and Terry are confused to see him blind, only having 10% or less of his eyesight remaining. One night, while he is at dinner with the writer Ms. Kwok (Susan Tse) and the mysterious businesswoman Hon Sun (Vivien Yeo), Terry sneaks into his room, but unable to find the missing necklace. When Ms. Kwok complains of noise, she self-invites herself to stay with Hon Sun, who she tries to obtain some inspiration for her new book. By mistake, she sees Mr. Kong walking down a secret stairs, leading to Hon Sun’s bedroom. Ms. Kwok thinks they are secret lovers, but actually, Hon Sun works for Mr. Kong, and is a professional killer. Not wanting Ms. Kwok to have any other further assumptions, Hon Sun sets out to kill Ms. Kwok, trying to frame it on her niece Anson.

Lik tries to rekindle the one night romance with Jan, but in her heart now, Szeto stands in an important position. Szeto purposely tries to distance himself from Jan, not wanting Lik to sense they have something going on. The love triangle gets even more complicated when Szeto lies to Jan, claiming he is dating an ex-classmate Cecilia (Jade Leung). Although confused and frustrated, Jan has no choice but to accept the fact.

After Mr. Kong realizes that Szeto and Lik are twin brothers, he challenges Szeto, to which he returns back to the police force. He asks Lik to help him steal a valuable painting from an old friend, in exchange for the necklace he has been seeking, the one he lost his original face to. Lik can only ask Terry for help, but Terry must lie to Agatha in order to help him.

It is a battle of wits one time when both Szeto and Lik are at home with their parents celebrating their wedding anniversary. Szeto sides with the police, not wanting Lik to successfully steal a painting. Szeto constantly contacts Anson and the police team giving them advice as Lik contacts and tells Terry what to do. Lik knows Szeto is doing all he can for his own good, but he refuses to allow his brother to help him. At the end, Terry is able to help Lik steal the painting for Mr. Kong. Lik had given a timed bomb to Terry, without his consent and without his knowledge. This kills off Hon Sun and makes Terry feel guilty for helping Lik. Szeto forcefully tries to send Lik off to Vietnam.

But, Lik finds a way to come back and when he does, he pretends to have turned a new leaf. He seems as if he regrets his wrongdoings, apologizing for those who he had hurt. Everyone believes him, except for Szeto. Szeto tries to think who and what else could he possibly be back for. On the night before Terry and Agatha’s wedding, Lik tries to murder Jan and frame it on Szeto. This is his revenge for Jan choosing Szeto over him. Because the two twin brothers are able to sense each other’s dreams, Lik forces himself to be awake by injecting shots. Lik holds an entire bus of passengers hostage to prove his ability. In the process of doing so, he realizes he has really done wrong and although his early life had been unfortunate, he finally understood that he had done nothing to make it better. Lik’s life eventually ends when large logs fall down.

This was a very intense and exciting drama indeed. All the elements were played out well and Ruco did a wonderful job, from a lost twin brother to a psychotic man. His actions are relevant to the things happening around him, but he has himself to blame for his misfortune too. Kevin tried his best to rescue his twin brother from doing anymore wrong, but failed. And I believe this is Tavia’s first time with such a nerdy look… This drama was interesting in that although they were twins, because of the story’s plot, they never actually had to be in the same scene.