Which action would the nurse take for a client with borderline personality disorder?

Personality is defined as the differences in the characteristic patterns of behaving, feeling and thinking of an individual.

A personality disorder is a type of mental illness in which a person’s personality traits have become rigid, inflexible, maladaptive and can hinder the person’s perception and association to situations and people. This can cause significant problems and restriction in the family, social activities, school, employment and other functional roles.

The nursing care plan varies according to the kind of personality disorder, its severity, and life situation. A collaborative intervention is needed to make sure all of the clients social, medical and psychiatric needs are met.

The goals of the nurse for clients with personality disorders focus on establishing trust, providing safety and comfort, teaching basic living skills and promoting a responsible behavior.

Here are four (4) nursing care plans (NCP) and nursing diagnosis for personality disorders:

  1. Risk For Self-Mutilation
  2. Chronic Low Self-Esteem
  3. Impaired Social Interaction
  4. Ineffective Coping

1. Risk For Self-Mutilation

Risk For Self-Mutilation

Nursing Diagnosis

  • Risk For Self-Mutilation

Risk factors

  • Desperate need for attention.
  • Emotionally disturbed or battered children.
  • Feelings of depression, rejection, self-hatred, separation anxiety, guilt, and depersonalization.
  • History of self-injury.
  • History of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
  • High-risk populations (BPD, psychotic states).
  • Impulsive behavior.
  • Inability to verbally express feelings.
  • Ineffective coping skills.
  • Mentally retarded and autistic children.

Possibly evidenced by

  • Fresh superficial slashes on wrists or other parts of the body.
  • Intense rage focused inward.
  • Signs of old scars on wrists and other parts of the body (cigarette burns, superficial knife/razor marks).
  • Statements as to self-mutilation behaviors.

Desired Outcomes

  • Patient will be free of self-inflicted injury.
  • Patient will participate in impulse control training.
  • Patient will participate in coping skills training.
  • Patient will seek help when experiencing self-destructive impulses.
  • Patient will discuss alternative ways a client can meet demands of current situation.
  • Patient will express feelings related to stress and tension instead of acting-out behaviors.
  • Patient will sign a “no-harm” contract that identifies steps he or she will take when urges return.
  • Patient will respond to external limits.
  • Patient will participate in the therapeutic regimen.
  • Patient will demonstrate a decrease in frequency and intensity of self-inflicted injury.
  • Patient will demonstrate two new coping skills that work for the client for when tension mounts and impulse returns.
Nursing InterventionsRationale
Assess client’s history of self-mutilation:
  1. Types of mutilating behaviors.
  2. Frequency of behaviors.
  3. Stressors preceding behavior.
Identifying patterns and circumstances surrounding self-injury can help the nurse plan interventions and teaching strategies suitable to the client.
Identify feelings experienced before and around the act of self-mutilation. Feelings are a guideline for future intervention (e.g., rage at feeling left out or abandoned).
Explore with the client what these feelings might mean. Self-mutilation might also be:
  1. A way to gain control over others.
  2. A way to feel alive through pain.
  3. An expression of self-hate or guilt.
Secure a written or verbal no-harm contract with the client. Identify specific steps (e.g., persons to call upon when prompted to self-mutilate). Client is encouraged to take responsibility for healthier behavior. Talking to others and learning alternative coping skills can reduce frequency and severity until such behavior ceases.
Set and maintain limits on acceptable behavior and make clear client’s responsibilities. If the client is hospitalized at the time, be clear regarding the unit rules. Clear and nonpunitive limit setting is essential for decreasing negative behaviors.
Be consistent in maintaining and enforcing the limits, using a nonpunitive approach. Consistency can establish a sense of security.
Use a matter-of-fact approach when self-mutilation occurs. Avoid criticizing or giving sympathy. A neutral approach prevents blaming, which increases anxiety, giving special attention that encourages acting out.
After the treatment of the wound, discuss what happened right before, and the thoughts and feelings that the client had immediately before self-mutilating. identify dynamics for both client and clinician. Allows the identification of less harmful responses to help relieve intense tensions.
Work out a plan identifying alternatives to self-mutilating behaviors.
  1. Anticipate certain situations that might lead to increased stress (e.g., tension or rage).
  2. Identify actions that might modify the intensity of such situations.
  3. Identify two or three people whom the client can contact to discuss and examine intense feelings (rage,self hate) when ther arise.
Plan is periodically reviewed and evaluated. Offers a chance to deal with feelings and struggles that arise.

