Which of the following method call gives the position of the first occurrence of x in the string 51?


Search for "3" in string "W3Schools.com", and return position:

SELECT INSTR("W3Schools.com", "3") AS MatchPosition;

Try it Yourself »

Definition and Usage

The INSTR() function returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string.

This function performs a case-insensitive search.


INSTR(string1, string2)

Parameter Values

string1 Required. The string that will be searched
string2 Required. The string to search for in string1. If string2 is not found, this function returns 0

Technical Details

Works in:
From MySQL 4.0

More Examples


Search for "COM" in string "W3Schools.com", and return position:

SELECT INSTR("W3Schools.com", "COM") AS MatchPosition;

Try it Yourself »


Search for "a" in CustomerName column, and return position:

SELECT INSTR(CustomerName, "a")
FROM Customers;

Try it Yourself »

string.split("=", limit=2);

As String.split(java.lang.String regex, int limit) explains:

The array returned by this method contains each substring of this string that is terminated by another substring that matches the given expression or is terminated by the end of the string. The substrings in the array are in the order in which they occur in this string. If the expression does not match any part of the input then the resulting array has just one element, namely this string.

The limit parameter controls the number of times the pattern is applied and therefore affects the length of the resulting array. If the limit n is greater than zero then the pattern will be applied at most n - 1 times, the array's length will be no greater than n, and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched delimiter.

The string boo:and:foo, for example, yields the following results with these parameters:

Regex Limit Result
: 2 { "boo", "and:foo" } : 5 { "boo", "and", "foo" } : -2 { "boo", "and", "foo" } o 5 { "b", "", ":and:f", "", "" } o -2 { "b", "", ":and:f", "", "" } o 0 { "b", "", ":and:f" }

Given a string, find the first non-repeating character in it. For example, if the input string is “GeeksforGeeks”, then the output should be ‘f’ and if the input string is “GeeksQuiz”, then the output should be ‘G’. 


Input: "geeksforgeeks" Explanation: Step 1: Construct a character count array from the input string. .... count['e'] = 4 count['f'] = 1 count['g'] = 2 count['k'] = 2 …… Step 2: Get the first character who's count is 1 ('f').

Method #1:  HashMap and Two-string method traversals.

A character is said to be non-repeating if its frequency in the string is unit. Now for finding such characters, one needs to find the frequency of all characters in the string and check which character has unit frequency. This task could be done efficiently using a hash_map which will map the character to there respective frequencies and in which we can simultaneously update the frequency of any character we come across in constant time. The maximum distinct characters in the ASCII system are 256. So hash_map has a maximum size of 256. Now read the string again and the first character which we find has a frequency as unity is the answer. 


  1. Make a hash_map which will map the character to there respective frequencies.
  2. Traverse the given string using a pointer.
  3. Increase the count of current character in the hash_map.
  4. Now traverse the string again and check whether the current character hasfrequency=1.
  5. If the frequency>1 continue the traversal.
  6. Else break the loop and print the current character as the answer.

Pseudo Code : 

for ( i=0 to str.length()) hash_map[str[i]]++; for(i=0 to str.length()) if(hash_map[str[i]]==1) return str[i]

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#define NO_OF_CHARS 256

int* getCharCountArray(char* str)


    int* count = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int), NO_OF_CHARS);

    int i;

    for (i = 0; *(str + i); i++)

        count[*(str + i)]++;

    return count;


int firstNonRepeating(char* str)


    int* count = getCharCountArray(str);

    int index = -1, i;

    for (i = 0; *(str + i); i++) {

        if (count[*(str + i)] == 1) {

            index = i;





    return index;


int main()


    char str[] = "geeksforgeeks";

    int index = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (index == -1)

        cout << "Either all characters are repeating or "

            "string is empty";


        cout << "First non-repeating character is "<<



    return 0;



