What factors will you keep in mind while communicating with people of a different culture or ethnic background?

Published by: LifeWorks, 1st April 2021

At its core, cultural diversity is about accepting and respecting people’s differences and understanding that everyone is unique. The same can be said for communication. To do it well, you need to understand your audience and craft your message in a way that will make the most sense to them.

When the audience is culturally diverse, the challenge is to understand their differences and be sensitive to how your message will be received.

Four ways to communicate better in today’s diverse workplace

  1. Use clear language. When you are communicating with a culturally diverse audience, keep your language clear, concise, and straightforward. Avoid jargon, slang terms, euphemisms, and colloquial expressions. For example, you could say, “That sales report was fantastic!” Instead of, “That sales report was a slam dunk!”
  2. Understand differences in body language. You may be surprised to learn that different cultures have very different practices when it comes to non-verbal forms of communication. For instance, in most countries, people don’t greet each other by shaking hands, and some cultures find it disrespectful to engage in direct eye contact. Additionally, some cultures have different comfort levels when it comes to personal space and touching. When in doubt, leave at least one arm’s length between you and your colleagues, and keep your hands to yourself.
  3. Practise reflective listening or paraphrasing. When in conversation, paraphrasing or repeating the message back is a good habit to get into. This will help clarify meaning and eliminate issues that may surface as a result of a misunderstanding. The same is true for written communication—paraphrase to clarify any doubts you may have.
  4. Be open and inclusive of other cultures. Although it’s natural to gravitate towards others who share our preferences and traditions, getting to know our fellow colleagues from culturally diverse backgrounds can help build relations and open up your world to new experiences. Bear in mind that they may be new to this country and have challenges of their own, as they try to navigate a different language, customs, and way of life.

Communicating effectively in a culturally diverse environment requires tact and sensitivity—valuable life skills to have. Find out more about communicating effectively in a diverse workplace through your assistance program.

In the increasingly diverse global workforces of today, knowing the best way to respect cultural differences is a must. Leaders and employees need to understand international customs so they can foster positive and healthy relationships. It’s not only the right thing to do; it also helps drive business success. 

When preparing for an upcoming trip, meeting or call with colleagues from another culture, consider the list below to ensure your interaction is the best it can be.

1. Do your homework. Become aware of cross-cultural etiquette standards (including body language). Research to understand which gestures and phrases are deemed taboo to avoid offending others. And as you prepare for each communication, ask these three simple questions to ensure you’re keeping cultural considerations top of mind:

  • What specifically can I do to help increase my awareness of cross-cultural communications?
  • How can I capitalize on my strengths when communicating across cultures?
  • How can I work on rather than try to hide my weaknesses in cross-cultural communications?

2. Don’t make cultural assumptions. Everyone has different expectations, cultures aside. Don’t simply transfer an experience with one person within a culture to another. When in doubt about something, ask your colleague or client what they prefer. 

3. Speak clearly and in a pace that is steady and not rushed. While someone may be fluent in your native language, it’s important to remember that it may not be the person’s first language. Speaking in a steady pace will help ensure understanding. 

4. Separate questions to avoid unnecessary confusion. Don’t double-up questions in a sentence. Speak in short sentences and stick to one topic at a time.

5. Avoid the use of slang. Slang or jargon does not often translate between languages. 

Being more purposeful in your communications can take as little as five minutes. To help give you a jump start we’ve put together the Take 5™ Planning Template. Use this template to map out your communication—whether it’s to one person, a group or an organization. Click here to get started.

6. Ask open-ended questions. This way, the other person can freely share his or her thoughts in a way that feels natural. 

7. Listen actively and check for understanding often. Repeat what you’re hearing to ensure information is resonating. Don’t assume your messages are being understood. 

8. Expect that misunderstandings may occur. Be prepared to revisit topics as messages may get lost in translation. 

9. Understand that people of different cultures speak in different tones. The tone of someone’s voice may not accurately reflect the intention of their communication. 

10. Encourage communication and show support for people who struggle with your native language. People who are not at ease with your language may be shy during a conversation. Show support and demonstrate encouragement to build trust and foster dialogue. 

11. Set expectations during meetings. As you would do for any meeting, ensure there’s mutual understanding around timing and next steps.

Which of these steps – if implemented well – would have the greatest positive impact for you?

—David Grossman

Click below to download a free tool—Take 5™ Planning Template—to map out your communication, whether it's to one person, a group or an organization. 

Tags: Communication Skills

What factors will you bear in mind while communicating with people from different cultural and ethnic background?

10 essential elements to communicating with people from other cultures.
Recognise own dominant cultural assumptions..
Become sensitive to 'invisible' cultural differences..
Appreciate the value that differences can bring..
Accept alternative means of achieving shared objectives..
Avoid stereotyping and generalisations..

What are some effective ways to communicate with people of diverse backgrounds?

Effective Communication in a Culturally Diverse Workplace.
Use clear language. ... .
Understand differences in body language. ... .
Practise reflective listening or paraphrasing. ... .
Be open and inclusive of other cultures..

What kind of problems would you encounter when communicating with people from different cultural background in a workplace?

Cross-cultural communication barriers such as anxiety, uncertainty, stereotyping, and ethnocentrism are caused by inadequate cultural knowledge and the lack of intercultural communicative skills. Adequate training in cross cultural communication and exposure to other cultures is essential in eliminating these barriers.

What should you remember to do when interacting with people from other cultures?

11 Fundamental Tips for Communicating Across Cultures.
Do your homework. ... .
Don't make cultural assumptions. ... .
Speak clearly and in a pace that is steady and not rushed. ... .
Separate questions to avoid unnecessary confusion. ... .
Avoid the use of slang. ... .
Ask open-ended questions. ... .
Listen actively and check for understanding often..

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