Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

12th EditionPatrick J. Hurley

1,933 solutions

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

1,967 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?



1,007 solutions

During Schaie's achieving stage, which characterizes early adulthood, people tend to use their intelligence to __________.

resolve issues relating to jobs, marriage, and social contributions
protect and nourish their spouses, families, and careers
become involved in the larger world and its social institutions
gather up information and knowledge for future use

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Terms in this set (87)

In today's society:

work, marriage, and parenting occur later than they used to

Approximately what percentage of young adults in the United States rate their health as good, very good, or excellent?


Senescence begins:

in late adolescence.

During emerging adulthood, unprotected sex is likely, on average, to result in pregnancy within:

3 months.

Most emerging adults believe that the purpose of sex is:

to strengthen pair bonding

The baby boomers were born:


One major type of problem in emerging adults in the United States is

anxiety disorder

What percentage of emerging adults in the United States have an anxiety disorder?


A diagnosis of schizophrenia is most common from age ___________.


_________ is the body weight that your homeostatic mechanisms seek to maintain

Set point

Jamie is 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 210 pounds. He would be classified as:


In what stage of life are the greatest proportion of people within the normal range with respect to body weight?

emerging adulthood

Forms of recreation that include apparent risk or injury or death that are attractive and thrilling as a result are referred to as

extreme sports

Drug abuse:

is harmful physically

According to Johnston et al. (2009), what age group reports the most binge drinking?


The period of emerging adulthood occurs between __________ years old.


Members of which of the following age groups are LEAST likely to report feeling disabled by a chronic illness?


Sweating when it is hot is an example of:


In the United States, most 18-to-24-year-olds believe that premarital sex is

not wrong at all

Which is a common anxiety disorder?

A) post-traumatic stress
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder
C) panic attacks
D) All of these answers are correct

Answer D All

About ____ percent of all adults experience at least one episode of schizophrenia.


Exercise does all of the following EXCEPT

make arthritis and osteoporosis more likely.

How many emerging adults in the United States reach the standard of exercising 30 minutes a day five days a week?


A normal weight is

between 20 and 25 BMI.

____________ presumably makes people eat when they are hungry and stop eating when they are full.

The set point

Which are the three leading causes of death among people age 15 to 25?

accidents homicide suicide

Being a bicycle messenger is an example of:


According to the text __________ are the "telltale signs of addiction".

withdrawal symptoms

A method of reducing risky behavior among emerging adults that is based on their desire to follow standard social behavior is the:

social norms approach

The _______ approach studies how the brain encodes stores and retrieves information and the ______ approach evaluates whether a new level of cognition is reached by adults.

information-processing; stage

Todd is 26 and when he thinks about things he is more likely to be:

B) flexible.
C) dialectical.
D) All of these are correct.

The category of self-description that includes high self-involvement and low self-doubt is called:


A practical skill of postformal thought is the ability to:

A practical skill of postformal thought is the ability to:

Moshman's puzzle study on cognition showed that emerging adults have:

cognitive flexibility

John is a 20-year-old African American who believes that success in school is for females and whites. He may be experiencing

stereotype threat

___________ is the most advanced process of cognition.

Dialectical thought

Moral values are powerfully affected by

culture and era

The third stage of the development of faith exhibits

a conformist acceptance of cultural values

Kohlberg is to moral development as __________ is to development of faith.


The primary reason for attending college is to __________ and the secondary reason for attending college is to _______________.

learn specific skills; obtain a general education

The second phase of a three-phase process of cognitive development in college students is that they:

question personal and social values including doubts about the idea of truth

Which of the following statements best reflects the change in the campus scene in the United States?

More students are parents

The most significant influence on whether an emerging adult attends college and once enrolled will graduate is

family income

A reason for the high drop-out rate of today's college students is that they

lack the cultural knowledge or cognitive maturity to acquire the "social know-how" needed to navigate through college

Thinking in adulthood is distinguished from earlier thinking in that it is

more practical flexible and dialectical

A stage of cognitive development that enables one to combine contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole is called

postformal thought

According to research by Labouvie-Vief (2006), no one under the age of 20 was in the advanced _________ stage of self-description


By accounting for _______ the mature adult becomes a more objective and powerful thinker.


The ability to come up with many solutions for a problem

is a hallmark of postformal thought

The possibility that one's appearance or behavior will be misread to confirm another's oversimplified prejudiced attitudes is called

stereotype threat

The third stage of dialectical thinking is referred to as


The Defining Issues Test was developed by ______ to assess moral reasoning through ranking possible solutions to moral dilemmas.


People who have a powerful vision of universal compassion, love, and justice are at what stage of faith?

Stage 6

According to Fowler's development of faith

progresses from a simple self-centered perspective to a more complex altruistic view

More than half of all college students incur financial debt from student loans. As a result many college graduates

worry about the impact of the debt on their economic future

In Perry's scheme of cognitive and ethical development the fourth stage is the one in which

students realize that authorities don't know the right answers and that students have a right to their own opinions

The most obvious change in colleges worldwide in the last 30 years is the increased enrollment of


Generally students in college foster learning more if they are:

a full-time student and work part-time

The fifth of Erik Erikson's eight stages of development (identity versus role confusion) starts in adolescence; but unlike the past, it is completed

later during adulthood

Today, many young adults view their job as

a way to earn money while they look for ways to satisfy their creative self-expressive impulses

Research on personality reveals that it is

A) genetically influenced
B) environmentally influenced
C) not fixed; plasticity is evident
D) All of these answers are correct

Answer D All

Aggressive young adults

rated themselves as quite conscientious

During this stage, Erikson believed that adults seek someone with whom to share their lives in an enduring and self-sacrificing commitment

intimacy versus isolation

Of the following, which statement concerning close friendship is true?