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define NO_OF_CHARS 256

int* getCharCountArray(char* str)


    int* count = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int), NO_OF_CHARS);

    int i;

    for (i = 0; *(str + i); i++)

        count[*(str + i)]++;

    return count;


int firstNonRepeating(char* str)


    int* count = getCharCountArray(str);

    int index = -1, i;

    for (i = 0; *(str + i); i++) {

        if (count[*(str + i)] == 1) {

            index = i;





    return index;


int main()


    char str[] = "geeksforgeeks";

    int index = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (index == -1)

        printf("Either all characters are repeating or "

               "string is empty");


        printf("First non-repeating character is %c",



    return 0;



class GFG {

    static final int NO_OF_CHARS = 256;

    static char count[] = new char[NO_OF_CHARS];

    static void getCharCountArray(String str)


        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)



    static int firstNonRepeating(String str)



        int index = -1, i;

        for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

            if (count[str.charAt(i)] == 1) {

                index = i;




        return index;


    public static void main(String[] args)


        String str = "geeksforgeeks";

        int index = firstNonRepeating(str);


            index == -1

                ? "Either all characters are repeating or string "

                      + "is empty"

                : "First non-repeating character is "

                      + str.charAt(index));





def getCharCountArray(string):

    count = [0] * NO_OF_CHARS

    for i in string:

        count[ord(i)]+= 1

    return count

def firstNonRepeating(string):

    count = getCharCountArray(string)

    index = -1

    k = 0

    for i in string:

        if count[ord(i)] == 1:

            index = k


        k += 1

    return index

string = "geeksforgeeks"

index = firstNonRepeating(string)

if index == 1:

    print ("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty")


    print ("First non-repeating character is" , string[index])


using System;

using System.Globalization;

class GFG {

    static int NO_OF_CHARS = 256;

    static char[] count = new char[NO_OF_CHARS];

    static void getCharCountArray(string str)


        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)



    static int firstNonRepeating(string str)



        int index = -1, i;

        for (i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {

            if (count[str[i]] == 1) {

                index = i;




        return index;


    public static void Main()


        string str = "geeksforgeeks";

        int index = firstNonRepeating(str);

        Console.WriteLine(index == -1 ? "Either "

                                            + "all characters are repeating or string "

                                            + "is empty"

                                      : "First non-repeating character"

                                            + " is " + str[index]);





$NO_OF_CHARS = 256;

$count=array_fill(0, 200, 0);

function getCharCountArray($str)


    global $count;

    for ($i = 0;

         $i < strlen($str); $i++)



function firstNonRepeating($str)


    global $count;


    $index = -1;

    for ($i = 0;

         $i < strlen($str); $i++)


        if ($count[ord($str[$i])] == 1)


            $index = $i;




return $index;


$str = "geeksforgeeks";

$index = firstNonRepeating($str);

if($index == -1)

echo "Either all characters are" .

     " repeating or string is empty";


echo "First non-repeating ".

            "character is ".




First non-repeating character is f

Can this be done by traversing the string only once? 
The above approach takes O(n) time, but in practice, it can be improved. The first part of the algorithm runs through the string to construct the count array (in O(n) time). This is reasonable. But the second part about running through the string again just to find the first non-repeater is not a good practice.
In real situations, the string is expected to be much larger than your alphabet. Take DNA sequences, for example, they could be millions of letters long with an alphabet of just 4 letters. What happens if the non-repeater is at the end of the string? Then we would have to scan for a long time (again). 

Method #2: HashMap and single string traversal

Make a count array instead of hash_map of maximum number of characters(256). We can augment the count array by storing not just counts but also the index of the first time you encountered the character e.g. (3, 26) for ‘a’ meaning that ‘a’ got counted 3 times and the first time it was seen is at position 26. So when it comes to finding the first non-repeater, we just have to scan the count array, instead of the string. Thanks to Ben for suggesting this approach.

