Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

The two biggest differences for the rationing of food and goods in the United States during World War I (WWI) vs. World War II (WWII) were that compliance with rationing during WWI was voluntary for consumers and focused on a smaller range of ingredients/goods. Both of these differences might be due, at least in part, to the US being in WWI for a much shorter amount of time than in WWII (April 6, 1917-November 11, 1918 for WWI vs. December 8, 1941-September 2, 1945 for WWII).

Rationing during WWII was very standardized by the Office of Price Administration (OPA) through ration books for gasoline as well as food products or ingredients. Sugar began to be rationed in May 1942, and school teachers were recruited to register and distribute the sugar ration books. This caused the Greeley school district to vote for a two-day vacation of classes for the first two days of the consumer registration period, which was from May 4-7, 1942. It was estimated that it would take 40 minutes to register each family (all family members were eligible to receive a book) and more than 4000 families in the school district needed to be registered. Rationing for other products such as coffee, meat, and canned milk came later in the year or in early 1943. Stores would post the price of an item along with the number of ration points needed for purchasing it. If a stamp worth too many ration points was turned in, the store would give back the difference to the consumer in red or blue ration tokens.

In contrast, the US Food Administration during WWI was limited to applying rationing regulations by the sale of the products, such as requiring baker’s bread to be a mix of wheat and other kinds of flours and retailors not selling meat or meat products on Tuesdays. Consumers were encouraged through government propaganda and social pressure to join in on these regulations in their personal lives too and only buy just what they needed and to not over eat (the latter was especially emphasized around special occasions like Thanksgiving). However, there was nothing legally preventing them from buying or using more.

“The effectiveness of these rules is dependent solely upon the good will of and the willingness of the American people to sacrifice. In the last analysis, the success or failure of any such plan as outlined rests with the people. We have but one police force – the American woman – and we depend upon her to see that these rules are observed.” (Food Administration quote as printed in The Greeley Tribune, 1/28/1918)

If the public failed to reduce consumption enough through this voluntary method, then Congress would have had to pass a law regarding rationing to secure supplies for the U.S. and Allied Armed Forces and very large populations of refugees.

The following foods and ingredients were rationed by the Food Administration during WWI with appropriate substitutes.

  • Wheat: substitute corn, oats, rye, and barley products
  • Meat: eat fish and other sea food, poultry, rabbits, and beans instead of beef, mutton, and pork
  • Fats: cook with olive, cottonseed, or corn oil instead of butter
  • Sugar: replace with syrups (corn and maple) and honey

The Museums’ exhibit, War Comes Home: The Legacy, open through September 25, 2021, discusses aspects of the joys and hardships of military service both for those serving and their families.

Written by Katie Ross, Curator of Collections

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

Sugar ration book. 2000.13.0057, City of Greeley Museums, Permanent Collection.

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

Sugar ration book interior. 2000.13.0057, City of Greeley Museums, Permanent Collection.

Just How Tough Was World War II Rationing? Very

A look back on sacrifices Americans made in support of a common effort

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

Jack Sullivan / Alamy Stock Photo

En español | Faced with the coronavirus, Americans have been asked to remain inside our homes, wash our hands and maintain a distance of six feet from others. During World War II, Americans were asked to make do with less of everything from gasoline to sugar to toothpaste. How tough was the rationing in World War II? Very. Take a look back at these sacrifices Americans made in support of a common effort.

Ever wondered how much food a person was entitled to during World War Two?

Rationing began on 8th January 1940 when bacon, butter and sugar were rationed. By 1942 many other foodstuffs, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs and cooking fat were also ‘on the ration’.

This is a typical weekly food ration for an adult:

  • Bacon & Ham         4 oz
  • Other meat            value of 1 shilling and 2 pence (equivalent to 2 chops)
  • Butter                      2 oz
  • Cheese                     2 oz
  • Margarine              4 oz
  • Cooking fat            4 oz
  • Milk                       3 pints
  • Sugar                    8 oz
  • Preserves            1 lb every 2 months
  • Tea                        2 oz
  • Eggs                     1 fresh egg (plus allowance of dried egg)
  • Sweets                  12 oz every 4 weeks

Yes, I know what you are thinking…This doesn’t look like much, right?

In fact, ordinary people survived on such rations, although those who produced their own food were able to have that little bit extra.

You might be wondering how this was even possible.

Rationing was a means of ensuring the fair distribution of food and commodities when they were scarce. It began after the start of WW2 with petrol and later included other goods such as butter, sugar and bacon. Eventually, most foods were covered by the rationing system with the exception of fruit and vegetables. 

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

Ration books were given to everyone in Britain who then registered in a shop of their choice.  When something was purchased the shopkeeper marked the purchase off in the customer’s book.  Special exceptions made allowing for some groups of people who required additional food like underground mine workers, members of the Women’s Land Army and members of the Armed forces.

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

The Ministry of Food was a government department set up from the start of the war to the end of all rationing in 1958.  Its aim was to regulate food production and usage.  The Ministry of Food used numerous ways to help people make the most of their rations without wasting food, while at the same time giving them ideas to help make mealtimes more interesting.  They introduced various campaigns, television and radio broadcasts as well as literature to educate the public.

As someone who was fascinated by the simplicity of the meal recipes the Ministry of Food encouraged the public to make, I began to collect leaflets and pamphlets produced for the Ministry of Food.

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

The ‘ABC of Cookery’ and ‘Fish Cookery’ were books published by H.M.S.O. These booklets a quite interesting as they brought the typical home cook back to basics by talking the reader through cookery and food terms, measurements and preservation some of which we would take for granted today with all tinned and vacuum packed products readily available.

Along with this article I wanted to include a recipe leaflet for some insight into rationing.  I looked through my collection to select one to include.  I thought that I would want to include one that sums up rationing and I feel the leaflet on ‘Potatoes’ does exactly that.

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

(Detail from leaflet below)

Which of the following items were rationed during World War II?

By Stephen Wilson. Over the past few years I have collected a number of leaflets, pamphlets, and books produced by the Ministry of Food around and during World War 2.

Which items were rationed during WWII?

The OPA rationed automobiles, tires, gasoline, fuel oil, coal, firewood, nylon, silk, and shoes. Americans used their ration cards and stamps to take their meager share of household staples including meat, dairy, coffee, dried fruits, jams, jellies, lard, shortening, and oils.

Which of the following items were rationed during World war II quizlet?

During WWII the following items were rationed in the United States and other countries: tires, gasoline, shoes, canned goods, cheese, meat, coffee, sugar and tobacco.

What food was rationing in ww2?

Here is an example of a ration for one adult during the war:.
Bacon and ham 4oz..
Butter 2oz..
Cheese 2oz..
Margarine 4oz..
Cooking fat 4oz..
Milk 3 pints..
Sugar 8oz..
Jam 1lb every two months..