the marissa là gì - Nghĩa của từ the marissa

the marissa có nghĩa là

She is the hottest girl around and will always be there for you. She is amazing, gorgeous, funny, sweet, everything a guy could want in a girl. No other girl could ever compete with her, and she will always be someone's number one. She always makes your head turn as she passes you buy in the hall. She is like a magnet for your eyes. she is like a rainbow on a cloudy day, or a sun rise after a dark night. When she walks in a dark room she lights up the entire room just with her smile. when you see her you can not help but wish you had her in your arms. She has the most beautiful eyes you wish you could just sit and stare into them for hours on end. She has a beautiful body and anyone who doesn't have her is jealous of the guy that does. The guy that has her knows he is not good enough for her, for nobody is good enough for her she is an angel that fell from heaven and no normal guy, like anyone on this planet, can ever hope to have her. she is a goddess among humans. She is everything!!


That girl is so a Marissa!

the marissa có nghĩa là

A beautiful person inside and out a great friend and someone you want to be around all the time she will have a beautiful smile and attract you like metal to a magnet she will be your biggest crush but will never be available and if you are lucky enough to catch a Marissa never let her go.


Marissas are amazing

the marissa có nghĩa là

marissa is a very unique name, especially this spelling of it. the name marissa means 'of the sea'.. the sea is a very beautiful, mysterious place. which is the same for most girls named marissa. beautiful and very mysterious. marissa's usually have very low self esteem and do not see themselves as beautiful, but every single person, male or female, can see it very clearly. marissa's can be very moody and when they get the boy they want, can be very jealous too. crazy, possessive and kind of clingy. marissa's will do anything they can to make their boyfriend happy and are always there for absolutely anybody who needs it. marissa's are not the thinnest things around, but this makes them even more gorgeous then all the twigs. they have actual bodies and even though their boobs don't grow much in their beginning teens, their bodies are still amazingly beautiful. marissa's are always cute, funny, beautiful, amazingly gorgeous and have the prettiest eyes and the cutest noses. their faces don't seem to have a flaw, perfect skin and some marissa's don't tan as much as other people, but their pasty white skin makes them glow that much more and makes them even more beautiful. most marissa's are born with brown hair and blue eyes. marissa's are not that attractive in their younger years, but when the ages 15-25 hit, that is when they start to blossom into the beautiful woman they were destined to be.


wow, look at marissa.. she looks so much different then she did in elementary school. she's so fucking hot now! man, marissa is so damn beautiful.. i don't get why she doesn't see it? my girlfriend, marissa, is so possessive of me. it doesn't feel needy or clingy, it just kinda makes me feel loved and cared for a lot. man, i talked to that guy over there, marissa's boyfriend and she nearly ate my face, megan fox style. i just had the greatest talk with marissa, she made me feel so much better. i'm so happy she's around for whenever i need to talk to someone.

the marissa có nghĩa là

only one word can describe her perfect in every way brings happiness to everyone


Hey man you know who is perfect..Marissa her smile makes my day.

the marissa có nghĩa là

Weird kind person who makes people happy


WOW, marissa is awsesome

the marissa có nghĩa là

Marissa is an amazing person, who is never intimidated by others. Marissa always gets through situations with the help her friends. Not to add, but she is also a kind-hearted, smart, thoughtful, funny, gorgeous, and caring person.


Boy 1: Did you see that girl over there? Boy 2: Yeah, she gorgeous, I can tell she's a Marissa.

the marissa có nghĩa là

Marissa is the greatest girl will ever meet. She always puts a smile on your face and will always be open to you even on the worst of days. She's very good at taking your terrible times and making them great. Her smile is irresistible and highly contagious. It's easy to make each other laugh when you're with her. She's gorgeous, hilarious, and very sweet. You'll always want to spend time with her. She's a great partner and kisses pretty good ;) you honestly couldn't ask for a better person to be yours forever.


beautiful amazing hilarious forever marissa

the marissa có nghĩa là

Marissa is the best girl in the world she will always catch your eye.and she is beatiful smart funny and completely gorgeous so if you have a Marissa you know she's to good for you so just stay with her and hope she doesn't hate you


Marissa is the best

the marissa có nghĩa là

This girl gives her all, no matter what. Some things she does may seem selfish but she’s only putting her own wants and needs first. Most aren’t used to seeing her do that so it’s called selfish and out of line. This girl takes it though. She takes it all. I’m sure you never even realize that she would never treat you the way you do her, you’re too busy thinking she can’t be hurt or that she should always be the one to take the hits since she handles them well. She’s intelligent and kind, open minded and caring, empathetic and selfless. Typically Marissa’s have stunning eyes that can capture even the most closed off people, but usually not in the way she hopes. Marissa’s are self conscious and very hard on themselves and their actions, they have severe anxiety. Once again though, most do not notice. She works hard to make those eyes sparkle just so and smile wide for those watching. You may get mad at her for not realizing how good she has it but Marissa’s tend to spend so much time giving people what they want that sometimes, even if what she has is good, she wants to actually get her wishes occasionally. This girl is the most amazing friend you’ll find and the perfect partner in life. She’d make an amazing mother. If you have her, if she wants you, or if you simply want her, work for it because trust me even if you don’t see it working...that girl is beyond worth it. Believe me, she’s sexy enough to make it worth your wild in bed. Make her happy, let her have her wishes.


They were broken people...I hope they find a Marissa to fix them.

the marissa có nghĩa là

The Marissa is a beautiful girl and has many friends.She isn't the best with the people she dates but she trys.She talks a lot but she will listen to what you are saying.When she says you are cute she never means it in a joking manner she really means that she likes you.


If there is a a girl named The Marissa give her a shot and be friends with her you would be surprised