Algorithm : 

  1. Make a count_array which will have two fields namely frequency, first occurrence of a character.
  2. The size of count_array is ‘256’.
  3. Traverse the given string using a pointer.
  4. Increase the count of current character and update the occurrence.
  5. Now here’s a catch, the array will contain valid first occurrence of the character which has frequency has unity otherwise the first occurrence keeps updating.
  6. Now traverse the count_array and find the character which has least value of first occurrence and frequency value as unity.
  7. Return the character

Pseudo Code : 

for ( i=0 to str.length()) count_arr[str[i]].first++; count_arr[str[i]].second=i; int res=INT_MAX; for(i=0 to count_arr.size()) if(count_arr[str[i]].first==1) res=min(min, count_arr[str[i]].second) return res



#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define NO_OF_CHARS 256

int firstNonRepeating(char* str)


    pair<int, int> arr[NO_OF_CHARS];

    for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {


        arr[str[i]].second = i;


    int res = INT_MAX;

    for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_CHARS; i++)

        if (arr[i].first == 1)

            res = min(res, arr[i].second);

    return res;


int main()


    char str[] = "geeksforgeeks";

    int index = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (index == INT_MAX)

        printf("Either all characters are "

               "repeating or string is empty");


        printf("First non-repeating character"

               " is %c",


    return 0;



#include <limits.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define NO_OF_CHARS 256

struct countIndex {

    int count;

    int index;


struct countIndex* getCharCountArray(char* str)


    struct countIndex* count = (struct countIndex*)calloc(

        sizeof(struct countIndex), NO_OF_CHARS);

    int i;

    for (i = 0; *(str + i); i++) {

        (count[*(str + i)].count)++;

        if (count[*(str + i)].count == 1)

            count[*(str + i)].index = i;


    return count;


int firstNonRepeating(char* str)


    struct countIndex* count

        = getCharCountArray(str);

    int result = INT_MAX, i;

    for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_CHARS; i++) {

        if (count[i].count == 1

            && result > count[i].index)

            result = count[i].index;



    return result;


int main()


    char str[] = "geeksforgeeks";

    int index = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (index == INT_MAX)

        printf("Either all characters are"

               " repeating or string is empty");


        printf("First non-repeating character"

               " is %c",



    return 0;



import java.util.*;

class CountIndex {

    int count, index;

    public CountIndex(int index)


        this.count = 1;

        this.index = index;


    public void incCount()





class GFG {

    static final int NO_OF_CHARS = 256;

    static HashMap<Character, CountIndex> hm

        = new HashMap<Character, CountIndex>(NO_OF_CHARS);

    static void getCharCountArray(String str)


        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

            if (hm.containsKey(str.charAt(i))) {



            else {

                hm.put(str.charAt(i), new CountIndex(i));




    static int firstNonRepeating(String str)



        int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE, i;

        for (Map.Entry<Character, CountIndex> entry : hm.entrySet())


            int c=entry.getValue().count;

            int ind=entry.getValue().index;

            if(c==1 && ind < result)





        return result;


    public static void main(String[] args)


        String str = "geeksforgeeks";

        int index = firstNonRepeating(str);


            index == Integer.MAX_VALUE

                ? "Either all characters are repeating "

                      + " or string is empty"

                : "First non-repeating character is "

                      + str.charAt(index));




import sys


def firstNonRepeating(Str):

    arr = [[] for i in range(NO_OF_CHARS)]

    for i in range(NO_OF_CHARS):

        arr[i] = [0,0]

    for i in range(len(Str)):

        arr[ord(Str[i])][0] += 1

        arr[ord(Str[i])][1]= i

    res = sys.maxsize

    for i in range(NO_OF_CHARS):

        if (arr[i][0] == 1):

            res = min(res, arr[i][1])

    return res

Str = "geeksforgeeks"

index = firstNonRepeating(Str)

if (index == sys.maxsize):

    print("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty")


    print("First non-repeating character is ",Str[index])


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

class CountIndex {

    public int count, index;

    public CountIndex(int index)


        this.count = 1;

        this.index = index;


    public virtual void incCount()





class GFG {

    public const int NO_OF_CHARS = 256;

    public static Dictionary<char,


        hm = new Dictionary<char,


    public static void getCharCountArray(string str)


