Semper Liber là gì

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Thành phố Victoria là thủ phủ của tỉnh bang British Columbia, Canada. Thành phố nằm trên mũi phía nam của đảo Vancouver ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương của Canada. Thành phố có dân số khoảng 78.000 dân bên trong vùng đô thị Victoria Mở rộng với dân số 330.000 người, vùng đô thị đông dân thứ 15 ở quốc gia này. Victoria có cự ly khoảng 100 kilômét (62 dặm) so với trung tâm Vancouver trên đất liền. Thành phố có cự ly 100 kilômét (62 dặm) so với Seattle theo đường hàng không hay phà và 40 kilômét (25 dặm) so với cảng Angeles, Washington theo phà qua eo biển Juan de Fuca.

Thành phố được đặt tên theo nữ hoàng Victoria của Anh.

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Trước khi sự xuất hiện của thuyền trưởng James Cook vào cuối những năm 1700, khu vực tiểu bang Victoria là nơi cho cộng đồng của các dân tộc Coast Salish, bao gồm cả Songhees. Người Tây Ban Nha và Anh đã lên thăm dò của bờ biển phía tây bắc của Bắc Mỹ bắt đầu với các chuyến thăm của Juan Perez năm 1774 và của thuyền trưởng James Cook vào năm 1778 mặc dù khu vực Victoria của eo biển của Juan de Fuca không thâm nhập cho đến năm 1790. Thủy thủ Tây Ban Nha thăm Esquimalt Harbour (phía tây của Victoria thích hợp) vào năm 1790, năm 1791, và 1792.

Năm 1841, James Douglas được giao nhiệm vụ thiết lập một trạm buôn bán trên mũi phía nam của đảo Vancouver, theo đề nghị bởi Sir George Simpson là tiền đồn thương mại nên được xây dựng trong trường hợp Fort Vancouver rơi vào tay Hoa Kỳ (xem ranh giới tranh chấp Oregon). Douglas thành lập Fort Victoria, trên địa điểm ngày nay Victoria, British Columbia với dự đoán về kết quả của Hiệp ước Oregon năm 1846, mở rộng Bắc Mỹ Anh / Hoa Kỳ biên giới dọc theo vĩ tuyến 49 từ Rockies eo biển Georgia.

  • Napier, New Zealand
  • Tô Châu, Trung Quốc
  • Khabarovsk, Nga
  • Morioka, Nhật Bản

  1. ^

    “City of Victoria – History”. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2009. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 9 năm 2011.

  2. ^ a ă “2006 Community Profiles”. Statistics Canada. Truy cập ngày 24 tháng 8 năm 2011.

  • Lưu trữ 2006-10-04 tại Wayback Machine

Từ khóa: Victoria, British Columbia, Victoria, British Columbia, Victoria, British Columbia

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Dominus Fuscus semper librum portat.

Mr Brown always carries a book.

Peccatum, vere proprieque acceptum, est semper actus personae, quoniam actus est liber unius cuiusvis hominis neque proprie alicuius coetus vel communitatis.

Sin, in the proper sense, is always a personal act, since it is an act of freedom on the part of an individual person and not properly of a group or community.

Nihil libere volumus, nihil absolute, nihil semper.

Fluctuamur inter varia consilia; nihil libere volumus, nihil absolute, nihil semper.

Proindeque est asseverandum hanc optionem fundamentalem, in quantum a vago differat consilio, et ideo ad formam obligatoriam libertatis nondum definito, semper effici delectionibus consciis ac libere patratis.

It thus needs to be stated that the so-called fundamental option, to the extent that it is distinct from a generic intention and hence one not yet determined in such a way that freedom is obligated, is always brought into play through conscious and free decisions.

Semper Tibi et ubique referat illam denique laudem quae Tibi debetur testeturque libere ac tranquille veritatem et iustitiam et caritatem.

May it be able always and everywhere to give you the praise that is your due, and freely and serenely bear witness to truth, justice and love.

b) Cum homo semper liber maneat atque cum eius libertas semper fragilis sit, numquam hoc in mundo regnum boni vigebit definitive consolidatum.

b) Since man always remains free and since his freedom is always fragile, the kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world.

Hanc doctrinam, primaevae Ecclesiae aetate, nemine repugnante, Sancti Patres clare satis tradiderunt, qui quidem Beatam Virginem fuisse asseverarunt lilium inter spinas, terram omnino intactam, immaculatam, semper benedictam, ab omni peccati contagione liberam, lignum immarcescibile, fontem semper illimerri, unam et solam non mortis sed vitae filiam, non irae sed gratiae germen, illibatam et undequaque illibatam, sanctam et ab omni peccati sorde alienissimam, venustate venustiorem, sanctiorem sanctitate, solam sanctam, quae, solo Deo excepto, exstitit cunctis superior, et ipsis Cherubim et Seraphim, et omni exercitu Angelorum natura pulcrior, formosior et sanctior [6].

