columbine là gì - Nghĩa của từ columbine

columbine có nghĩa là

A scapegoat for people to blame metal bands like Marilyn Manson and Rammstein for our problems with violence. It also blamed neo-nazism, action movies like the Matrix, great TV shows like South Park , and those very fun violent video games. I mean it is a sad story that there were all of those casualties, but it doesn't hide the fact that preps and jocks are the ones who just pick on the ones who are different from them, and in time it shows that mean people are the true reason. I listen to sick music all the time, I watch South Park every night, I've seen some real bloody action movies in my time, and played Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne and it's never promoted me to kill. The only thing that sets students off are greedy principles that try to control your every movement, students that make everyone feel bad, and WAL-MART. (damn walmart and all of their secret ploys to take over your mind.)


The senators and governers can do all they want like taking away music, tv shows, games, and movies, but that isn't going to solve anything. So pull your head out of your asses and finally relize that people are the things that piss people off! Everyone should also watch Bowling For Columbine, Micheal Moore is a genius!

columbine có nghĩa là

what happens when assholes treat people like shit. sadly enough the world hasn't learned a damn thing from this and most likely never will.


columbine was the result of two kids who were reduced to nothing on a daily basis.

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A field day for the press to rag on about what modern entertainment is doing for our kids. See speculation. In the end, only retards believe their lies. Or maybe just there are too many people like me whining about their lies for even retards not to notice.

Moral is "Do unto others"


If you're a jock, make sure the kids you pick on are too retarded to know how to work a gun.

columbine có nghĩa là

A "tragedy" which made idiotic fools fool themselves into thinking Eric and Dylan were going to "hell". Hahaha its NOT GOING TO HAPPEN sore losers they got away with it face it, stop being in denial LOL.


Columbine DID happen because of bullying idiots. Difference is these guys had the mind and weaponry to actually do what many people fantasize about.

columbine có nghĩa là

An event in which to genius boys who had the knowledge to to change the world were driven to shoot up an entire school. No one would just shut the fuck up with there close minded boundries of "normal" and "decent". Columbine was a scary and i will admit, horifyling event. But i still think that the ones who say "i just dont know why they did this" are the ones who caused it. The only way that you can help to prevent this from happening again is if you "liberate your mind."-Disturbed
Think of it this way. Who were the ones who were made fun of in our parents time? The Nerds or Geeks or what ever. Now look at em! look at fuckin google!! The Nerds are now ruling the fucking world!!! why cant society see that were the new nerds! we may be getting kicked out of school but we are geniuses and Clumbine should has proved that!!! I say "we" because i understand the two kids!! I feel for them and i hope that one day you will all wish you had listend to them !!!!!!!!!


Columbine is the prof that America will always be a lie...

columbine có nghĩa là

where a couple of fuck-ups killed a bunch of people at school and caused a national outrage in which the senators started bitching about movies and music and videogames again. fuck the senators.


"i belive videogames are the source of these shootings"- bitch ass senator

columbine có nghĩa là

Ex 1- A tragic incident at Columbine High School in 1999 where two assholes shot innocent students. Ex 2- Adj or Noun. Describes a pyscho with intent to kill and/or a person with an obsession with violent video games, crushed dreams, loserdom, and weapons.


Ex 1.- Oh my god, its been 10 years since Columbine? What an awful moment in history, God bless the victims and their families. Ex 2.- Holy shit check out that acne faced virgin trying to become a level 12 paladin on World of Warcraft! He's so columbine. Dude's got massive issues. Is he wearing Birkenstock?!

columbine có nghĩa là

An admittedly very tragic event that happened THREE YEARS AGO.
It is time for the country to move on and stop letting fear run the lives of its people. If we allow fear to control what we do or how we act, then those two assholes won.


I can't wear a jacket into class when I'm cold because everyone is still hung up about Columbine.

columbine có nghĩa là

Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Aquilegia native to north temperate regions, cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers that have petals with long hollow spurs. Also called aquilegia.

\Col"um*bine\, a. L. columbinus, fr. columba dove. Of or pertaining to a dove; dovelike; dove-colored. ``Columbine innocency.'' --Bacon.

v. co·lum·bine
v. co·lum·bined, co·lum·bine, co·lum·bines
v. tr.

To destroy completely: Sarah thought she could sing, but I totally columbined her illusion.
To reduce to nonexistence.
To defeat decisively; vanquish.
To nullify or render void; abolish.

2. To destroy the form or peculiar distinctive properties of, so that the specific thing no longer exists; as, to columbine a forest by cutting down the trees. ``To columbine her hymen.'' --B ongLoader420

3. To destroy or eradicate, as a property or attribute of a thing; to make of no effect; to destroy the force, etc., of; as, to columbine an argument, law, rights, goodness, or a school.


"Holy Columbine, Batman, those Nazis sure don't like them Jews."

"Dude, I would so go columbine on her fine ass."

"There were these 8 gangstas all flailin' at eachother with weapons; it was columbindemonium."

columbine có nghĩa là

A kid in school that seems like any moment could break the camels back and he's gonna go postal


Chris: Yo Tom, why'd you let that kid cut you in line?
Tom: Don't you know? That's Columbine. When shit hits the fan I wanna be in the clear