        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {

            if (hm.ContainsKey(str[i])) {



            else {

                hm[str[i]] = new CountIndex(i);




    internal static int firstNonRepeating(string str)



        int result = int.MaxValue, i;

        for (i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {

            if (hm[str[i]].count == 1 && result > hm[str[i]].index) {

                result = hm[str[i]].index;



        return result;


    public static void Main(string[] args)


        string str = "geeksforgeeks";

        int index = firstNonRepeating(str);


            index == int.MaxValue

                ? "Either all characters are repeating "

                      + " or string is empty"

                : "First non-repeating character is "

                      + str[index]);





const NO_OF_CHARS = 256

function firstNonRepeating(str)


    let arr = new Array(NO_OF_CHARS)

    for(let i=0;i<NO_OF_CHARS;i++){

        arr[i] = [0,0];


    for (let i=0;i<str.length;i++) {


        arr[str.charCodeAt(i)][1]= i;


    let res = Number.MAX_VALUE;

    for (let i = 0; i < NO_OF_CHARS; i++)

        if (arr[i][0] == 1)

            res = Math.min(res, arr[i][1]);

    return res;


let str = "geeksforgeeks";

let index = firstNonRepeating(str);

if (index == Number.MAX_VALUE)

    document.write("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty");


    document.write("First non-repeating character is ",str[index]);



First non-repeating character is f

Complexity Analysis: 

  • Time Complexity: O(n). 
    As the string need to be traversed at-least once.
  • Auxiliary Space: O(1). 
    Space is occupied by the use of count_array/hash_map to keep track of frequency.

Method #3: Count array and single string traversal:

Approach: Make a count array of maximum number of characters(256). We can initialize all the elements in this array to -1. And then loop through our string character by character and check if the array element with this character as index is -1 or not. If it is -1 then change it to i and if it not -1 then this means that this character already appeared before, so change it to -2. 

In the end all the repeating characters will be changed to -2 and all non-repeating characters will contain the index where they occur. Now we can just loop through all the non-repeating characters and find the minimum index or the first index.



# include<iostream>

# include<climits>

using namespace std;

int firstNonRepeating(string str) {

    int fi[256];

    for(int i = 0; i<256; i++)

        fi[i] = -1;

    for(int i = 0; i<str.length(); i++) {

        if(fi[str[i]] == -1) {

            fi[str[i]] = i;

        }else {

            fi[str[i]] = -2;



    int res = INT_MAX;

    for(int i = 0; i<256; i++) {

        if(fi[i] >= 0)

            res = min(res, fi[i]);


    if(res == INT_MAX) return -1;

    else return res;


int main(){

    string str;

      str = "geeksforgeeks";

    int firstIndex = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (firstIndex == -1)

        cout<<"Either all characters are repeating or string is empty";


        cout<<"First non-repeating character is "<< str[firstIndex];

    return 0;



public class GFG {

public static int firstNonRepeating(String str) {

    int[] fi = new int [256];

    for(int i = 0; i<256; i++)

        fi[i] = -1;

    for(int i = 0; i<str.length(); i++) {

        if(fi[str.charAt(i)] == -1) {

            fi[str.charAt(i)] = i;

        }else {

            fi[str.charAt(i)] = -2;



    int res =  Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    for(int i = 0; i<256; i++) {

        if(fi[i] >= 0)

            res = Math.min(res, fi[i]);


    if(res ==  Integer.MAX_VALUE) return -1;

    else return res;


public static void main(String args[]){

    String str;

    str = "geeksforgeeks";

    int firstIndex = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (firstIndex == -1)

       System.out.println("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty");


       System.out.println("First non-repeating character is "+ str.charAt(firstIndex));




import sys

def firstNonRepeating(Str):

    fi = [-1 for i in range(256)]

    for i in range(len(Str)):

        if(fi[ord(Str[i])] ==-1):

            fi[ord(Str[i])] = i


            fi[ord(Str[i])] = -2

    res = sys.maxsize

    for i in range(256):

        if(fi[i] >= 0):

            res = min(res, fi[i])

    if(res == sys.maxsize):

        return -1


        return res

Str = "geeksforgeeks"

firstIndex = firstNonRepeating(Str)

if (firstIndex == -1):

    print("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty")


    print("First non-repeating character is "+ str(Str[firstIndex]))


using System;

public class GFG {

    public static int firstNonRepeating(string str)


        int[] fi

            = new int[256];