9. This doctrine, unanimously received in the early Church, has been handed down clearly enough by the Fathers, who claimed for the Blessed Virgin such titles as Lily Among Thorns; Land Wholly Intact; Immaculate; Always Blessed; Free From All Contagion Of Sin; Unfading Tree; Fountain Ever Clear; The One And Only Daughter Not Of Death But Of Life; Offspring Not Of Wrath But Of Grace; Unimpaired And Ever Unimpaired; Holy And Stranger To All Stain Of Sin; More Comely Than Comeliness Itself; More Holy Than Sanctity; Alone Holy Who, Excepting God, Is Higher Than All; By Nature More Beautiful, More Graceful And More Holy Than The Cherubim And Seraphim Themselves And The Whole Host Of Angels."

Romanus enim Pontifex habet in Ecclesiam, vi muneris sui, Vicarii scilicet Christi et totius Ecclesiae Pastoris, plenam, supremam et universalem potestatem, quam semper libere exercere valet».(

For in virtue of his office, that is, as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church. And he can always exercise this power freely”.(

quoties divum Augustum in Occidentem atque Orientem meavisse comite Livia! se quoque in Illyricum profectum et, si ita conducat, alias ad gentis iturum, haud semper aeque animo si ab uxore carissima et tot communium liberorum parente divelleretur. sic Caecinae sententia elusa.

"How often had the Divine Augustus travelled to West and to the East accompanied by Livia? He had himself gone to Illyricum and, should it be expedient, he would go to other countries, not always however with a contented mind, if he had to tear himself from a much loved wife, the mother of his many children."""

Praeterea dicunt poemata Frostiana "exhibere felicem contentionem totius sermonis quotidiani" et semper familiaria manere conantur cum formis usitatis uterentur, contra inclinationem poesis Americanae ad versum liberum, quem Frost insigniter dixit esse "sicut tenisia sine rete lusa."

They note that Frost's poems "show a successful striving for utter colloquialism" and always try to remain down to earth, while at the same time using traditional forms despite the trend of American poetry towards free verse which Frost famously said was "'like playing tennis without a net.'"

Historia humani generis, quae in Libris Sacris delineatur, etiam post ipsum hominis lapsum historia est frequentium rerum peractarum, quae, semper in contentionem et in periculum ob peccatum revocatae, iterantur et excutiuntur ac diffunduntur velut responsum divinae datum vocationi principio iam viro ac mulieri traditae (cfr.

The story of the human race described by Sacred Scripture is, even after the fall into sin, a story of constant achievements, which, although always called into question and threatened by sin, are nonetheless repeated, increased and extended in response to the divine vocation given from the beginning to man and to woman (cf.

Quid enim dulcius libero et ingenuo animo et ad voluptates honestas nato quam videre plenam semper et frequentem domum suam concursu splendidissimorum hominum? idque scire non pecuniae, non orbitati, non officii alicuius administrationi, sed sibi ipsi dari? ipsos quin immo orbos et locupletes et potentis venire plerumque ad iuvenem et pauperem, ut aut sua aut amicorum discrimina commendent.

To the mind of an educated gentleman, naturally fitted for worthy enjoyments, what can be more delightful than to see his house always thronged and crowded by gatherings of the most eminent men, and to know that the honour is paid not to his wealth, his childlessness, or his possession of some office, but to himself? Nay, more; the childless, the rich, and the powerful often go to one who is both young and poor, in order to intrust him with difficulties affecting themselves or their friends.

Hoc in libro invenitur illud famosum epitaphium derisorium de rege Georgio IV : GEORGIUS IV Heic jacet, Qui ubique et semper jacebat Familiae pessimae homo pessimus Georgius Britanniae Rex ejus nominis IV Arca ut decet ampla et opipare ornata est Continet enim omnes Nerones.

Heic jacet, Qui ubique et semper jacebat Familiae pessimae homo pessimus Georgius Britanniae Rex ejus nominis IV Arca ut decet ampla et opipare ornata est Continet enim omnes Nerones.

Iamvero huic tam necessariae liberorum educationi optima qua fieri potuit ratione provisum est in matrimonio, in quo, cum parentes insolubili inter se vinculo connectantur, utriusque opera mutuumque auxilium semper praesto est.

But in matrimony provision has been made in the best possible way for this education of children that is so necessary, for, since the parents are bound together by an indissoluble bond, the care and mutual help of each is always at hand.

His addere libet nobis instantissimam cohortationem, quam praepositis Institutorum vitae Deo consecratae adhibemus ut existiment — proprium et primigenum charisma quoad substantiam semper observantes — apostolatum ad familias directum velut unum ex potioribus officiis magis quidem urgentibus ob hodiernam rerum condicionem.

I would like to add a most pressing exhortation to the heads of institutes of consecrated life to consider-always with substantial respect for the proper and original charism of each one-the apostolate of the family as one of the priority tasks, rendered even more urgent by the present state of the world.

Haec mutua, hae precationes permultas iam paginas scripserunt in nostro “Libro de unitate”, qui “Liber” est semper nobis volvendus et lectitandus, ut ex eo impulsum hauriamus et spem.

These exchanges and these prayers have already written pages and pages of our "Book of unity", a "Book" which we must constantly return to and re-read so as to draw from it new inspiration and hope.

