birtherism là gì - Nghĩa của từ birtherism

birtherism có nghĩa là

an inbred racist redneck who can't accept the idea of a black man in the White House so they make up ridiculous lies about Barack Obama


According to U.S. law there are 2 ways a person can be considered a natural born citizen: 1. Law of the soil
Anyone born on U.S. soil is automatically considered a natural born citizen no matter where their parents were from and even if their parents were in the country illegally. 2. Law of the blood
If a person has at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen they are automatically considered a natural born citizen no matter where they are born. --------------------------------------------------------------------
John McCain was born in Panama but his parents were U.S. citizens so McCain is a natural born citizen by law of the blood. Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii so he is a natural born citizen by law of the soil. Even if Obama had been born in Kenya or some other country as the birther morons have alleged his mother was a U.S. citizen so he would still be a natural born citizen by law of the blood.

birtherism có nghĩa là

someone who believes that someone with black skin can't possibly be a real american, and thus cannot legally serve as president.


I'm a proud birther: I think everybody whose skin is darker than mine should be deported... or forced to work in the service industry for other whites like myself.

birtherism có nghĩa là

A sore loser who happens to also be racist and have a brain no larger than a peanut. They also have exceptionally large mouths and an utter inability to understand basic facts. This term is usually employed to those people who possess the aforementioned characteristics who actually believe that president Barack Obama, a half-black Hawaiian, was born in Kenya. They also have the delusion that President Obama won't release his birth certificate to the public, despite the fact that no other president has actually been asked to and he actually has it posted, like, all over the internet. Since a fundamental quality of a birther is that he or she cannot understand basic facts, they reject the fact that it exists and go on, contented, that he is spending millions to hide it.


Does that guy really reject this proposition despite the overwhelming evidence that it is true? What a birther!

birtherism có nghĩa là

1) A conspiracy theorist convinced of his/her intellectual superiority and rightness about Obama's birth on another planet, star or galaxy far, far away and long, long ago--or anywhere as long as it's not in the U.S. (e.g., Kenya--or maybe Sirius, as in "Are you?? Really!??"). 2) An ignoranus whose religion and entire life purpose just ended April 27, 2011 when the legitimate President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, II, released his legitimate, long-form birth certificate issued in Hawaii--a non-news event ridiculously treated as news by the blithering, lemming media. 3) An inbred cousin of Patrick, the retarded starfish on Spongebob Squarepants who said: "Stupid people are blissfully unaware of just how stupid they really are. (Droooooool)" 4) A stupidiot moron sponging off the Idiocracy formerly known as the United States of America, and focusing attention on something unimportant and already verified, to distract from real problems for real people.


News media: So birthers--what are you gonna do now that Obama's birth certificate is out and verifiable? Birther 1: Hari kari!!! Birther 2: Dunno. (drooooool) Birther 3: Duh...I guess...uh...mmm--hold it, I have to ask my OverLord what's the next thing to worry to death like a rabid pit bull. Goin' ta get my meds now, before I start drooling...Oops--(droooooool)

birtherism có nghĩa là

A natural-born citizen who, by coincidence, happens to be a natural-born racist, natural-born moron, and a natural-born asshole.


Randy: Hey, Billy-Bob, did you know Barrack Obama is not eligible to be President? Billy-Bob: Yeah sure do... so when you and yer sister gettin married? Randy: Soon as my pa's done with her. He's a birther.

birtherism có nghĩa là

Birthers are criminally insane, low-IQ conservative religious fanatic, wide stanced, knuckle dragging morons who believe that Obama's parents knew he would be president when he was born and had a fake birth certificate made up indicating he was born in the U.S.


Glug...glug...yuk...yep, i reckon that filthy neeger was born in Kenya and his salt and pepper folks knew he was da anti-christ way ahead of time. Hey! Who are ya callin' birthers?

birtherism có nghĩa là

The questioning of Barrack Obama's qualification for presidency, based on hearsay that he is not a natural born citizen of the United States. Birtherism's origins lie in the incredibly naive, conservative followers of Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and Glenn Beck, who believe anything they are told because they are dumb, uneducated racists.


Donald Trump recently converted to birtherism when he publicly accused Obama of being born out of country.

birtherism có nghĩa là

Dull witted racist. Most are victims of sexual assault by several of their parents, step-parents and moms boyfriends, but have suppressed the memories.


A: Why does Johnny get in fights at school so often? B: Who knows? A: I think he's a Birther.

birtherism có nghĩa là

An anti-choice advocate who wants laws mandating every pregnancy to end in birth.


Birthers are protesting outside Planned Parenthood again.

birtherism có nghĩa là

Someone that gives life and revives.


Beyonce is a birther! Every time she drops a singles it gives life.