        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)

            fi[i] = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {

            if (fi[str[i]] == -1) {

                fi[str[i]] = i;


            else {

                fi[str[i]] = -2;



        int res = Int32.MaxValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

            if (fi[i] >= 0)

                res = Math.Min(res, fi[i]);


        if (res == Int32.MaxValue)

            return -1;


            return res;


    public static void Main()


        string str;

        str = "geeksforgeeks";

        int firstIndex = firstNonRepeating(str);

        if (firstIndex == -1)


                "Either all characters are repeating or string is empty");



                "First non-repeating character is "

                + str[firstIndex]);





function firstNonRepeating(str)


    var fi=new Array(256);


    for(var i = 0; i<256; i++)

        fi[i] = -1;

    for(var i = 0; i<str.length; i++)


        if(fi[str.charCodeAt(i)] ==-1)


            fi[str.charCodeAt(i)] = i;




            fi[str.charCodeAt(i)] = -2;



    var res = Infinity;

    for(var i = 0; i<256; i++) {

        if(fi[i] >= 0)

            res = Math.min(res, fi[i]);


    if(res == Infinity) return -1;

    else return res;


var str;

    str = "geeksforgeeks";

    var firstIndex = firstNonRepeating(str);

    if (firstIndex === -1)

        document.write("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty");


        document.write("First non-repeating character is "+ str.charAt(firstIndex));



First non-repeating character is f

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(n).
    As the string need to be traversed once
  • Auxiliary Space: O(1).
    Space is occupied by the use of count-array to keep track of frequency.

Method #4: Using Built-in Python Functions:


  1. Calculate all frequencies of all characters using Counter() function.
  2. Traverse the string and check if any element has frequency 1.
  3. Print the character and break the loop.

Below is the implementation:


from collections import Counter

def printNonrepeated(string):

    freq = Counter(string)

    for i in string:

        if(freq[i] == 1):



string = "geeksforgeeks"


Time Complexity: O(n). As the string need to be traversed at-least once.
Auxiliary Space: O(n). 

Using string function find():

Approach: Search every letter after its current position. should it return -1, it means the letter has just one occurrence that is the current index.




using namespace std;

void FirstNonRepeat(string s){

   for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)


       if (s.find(s[i] ,s.find(s[i])+1) == string::npos)








int main(){

    string s = "geeksforgeeks";




def FirstNonRepeat(s):

   for i in s:

       if (s.find(i,(s.find(i)+1))) == -1:




s = 'geeksforgeeks'



using System;

public static class GFG


  public static void FirstNonRepeat(string s)


    for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {

      if (s.IndexOf(s[i], s.IndexOf(s[i]) + 1)

          == -1) {







  internal static void Main()


    string s = "geeksforgeeks";






function FirstNonRepeat(s){

   for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i++)


       if (s.indexOf(s.charAt(i),s.indexOf(s.charAt(i))+1) == -1)








let s = 'geeksforgeeks'



Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Auxiliary Space: O(1). 

 Approach : Using count() method.If the count of particular character within the string is 1, then the character is non repeating.After finding the first non repeating character, break the loop and display it.


string = "geeksforgeeks"



for i in string:

    if string.count(i) == 1:





if index == 1:

  print ("Either all characters are repeating or string is empty")


  print ("First non-repeating character is" , fnc)


First non-repeating character is f

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1). 

Related Problem: K’th Non-repeating Character
Please suggest if someone has a better solution which is more efficient in terms of space and time.
This article is contributed by Aarti_Rathi. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

Which of the following method call gives the position of the first occurrence of x in string s1?

The Java String class indexOf() method returns the position of the first occurrence of the specified character or string in a specified string.

Which of the following method call gives the position of X that occurs after the n th position in the string?

indexOf('X', n)

What is the use of charAt () method Mcq?

Explanation: charAt() is a method of class String which gives the character specified by the index. obj.

Which of the following methods will create string in Java Mcq?

The intern() and toString() methods are of String class.

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