Which two of the following statements about application security are true?

The multitenant architecture enables an Oracle database to contain a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and nonschema objects that appear to an Oracle Real Application Security application user as a separate database. A multitenant container database (CDB) is an Oracle database that includes one or more pluggable databases (PDBs).

Oracle Real Application Security can be used with Oracle Multitenant to provide increased security for consolidation.

Because Oracle Real Application Security entities are scoped within a PDB, each PDB has its own Real Application Security metadata, such as users, roles, privileges, ACLs, data security policies, and so forth. As a result, Real Application Security can prevent privileged user access inside a PDB between and among applications and between the PDB and the common privileged user at the container database.

As SYS is the schema owner for Oracle Real Application Security entities, Real Application Security entities created in root can only be accessed by the SYS user in root. The same is true for other operating systems in that the SYS user is the schema owner for Oracle Real Application Security entities and only the SYS user has access to these entities. Similarly, Real Application Security entities created within a local PDB, can only be accessed in the local PDB.

Since Oracle Real Application Security direct login users have a password associated with them, these users can be provisioned within a PDB, using a single sqlnet.ora parameter to support them.

Oracle Real Application Security administration involves PDB specific administrative privileges and a schema to qualify the name for Real Application Security entities. The schema name can be common; however, entities created under the naming scope of a common schema are not common.

Oracle Real Application Security auditing is PDB specific.

An Oracle Real Application Security application user can connect to a PDB using a service whose pluggable database property has been set to the relevant PDB.

Strong physical security is an important part of cybersecurity. A burglary, lost laptop, stolen mobile device, or misplaced flash drive can have serious consequences.

To find out how much you know about physical security, select the correct response for each question.

1. Promoting physical security includes protecting:

  • A. Only paper files.

    This is incorrect! Paper files need to be protected, but physical security also includes protecting sensitive information on hard drives, flash drives, laptops, point-of-sale devices, and other equipment.

  • B. Only paper files and any computer on which you store electronic copies of those files.

    This is incorrect! Paper files and electronic copies need to be protected, but physical security also includes protecting sensitive information on hard drives, flash drives, laptops, point-of-sale devices, and other equipment.

  • C. Only paper files, flash drives, and point-of-sale devices.

    This is incorrect! Paper files, flash drives, and point-of-sale devices need to be protected, but physical security also includes protecting sensitive information on hard drives, laptops, and other equipment.

  • D. All the above plus any other device with sensitive information on it.

    This is correct! Promoting physical security includes protecting sensitive information in paper files and on hard drives, flash drives, laptops, point-of-sale devices, and other equipment.

2. Paper files that have sensitive information should be disposed of in a locked trash bin. True or False?

  • True

    This is incorrect! Always shred documents with sensitive information before throwing them away.

  • False

    This is correct! Always shred documents with sensitive information before throwing them away.

3. When you hit the “delete” key, that means a file is automatically removed from your computer. True or False?

  • True

    This is incorrect! “Delete” alone does not actually remove a file from a computer. Use software to erase data, especially before you donate or discard old computers, mobile devices, digital copiers, and drives.

  • False

    This is correct! “Delete” alone does not actually remove a file from a computer. Use software to erase data, especially before you donate or discard old computers, mobile devices, digital copiers, and drives.

4. Which one of these statements is true?

  • A. It’s best to use multi-factor authentication to access areas of the business network with sensitive information.

    This is correct! Always use multi-factor authentication to access areas of your network and devices with sensitive information. This requires additional steps beyond logging in with a password — like a temporary code on a smartphone, or a key that’s inserted into a computer.

  • B. You should use the same password for key business devices to guarantee that high-level employees can access them in an emergency.

    This is incorrect! For every device with sensitive information, the password should be long, complex, and unique. And make sure that these passwords are stored securely.

  • C. The best way to protect business data is to make sure no one loses any device.

    This is incorrect! While it’s important to have policies and procedures to reduce the chance that devices will be lost or stolen, that’s not enough. Encrypting portable media will help to protect sensitive information even when a device is lost or stolen.

  • D. You shouldn’t limit login attempts on key business devices, because getting locked out for having too many incorrect attempts would leave you unable to access your accounts.

    This is incorrect! It’s best to limit the number of incorrect login attempts allowed to unlock devices. This will help protect against intruders.

5. Only people with access to sensitive data need to be trained on the importance of the physical security of files and equipment. True or False?

  • True

    This is incorrect! Everyone needs to have strong physical security practices, and everyone should also be trained on what to do if equipment or paper files are lost or stolen, including whom to notify and what to do next. Use Data Breach Response: A Guide for Business for guidance. You can find it at FTC.gov/DataBreach.

  • False

    This is correct! Everyone needs to have strong physical security practices, and everyone should also be trained on what to do if equipment or paper files are lost or stolen, including whom to notify and what to do next. Use Data Breach Response: A Guide for Business for guidance. You can find it at FTC.gov/DataBreach.

Quiz Results: 0%

Visit our physical security webpage for more resources and information on how you can protect your business.

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15 Application Security Best Practices.
Adopt a DevSecOps Approach..
Implement a Secure SDLC Management Process..
Address Open-Source Vulnerabilities..
Be Aware of Your Own Assets..
Risk Assessment..
Security Training for Developers..
Manage Containers Properly..