What does not connected to any Windows Update Internet locations in Group Policy?

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When Windows Update is configured to receive updates from an Intranet update service, it begins to retrieve information from the public Windows Update service periodically.

This event occurs by design, mainly for enabling future connections to Windows Update and other services like Microsoft Update or the Windows Store. You can prevent this behavior i.e., stop Windows from connecting to any Windows Update Internet locations.

Prevent Windows from connecting to any Windows Update Internet locations

Every administrator experiences the same challenges while managing Windows Updates – installing them promptly, managing them without affecting the workflow, and preventing any unexpected restarts from cutting into productivity. Sometimes, additional problems can occur. To prevent Windows from connecting to any Windows Update Internet locations, follow these steps.

Press Win+R in combination to open the Run dialog box.

Type regedit in the empty field of the box and press Enter.

What does not connected to any Windows Update Internet locations in Group Policy?

When the Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following path address –


Here, switch to the right-pane, right-click and select DWORD. Name it as:


What does not connected to any Windows Update Internet locations in Group Policy?

Double-click the entry to edit the string value. Change it to 1.

Simply close the Registry Editor and exit.

Restart your PC to allow the changes to take effect.

The registry changes when configured will enable Do not connect to any Windows Update Internet locations GPO setting and stop Windows from connecting to any Windows Update Internet locations.

This setting is applicable only when this PC is set up to connect to an intranet update service using the ‘Specify intranet Microsoft update service location’ policy.

Using Group Policy

What does not connected to any Windows Update Internet locations in Group Policy?

To configure the same via Group Policy Editor, follow the order in sequence –

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components> Windows Update.

Under Windows Update Setting, open Do not connect to any Windows Update Internet locations.

Check the Enabled option to enable the policy.

Instantly, the connection to public services such as the Microsoft Store, Windows Update will stop working.

Hope this helps.

Anand Khanse is the Admin of TheWindowsClub.com, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.

Even when Windows Update is configured to receive updates from an intranet update service, it will periodically retrieve information from the public Windows Update service to enable future connections to Windows Update, and other services like Microsoft Update or the Windows Store.

Enabling this policy will disable that functionality, and may cause connection to public services such as the Windows Store to stop working.

Note: This policy applies only when this PC is configured to connect to an intranet update service using the "Specify intranet Microsoft update service location" policy.

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1

Registry Path Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
Value Name DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdateInternetLocations
Value Type REG_DWORD
Enabled Value 1
Disabled Value 0


What Group Policy controls Windows updates?

In the Group Policy Management Editor, Windows Update policies for computer-based configuration are located in the path PolicyName > Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows components > Windows Update. By default, these settings are not configured.

What are the consequences of not installing any updates to your system?

Potential consequences of not installing security updates are damaged software, loss of data, or identity theft.

Which problem is the most common in association with a failed Windows Update?

The most common causes for update issues are problems with Internet connectivity. If you're online, then the issue might be caused by conflicts with your settings in Windows Internet Explorer.

Is it advisable to turn on and configure the Windows Automatic Updates option?

The ACSC recommends that you enable automatic app updates for your Windows device. You can do this through the Microsoft Store.