When is the next supermoon in 2023

The distance between the Moon and the Earth varies, because the Earth is not right at the centre of the Moon’s orbit and the Moon’s orbit is not a circle (it’s an ellipse).

The moment when the Moon is closest to the Earth is called a lunar perigee. When the Moon is furthest away it is known as a lunar apogee.

If the lunar perigee occurs very close to a full moon, then we see a supermoon. If a lunar apogee occurs very close to a full moon then we see a micromoon.

The term 'supermoon' originates from a concept in astrology, but now has been adopted by some astronomers. One strict definition of a supermoon is that if the Moon is within 10 per cent of its closest distance at the moment of full moon, it is considered a supermoon.

During a supermoon, the Moon appears up to 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter compared with when the Moon is furthest away.

When is the next full moon?

When is the next supermoon?

See upcoming supermoon dates below.

Year Supermoon date
2022 13 July
2023 1 August
2023 31 August

How can I see the supermoon?

So long as there’s not too much cloud, the full Moon will be an unmistakable white orb in the sky. This is a good opportunity to use a small telescope or a pair of binoculars to see the Moon's detailed surface, or even try taking a few interesting moon photos.

However, you can see the Moon perfectly well with just your eyes. Seeing moonrise just after sunset or moonset just before sunrise will be an impressive sight as it will appear enormous compared to the surrounding landscape.

This is due to an optical illusion. During moonrise, the Moon looks bigger than it is because our brain doesn’t understand that the sky is a dome. It falsely projects things near the horizon to appear larger than they actually are.

SPACE fans: strap in, because some exciting lunar events are on the horizon.

The moon goes through various interesting transformations throughout the year. But when's the next one to look out for?

When is the next Supermoon?

Supermoons occur due to an effect called the Moon Illusion.

As a result the Earth's only natural satellite will seem 30 per cent brighter and 14 per cent larger than when it's at its furthest point from Earth (also known as its apogee).

It will appear huge compared to the surrounding landscape.

However, this is just an illusion, caused by our brain's inability to understand that the sky we live under is a dome.

When is the next supermoon in 2023


Supermoons occur due to an effect called the Moon Illusion.Credit: Getty

Luckily, you won't have long to wait for the next one, regardless of when you read this, as they're fairly common.

The next lunar event will take place on July 13, 2022, when Brits will get clear sight of a Buck supermoon.

It's known as a Buck Moon or Thunder Moon, because of the summer storms that happen in July.

It's also referred to as the Hay Moon.

When will there be a Supermoon in 2023?

There will be two supermoons in 2023.

They will occur on August 1, 2023, and August 31, 2023.

Most read in The Scottish Sun

A supermoon is a type of full moon.

Full moons happen every 29.5 days - meaning there is one every month and sometimes two in a month.

These are the full moons to look out for, and their (amazingly) specific timings:

  • August 12, 2022 (2.36am) - Sturgeon Moon
  • September 10, 2022 (10.59am) - Corn/Harvest Moon
  • October 9 (9.55pm) - Hunter's Moon
  • November 8 (11.02am) - Beaver Moon
  • December 8 (4.08am) - Cold Moon

How often does a Supermoon occur?

If you've just missed a supermoon, never fear as the next one won't be too far away.

When is the next supermoon in 2023

When is the next supermoon in 2023

The phenonmenon is not unusual, and, though it looks extraordinary to us, it's simply a normal part of the Moon's orbit around our planet.

The lunar event happens three or four times per year, so drop the next one in your calendar today!

Is there a blue moon in 2023?

When Is the Next Blue Moon? The next monthly Blue Moon is on August 30/31, 2023. The next seasonal Blue Moon takes place on August 19/20, 2024. Since both of them happen in August, they are traditionally called Sturgeon Moons.

How many blue moons are there in 2023?

The full blue moon will be on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 21:35, or August 31, 2023 01:35 UTC. It will also be the third and last full moon of the Summer 2023 season. There also won't be a seasonal blue moon as part of 2023 because none of the seasons have four full moons.

What year will have 13 full moons?

For this to happen, you need 13 full moons between successive December solstices for a seasonal Blue Moon – and, generally, 13 full moons in one calendar year for a monthly Blue Moon. This will next happen in the year 2048, when a monthly Blue Moon falls on January 31, and a seasonal Blue Moon on August 23.

What is the next super Moon?

When's the Next Super Full Moon? The next Super Full Moon is on August 1, 2023 at 14:31 UTC.