abbis là gì - Nghĩa của từ abbis

abbis có nghĩa là

A dedicated and pretty girl but when she is bored she searches her name on urban dictionary


Who doesn't love Abbie

abbis có nghĩa là

an abby is a funny, sassy, and beautiful girl. usually really insecure and doesn't understand how amazing she is. she tries to be friends with everybody, but you wouldnt want her to be in a fight with you, kitty's got claws. she has many friends but doesn't realize it. people line up to talk to her. she hasn't had many relationships but those she have been in have been imporrtant to her .


Guy1: Damn look at that abby! she's gorgeous!
Guy2: Yeah, everybody wants to get with her. too bad she has too much dignity for that.

abbis có nghĩa là

Abbie tends to surround herself with people that usually hurt her but she keeps positive she's bubbly,lovely,sweet,very intellectual although she tries to hide it and totally bonkers but you couldn't possibly let her go she's brunette and pretty usually players think there playing her or think she's in love with them but it's usually the other way around you'll be in love with her and you won't even know it,if you have her don't let her go or you'll soon regret it as abbie has a very icy side you want to avoid her well she can be the ice queen.Usually prefers blondes but doesn't mind the browns and the odd ginger,can be very athletic and sporty but loves a good sit down in front of the telly and a plate full of food,don't hurt an abbie as they are so delicate as much as they try to hide it,she's very loyal and cares deeply for her friends and family and is very protective if you're in a relationship with abbie she's very passionate and adventurous so don't let her go


"Wow abbie is a great kisser"

abbis có nghĩa là

Abby hides a lot because she doesn't want people to worry about her but she tells one person EVERYTHING and puts everyone before herself. She's very insecure about her body and what people think about her. She's a VERY emotional girl and is wild and fun around her bestfriends. She might seem shy at first but if you get close to her, you see the monster side of her. She's insane, clingy, loving, beautiful, amazing, smart, funny, and so much more. She cracks up over the littlest things. Abby's usually has blue/grayish eyes and brown/blonde hair. She can be annoying at times and loving at others. She's just amazing. Abby gets annoyed easily.......a little to easily. Get yourself an Abby, you are gonna need her BUT she does not listen to anybody's advice!


I need myself an Abby

abbis có nghĩa là

Abbie's are the best people you can ever find they are the best funniest prettiest peoples will meet she don't care what people think she walks right through haters Abbie's have great personalities and never let anyone down find a abbie and don't let her go


Abbie is a great person she's awesome

abbis có nghĩa là

Abbie is a kind hearted wonderful girl. She can be a smart girl if she really tries. She can we very feisty. But really quite. She can be a very outgoing Person, if you really get to know her. She has many small groups of friends because she fits into many different categories as a person. She is usually the head of each of those groups because no one has a problem with her in that group. She always gives great advice about anything. She is also a great person to talk to. She doesn't really have that much self esteem when it comes to herself. There isn't any guys lining up for her.


Do you know an Abbie if so comment or like?

abbis có nghĩa là

Where to start? She’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, and I mean that. She’s so funny, so unbelievably smart, so freaking caring and a little too nice. She never fails to make you feel better. She doesn’t even realize how much you need her or how much she means to you and you really wish she did. She deserves nothing but happiness and if I could give her every ounce of mine I would. She’s a total badass, she’s literally so hot. Too bad she doesn’t have the confidence yet to realize it. To any of the Abbi’s reading this, things will get better, you will be happy one day. Whatever you are going through right now just know that you are loved, even if you don’t believe. If it’s any consolation I want you here, I NEED you here, so please stay. I love you.


That girl is an absolute GODDESS, she must be an Abbi. :)

abbis có nghĩa là

Abbys are looked upon as a perfect girl. Abbys are smart, pretty, and funny. They are really nice and joyful, they always has a smile on their face. Although, she has a deep inner self. She tends to judge herself harshly and she can go hard on herself. She is often a perfectionist, looking at the little details. Abbys are shy at first, but only some see her wild side. They're great singers and are very talented. Abbys always love to laugh, they're very funny. They can often get really competitive with others. Although they love to help others out- from volunteering at shelters to helping a friend out with homework. They are kind to all but like to tease them too. Abbys are very creative and like to think outside the box. You can often catch guys staring at her and having a conversation. They love to talk, sometimes a little too much. You can talk with her for hours. Note that she doesn't trust many people, but many trust her. Behind that free spirited personality, holds many secrets. It takes a bit to gain her trust, and if you manage to get her trust, never break it. She loves to spend time with friends, nothing's better then getting a hug to them. Abbys are great friends, she will do everything possible to make others happy, she's always there when you need her. Love life-
Abbys make great girlfriends. They very loving, caring, sincere and sweet, they will never cheat on you. If you have an Abby, never let her go. Abbys typically match well with Ethans or Matthews.


"Abby is so nice, she took the time to help me with my homework" "Dang Abby is so perfect, she's really smart and has all A's, she's really pretty and kind, and she always has a smile on her face."

abbis có nghĩa là

abby is the name of a beautiful girl. she will always have your back, and would never talk bad about you. she kind, caring, sweet, and the most amazing girl you’ll ever meet. if you meet an abby, DONT lose her


girl: who’s that?
boy: that’s abby
girl: oh i’ve heard of them, i’m going to go talk to her

abbis có nghĩa là

Abbys are usually very laid back and relaxed girls, but can be very goal driven if the goal benefits them or those they care about greatly. They are always determined to get their point across to others and usually succeed in doing so. They can come across as dumb or lost, but as you get to know them, you will discover that they are very sweet, intelligent and loving. Abbys always know when someone has a problem with her, no matter how small it is, and will almost always overthink and stress about it!
Abbys enjoy getting to know new people, building friendships and shopping. They have a smile that could light up a whole room and their presence is enough to make everyone happy and excited for no proper reason!Everyone they speak to usually ends up being their bestfriend! They are very hard not to like, and loosing her would be the biggest mistake you ever make. Once you are on her bad side it will be very hard for you to redeem yourself .
Abbys make amazing girlfriends and are desired by many boys at a time - their bubbly personality, hot and sexy figure, gorgeous face, beautiful scent and luscious hair are only a few things that make them perfect and drive everyone insane! She will stay loyal and faithful to you as long as you do to her! She loves hugs and physical affection from anyone, but especially from her man.
If you ever get to know an Abby, you are one of the luckiest people on this planet!


Bethany: Have you seen that girl over there? She seems very pretty but very quiet..
Janae: Oh yeah, that's Abby, she has a beautiful smile and such a lovely personality! Emma: Abby's amazing! We've only been talking for 2 weeks and we're already bestfriends! I wish I could be like her Nathan: Woah is that Abby
Harry: Yeah, she's so stunning, beautiful and funny but she has a boyfriend
Nathan: I'm not suprised, he's the luckiest boy alive to have her
Harry: I know right man