Sửa lỗi invalid character s after program name năm 2024

I restarted AutoCAD but the glitch remained. Your suggestion made sense to me since rebooting often works for other glitches with items such as modems and cable boxes so I restarted a second time.

Ka-chingggg! It worked ... problem resolved. If anyone runs into a similar error message which obviously makes no sense, I would suggest trying multiple restarts if the first restart does not remedy the situation.

btw ... even with the glitch still active I was able to save the files in pdf format using hyphens.

I use a GitHub action to update my GitHub profile README with my latest blog posts. For over a week the job had been failing, and I ignored it (rookie mistake). It turns out I had broken my RSS feed when I edited some blog post descriptions and used a character that wasn't valid in XML (referred to as an invalid token).

The error in the GitHub action workflow run wasn't very helpful, though: "Error: Invalid character in entity name". 🫠

Sửa lỗi invalid character s after program name năm 2024

Luckily, the RSS Feed Validation Service provided by W3C gave a better error report.

Sửa lỗi invalid character s after program name năm 2024

This helped me track down the invalid character to an ampersand (&), which I added to a blog post description a week ago to reduce the character count. The resulting invalid description tag in the XML document looked like this:

<title>When to use aria-labels in your HTML</title>
<description>This is one of the most important ways to use aria-labels so your code provides contextual information to screen-readers & assistive tech.</description>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I did some further reading on XML and learned that ampersands, and left and right angled brackets (< and >) must be escaped in XML in order for the document to be valid, unless wrapped in a CDATA section.

I'm extremely new to SAS Studio and SAS EG and I'm trying to takeover inherited programs. I've been using PC SAS for years. The program was written originally using SAS EG, however, I'm trying to switch to SS. If I submit the code in SAS EG, it works without issue.

When I submit the exact same code via SS, I get the following error, when the code is trying to write the WORK dataset out to a PDF using PROC REPORT.

ERROR: Invalid characters were present in the data.

ERROR: Invalid characters were present in the data.

ERROR: An error occurred while processing text data.

NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.

There were not any issues reading the datasets from external source to WORK dataset. The error only popped up at the PROC REPORT.

proc report data=fjoin nowd headline headskip split='*' missing spacing=1 style(header)=[font=('Arial',8pt)] style(column)=[font=('Arial',8pt)]; column order1 order2 order3 matchx ("Data Management (Rave EDC as of &ravedt.)" dm_subno dm_begin dm_text dm_end dm_fromcopy) ("Drug Safety (Argus as of &argusdt)" ds_event ds_begindt ds_text ds_enddt ds_isclosed) stdyday color; by order1; define order1 / order noprint; define order2 / order noprint; define order3 / order noprint; define matchx / display width=1 format=matchx. center ' ' style(column)=[font=('Symbol',8pt)]; define dm_subno / display width=6 format=z6. center 'Subject*Number' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.6in]; define dm_begin / display width=6 format=$20. center 'Onset*Date' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.9in]; define dm_text / display width=35 left flow 'Preferred Term/*Reported Term/*Causality' style(column)=[cellwidth=1.95in]; define dm_end / display width=6 format=$20. center flow 'Resolved*Date' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.9in]; define dm_fromcopy / display width=8 format=1. center 'CRF Is*Copy?' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.5in]; define ds_event / display width=15 format=$20. left flow 'Case*Number' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.6in]; define ds_begindt / display width=6 format=$11. center 'Onset*Date' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.9in]; define ds_text / display width=35 left flow 'Preferred Term/*Reported Term /*Causality' style(column)=[cellwidth=1.95in]; define ds_enddt / display width=6 format=$11. center 'Resolved*Date' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.9in]; define ds_isclosed / display width=8 format=$yesno. center 'Case Is*Closed?' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.5in]; define stdyday / display width=5 format=best8. center 'Study*Day' style(column)=[cellwidth=0.5in]; define color / display noprint; compute color; if color='Red' then call define(_row_, "style", "style=[background=lightRed]"); else if color='Yellow' then call define(_row_, "style", "style=[background=Yellow]"); else if color='Green' then call define(_row_, "style", "style=[background=lightGreen]"); else if color='White' then call define(_row_, "style", "style=[background=White]"); endcomp; break after order1 / skip; run;

Can somebody please help by pointing me to what option(s) I need to play around with? Many thanks in advance.