Experrectus undevicesimo aetatis anno ad sapientiae amorem, cum Ciceronis perlegisset Hortensium: “Ille vero liber mutavit affectum meum . . ., et immortalitatem sapientiae concupiscebam aestu cordis incredibili” (EIUSDEM Confessiones 3, 4, 7: PL 32, 921), intimis iam sensibus veritatem amabat omnibusque animi viribus eam conquirebat semper.

He awoke at the age of nineteen to the love of wisdom, when he read the Hortensius of Cicero—"That book altered my way of thinking...and I desired wisdom's immortality with an incredible ardor in my heart."(

Fidelitas praeterea idem valet ac postulationum vocationis sacerdotalis et religiosae impletio, ita ut, quod libere coram Deo promissum sit, semper observetur magisque provehatur, quatenus vita constanti ratione supernaturali concipiatur.

Moreover, fidelity signifies the fulfilment of the demands of the priestly and religious vocation in such a way that what has freely been promised to God will always be carried out in so. far as the life is understood in a stable supernatural way.

Hanc dispositionem Ecclesia semper in Iesu Christi concreta, absolute libera et potestate plena invenit voluntate, qui tantummodo viros in suos vocavit apostolos (Cfr. CONGR. PRO DOCTR. FIDEI Declaratio circa quaestionem admissionis mulierum ad sacerdotium ministeriale Inter Insigniores, die 15 oct.

This is a practice that the Church has always found in the expressed will of Christ, totally free and sovereign, who called only men to be his apostles(188); a practice that can be understood from the rapport between Christ, the Spouse, and his Bride, the Church(189).

Ea nos semper reducit, stupore minime remisso, in illud arcanum exordium, quo aeternum Dei Verbum, libero amoris consilio, ex nihilo mundum eduxit.

It is a theology which leads us ever anew and in unfailing awe to the mystery of the beginning, when the eternal Word of God, by a free decision of love, created the world from nothing.

Sancta autem et sacra est, quandoquidem in ea adest semper agitque Christus “Sanctus Dei”, a Spiritu Sancto unctus, “quem Pater sanctilScavit”, ut poneret libere animam suam iterumque sumeret, “pontifox foederis novi”.

Holy and sacred, because in it are the continual presence and action of Christ, "the Holy One" of God,(36) "anointed with the Holy Spirit,"(37) "consecrated by the Father"(38) to lay down His life of His own accord and to take it up again,(39) and the High Priest of the New Covenant.(

At, semper cum Concilio, dicendum est etiam “secundum dignitatem suam homines cunctos, quia personae sunt, ratione scilicet et libera voluntate praeditos ideoque personali responsabilitate auctos, sua ipsorum natura impelli necnon morali teneri obligatione ad veritatem quaerendam, illa imprimis quae religionem spectat.

13 But it must also be stated, again with the Council, that "in accordance with their dignity as persons, equipped with reason and free will and endowed with personal responsibility, all are impelled by their own nature and are bound by a moral obligation to seek truth, above all religious truth.

Nam hoc Sacramentum cum recipimus, obstringimus nos, in Ecclesia Latina, conscii ac liberi officio vivendi"in caelibatu; quocirca unusquisque nostrum debet, quantum sane in eo situm est, efficere, ut Dei gratia sustentatus, gratus de hoc dono sit ac semper fidelis officio, quo in omne tempus se obligavit.

In receiving this sacrament, we in the Latin Church knowingly and freely commit ourselves to live in celibacy, and each one of us must therefore do all he can, with God's grace, to be thankful for this gift and faithful to the bond that he has accepted for ever.

Ita hodiernus hominum mundus, ratione semper ampliore et validiore, in conspectum spiritualem ac transcendentem vitae sese aperit, in excitationem exquirendae religionis, in reditum ad sensum rei sacrae et ad orationem, in expostulationem qua in Nomine Domini invocando omnes liberi simus.

In the same manner the present-day world bears witness to this as well, in ever-increasing and impressive ways, through an openness to a spiritual and transcendent outlook towards life, the renewed interest in religious research, the return to a sense of the sacred and to prayer, and the demand for freedom to call upon the name of the Lord.

Sic ille promissiones emittit et officia die Ordinationis episcopalis sumpta, cum libere suum dedit assensum Ecclesiae petitioni ut curam adhiberet, paterno amore, de Dei populo sancto eumque in via salutis duceret; ut semper esset hospitalis et misericors, in nomine Domini, erga pauperes, aegrotos et omnes consolatione adiumentoque indigentes et immo, veluti pastor bonus, ad quaerendas iret oves amissas ut ad Christi ovile eas adduceret.205

It is in this way that he fulfils the promises and carries out the commitments made on the day of his episcopal ordination, when he freely assented to the Church's charge to care for the holy People of God as a devoted father and to guide them in the way of salvation; to be always welcoming and merciful, in the name of the Lord, to the poor, the sick and all those in need of comfort and help; and, like a good shepherd, to go in search of the sheep who stray, in order to bring them back to the fold of Christ.205