We earn our friends

Generally men talk about ________ while women talk about _________.

external matters; intimate and emotional matters

In their friendship, it is unlikely that Jim and Dave would

discuss their health

In many nations parents arrange marriages between children. This is an example of

children too young to be responsible for selecting a life partner

Sternberg's form of love that includes passion and commitment, but not intimacy is referred to as:

fatuous love

According to Sternberg _______ involves reciprocal emotional closeness and sharing private thoughts and feelings and _______ involves mutual caregiving and forgiveness

intimacy; commitment

The facts that most people 20 to 30 years old are not married, that fewer adults marry, and that divorce is more common are all indications that:

the tie between marriage and childbearing is loosening

International research on the importance of communication between two partners found that

A) constructive communication is not crucial for relationship satisfaction
B) women can be more demanding and men more withdrawing
C) harm from the demand/withdraw pattern is evident in the U.S. but not in other countries
D) All of these answers are correct

Answer D All

Concerning domestic violence studies indicate that

A) 12 percent of U.S. and Canadian men have abused their partner at least once
B) the United States has a lower rate of domestic violence than other countries do
C) some studies show that more women than men are abusive to their partners
D) All of these answers are correct

Michelle, a happily married emerging adult, enjoys spending time talking with and doing things with her mother. More than likely Michelle

was a securely attached infant

Worldwide, emerging adults think about their identities in terms of

A) political loyalties and religious commitments
B) gender roles
C) ethnic and vocational identities
D) All of these answers are correct

Answer D All

The group of emerging adults that have more difficulty with achieving ethnic identity are


Emerging adults who had been inhibited as children were

cautious, reserved adults with few signs of internalizing problems

According to Erikson's theory, the crisis that follows identity achievement is called

intimacy versus isolation

An important aspect of close human connections in relationships is that they

A) provide for self-expansion
B) enlarge self-understanding
C) increase one's resources in times of need
D) All of these answers are correct

Answer D All

Friends are crucial during emerging adulthood because they

provide a source of advice, companionship, information, and sympathy

Male-female friendships

are more common today among adults than they were in the past.

An example of culture influencing the relationship between love and marriage is when

A) parents arrange marriages between children
B) a couple decides to marry and then the man asks the woman's father for permission to marry her.
C) a couple marries when they feel that they are financially and emotionally independent
D) All of these answers are correct

Answer D All

Monica and Wes met during a spring break event and fell madly in love with each other. They are both physically aroused when together. Sternberg describes this aspect of love as


A reason for cohabitating is to

try out marriage before making the commitment

________ is when a married couple has similar attitudes, interests, goals, and religious background.


According to John Gottman, a factor that is predictive of a couple's separating in the future is when

couples display disgust for each other

The type of domestic violence in which one partner systematically isolates, degrades, and punishes the other is called:

intimate terrorism

Milecka has recently married his parents' approved bride. Though he would like to move to another city to attend college, he has decided to continue to live close to his family so that he can help them. Milecka is modeling


Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

Psychology: Themes and Variations

10th EditionWayne Weiten

180 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?


6th EditionSpencer A. Rathus

380 solutions

Cognitive Psychology

5th EditionE Bruce Goldstein

211 solutions

Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

12th EditionPatrick J. Hurley

1,933 solutions

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Verified questions


a. According to Carl Jung, what is the relationship between archetypes and the collective unconscious? b. Describe Erikson's stages of psycho-social development. c. What do you think might happen to society if the structure of the human mind had an id, but not an ego or a superego?

Verified answer


Many people suffer from mild psychological disorders. When do you think it is necessary for a person to seek help?

Verified answer


Deep sleep occurs in which stage? a. Hypnagogic. b. REM. c. Alpha. d. NREM-1. e. Delta.

Verified answer


Match the term below with its correct definition. psychoanalysis A. school of psychology concerned with how mental processes help organisms adapt to environments B. the study of behavior and mental processes C. school of psychology based on the idea that our perceptions of objects are more than the sums of their parts D. mental processes E. school of psychology concerned with discovering the basic elements of consciousness F. the theory that people can change their environments or create new ones G. a group of people who share a common culture race, or national origin H. school of psychology concerned with the scientific study of obseivable actions I. the theory that experiences often remind us of similar experiences in the past J. school of psychology that emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives in human behavior

Verified answer

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Which of the following is a reason that the dropout rate in college in the United States is so high group of answer choices?

A reason for the high drop-out rate of today's college students is that they: fail their courses. lack the cultural knowledge or cognitive maturity to acquire the "social know-how" needed to navigate through college.

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Which student is most at risk for school dropout quizlet?

-Students from low-income families are more likely to drop out. -People who had poor relationships with their parents were more likely to drop out of high school despite doing well academically & behaviorally.

What percentage of students drop out of high school each year quizlet?

Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That's a student every 26 seconds - or 7,000 a day. About 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school on time.