What are the similarities and differences between an intranet and an extranet?

Internet, intranet, extranet — potato, po-tah-to, right? 

Not really. 

Each describes a different type of network, and while they all sound similar, they have vastly different security implications and business uses. 

Before you go off and share essential company documents, make sure you know the difference. Understanding how to use each network will keep your resources secure and in the right place.

The internetis a global collection of computer networks known as the world wide web. On the other hand, an intranet is an online network only company employees can access. An extranet is an extension of an intranet. It lets approved third parties (such as vendors or customers) access restricted information.

What are the similarities and differences between an intranet and an extranet?

The internet is the most expansive of the three networks. It creates connections between computers around the world. 

An intranet is a local network that only people within the organization can access. It’s the most restricted network of the three. 

Extranets fall in the middle since they allow for some connections outside of the company, but they’re not available to the public.

Why employee apps are the new intranet

Are intranets a thing of the past? In this eBook, learn how to engage with the deskless workforce effectively to build strong, happy frontline organizations.

Why companies use intranet

For some of you, the term “intranet” might seem dated. It may bring up images of clunky file management structures created by an invisible IT department. 

However, modern intranet solutions help businesses stay secure, productive, and connected, especially as remote work becomes more common.

Here’s a look at some ways a modern employee intranet can benefit your company: 

  • Streamlined knowledge management. Companies can securely store and share important documents that help everyone get their work done, including frontline workers and remote teams.
  • Improved internal communications. With a secure intranet, you can make sure all workers receive company-wide updates and interact together.
  • Boosted productivity and collaboration. A modern intranet lets your teams use private messages and threads to communicate better and collaborate on projects over a secure network. 

Modern intranet solutions like Blink offer activity feeds, private messaging, and mobile apps that keep employees connected. You can even track user activity and use workforce insights to measure employee engagement. 

Companies use extranets to give customers or vendors access to secure information. It’s a way to share and collaborate with them. 

If you have a customer who places regular orders from your business, you can create a secure extranet that lets them update orders, process invoices, and message your team. 

Intranet FAQs

What is the difference between an intranet and the Internet?

The main difference between the intranet and the internet is that the internet is a global collection of computer networks known as the world wide web. On the other hand, an intranet is an online network only company employees can access.

What is the example of the internet and intranet?

An example of the internet is, you right now reading this blog, you’re on the world-wide-web which is accessible to everyone. An example of an intranet would be an exclusive employee-only platform, like Stagecoach using Blink to share company updates and news.

What is the difference between extranet and intranet?

The main difference between an extranet and an intranet is that an intranet is used for communication between internal employees and accessing company updates, whereas an extranet is mainly used to allow external partners to access data, check orders, and more.

Not all company information should live on the internet. So, businesses can use an intranet as a digital workspace where employees can access resources, follow company updates, and connect. When you create a network that third parties can access, that’s called an extranet. 

To learn more about how a modern intranet solution can support your digital workforce, explore Blink today.

What is the similarities of intranet and extranet?

Both allow organizations to share documents (especially large ones), calendars, and projects in a single location. Intranets and extranets also make it easier for customers, partners, in-house employees, and remote workers to collaborate.

What are the similarities and differences between the intranet the internet and an extranet?

The internet is a global collection of computer networks known as the world wide web. On the other hand, an intranet is an online network only company employees can access. An extranet is an extension of an intranet. It lets approved third parties (such as vendors or customers) access restricted information.

What is the major difference between the intranet and extranet?

An intranet is used for establishing communication among internal employees, used in telephone directories, and many more. An extranet is used for sending emails, accessing data, checking the status of various orders, and many more.

Which is a similarity between the internet and an intranet?

Internet and Intranet have following similarities: Both are used to exchange and share information, documents, files or folders over the network. We can access both the networks using browsers. To transfer data or files etc. both use standard internet protocol TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)