1. Risk For Self-Mutilation

Recommended nursing diagnosis and nursing care plan books and resources.

Disclosure: Included below are affiliate links from Amazon at no additional cost from you. We may earn a small commission from your purchase. For more information, check out our privacy policy.

  • Nursing Care Plans: Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention (10th Edition)
    An awesome book to help you create and customize effective nursing care plans. We highly recommend this book for its completeness and ease of use.
  • Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales
    A quick-reference tool to easily select the appropriate nursing diagnosis to plan your patient’s care effectively.
  • NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2021-2023 (12th Edition)
    The official and definitive guide to nursing diagnoses as reviewed and approved by the NANDA-I. This book focuses on the nursing diagnostic labels, their defining characteristics, and risk factors – this does not include nursing interventions and rationales.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 12th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 NANDA-I® Updates
    Another great nursing care plan resource that is updated to include the recent NANDA-I updates.
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5(TM))
    Useful for creating nursing care plans related to mental health and psychiatric nursing.
  • Ulrich & Canale’s Nursing Care Planning Guides, 8th Edition
    Claims to have the most in-depth care plans of any nursing care planning book. Includes 31 detailed nursing diagnosis care plans and 63 disease/disorder care plans.
  • Maternal Newborn Nursing Care Plans (3rd Edition)
    If you’re looking for specific care plans related to maternal and newborn nursing care, this book is for you.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care (7th Edition)
    An easy-to-use nursing care plan book that is updated with the latest diagnosis from NANDA-I 2021-2023.
  • All-in-One Nursing Care Planning Resource: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health (5th Edition)
    Definitely an all-in-one resources for nursing care planning. It has over 100 care plans for different nursing topics.

See also

Other recommended site resources for this nursing care plan:

  • Nursing Care Plans (NCP): Ultimate Guide and Database MUST READ!
    Over 150+ nursing care plans for different diseases and conditions. Includes our easy-to-follow guide on how to create nursing care plans from scratch.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Guide and List: All You Need to Know to Master Diagnosing
    Our comprehensive guide on how to create and write diagnostic labels. Includes detailed nursing care plan guides for common nursing diagnostic labels.

Other care plans for mental health and psychiatric nursing:

  • Alcohol Withdrawal | 5 Care Plans
  • Anxiety and Panic Disorders | 7 Care Plans
  • Bipolar Disorders | 6 Care Plans
  • Major Depression | 9 Care Plans
  • Personality Disorders | 4 Care Plans
  • Schizophrenia | 6 Care Plans
  • Sexual Assault | 1 Care Plan
  • Substance Dependence and Abuse | 8 Care Plans
  • Suicide Behaviors | 3 Care Plans

Paul Martin is a registered nurse with a bachelor of science in nursing since 2007. Having worked as a medical-surgical nurse for five years, he handled different kinds of patients and learned how to provide individualized care to them. Now, his experiences working in the hospital is carried over to his writings to help aspiring students achieve their goals. He is currently working as a nursing instructor and have a particular interest in nursing management, emergency care, critical care, infection control, and public health. As a writer at Nurseslabs, his goal is to impart his clinical knowledge and skills to students and nurses helping them become the best version of themselves and ultimately make an impact in uplifting the nursing profession.

Which intervention is best for a client who has borderline personality disorder?

Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy — also called talk therapy — is a fundamental treatment approach for borderline personality disorder.

How does the nurse help a client with borderline personality disorder?

The nurse can help the clients to identify their feelings and learn to tolerate them without exaggerated responses such as destruction of property or self-harm; keeping a journal often helps clients gain awareness of feelings.

Which behavior would the nurse associate with a patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?

Planning Interventions Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder may be suicidal, self-mutilating, impulsive, angry, manipulative, or aggressive.

What is the goal of treatment for borderline personality disorder?

Goals of treatment to overcome emotional problems (such as depression, anxiety and anger) to find more purpose in life (e.g. by making a positive contribution to their community) to build better relationships. to learn how to understand and live with yourself.