New Moon May 2024

The Full Moon 2024 Calendar will help you mark your calendar for the upcoming full moons, a seasonal blue moon, solstices, equinoxes, and full moon eclipses. When are the full moons in 2024? Check out the dates below.

A full moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Sun and Moon so that the moon looks completely illuminated when you look at it. It happens about once a month or, 29.53 days on average.

In 2024 there will be 12 full moons with one full moon per month and three full moons per season except for one season which will have four. Ready to dive a little deeper into the 2024 dates? Take a look at each month, the names associated with each full moon, the eclipses that will occur, and the dates for the equinoxes and solstices.

New Moon May 2024

The dates and times provided by NASA in United States Eastern Time (ET) account for both Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) for part of the year in the United States. Also below is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. This was previously referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Since your local time zone may be different, the exact dates may shift slightly for your calendar.

When are the 2024 Full Moons?

In 2024 there will be 12 full moons during the year. The full moon schedule will start at the end of January, setting up the year to have 12 full moons and a seasonal blue moon. Here’s a quick summary of the dates of each full moon, their names, and how they fit into each season. Mark your calendars accordingly!

The dates of the 2024 Full Moons are:

January 25, 2024 (Full Wolf Moon)

The first full moon of 2024, also called the Full Wolf Moon, will be on Thursday January 25, 2024 12:54 PM EST or 5:54 PM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Winter 2023-2024 season as the December 2023 full moon occurred after the Winter Solstice. The January Full Moon will be the full moon in Leo.

February 24, 2024 (Full Snow Moon)

The second full moon of 2024, also called the Full Snow Moon, will be on Saturday February 24, 2024 7:30 AM EST or 12:30 PM UTC. It will be the third full moon of the Winter 2023-2024 season. The February Full Moon will be the full moon in Virgo.

March 25, 2024 (Full Worm Moon)

The third 2024 full moon, also called the Full Worm Moon, will be on Monday March 25, 2024 3:00 AM EDT or 8:00 AM UTC. It will be the first full moon of the Spring 2024 season as the first full moon after the Spring Equinox 2024. The March Full Moon will be the full moon in Libra.

There will also be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at the same time as the full moon, technically 13 minutes before the full moon peak.

The Vernal Equinox (or Spring Equinox) will be on Tuesday March 19, 2024 11:07 PM EDT or March 20, 2024 4:07 AM UTC, less than a week before the March Full Moon.

April 23, 2024 (Full Pink Moon)

The fourth full moon of 2024, also called the Full Pink Moon, will be on Tuesday April 23, 2024 7:49 PM EDT or April 24, 2024 12:49 AM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Spring 2024 season as the second full moon after the Spring Equinox. The April Full Moon will be the full moon in Scorpio.

May 23, 2024 (Full Flower Moon)

The fifth 2024 full moon, also called the Full Flower Moon, will be on Thursday May 23, 2024 9:53 AM EDT or 2:53 PM UTC. It will be the last full moon of the Spring 2024 season as it will be the last full moon before the Summer Solstice. The May Full Moon will be the full moon in Sagittarius.

June 21, 2024 (Full Strawberry Moon)

The sixth full moon of 2024, also called the Full Strawberry Moon, will be on Friday June 21, 2024 9:08 PM EDT or June 22, 2024 2:08 AM UTC. It will be the first full moon of the Summer 2024 season as it will be the first full moon after the Summer Solstice by a few days. The June Full Moon will be the full moon in Capricorn.

The Summer Solstice is on the calendar for Thursday June 20, 2024 4:51 PM EDT or 9:51 PM UTC.

July 21, 2024 (Full Buck Moon)

The seventh 2024 full moon, also called the Full Buck Moon, will be on Sunday July 21, 2024 6:17 AM EDT or 11:17 AM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Summer 2024 season as the second full moon after the Summer Solstice. The July Full Moon will be the full moon in Capricorn.

August 19, 2024 (Full Sturgeon Moon)

The eighth full moon in 2024, also called the Full Sturgeon Moon, will be on Monday August 19, 2024 2:26 PM EDT or 7:26 PM UTC. It will be the third full moon of the Summer 2024 season. The August Full Moon will be the full moon in Aquarius.

The August 19th full moon will also be a seasonal blue moon as the summer season will have four full moons. As the third full moon in the season, it is considered a seasonal blue moon.

September 17, 2024 (Full Harvest Moon)

The ninth 2024 full moon, also called the Full Harvest Moon, will be on Tuesday September 17, 2024 10:34 PM EDT or September 18, 2024 3:34 AM UTC. It will also be the fourth full moon of the Summer 2024 season because it occurs before the Autumn Equinox. The September Full Moon will be the full moon in Pisces and the first of two full supermoons in 2024.

There will also be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at the same time as the full moon, technically 11 minutes before the full moon peak.

The Autumnal Equinox is on the calendar for Sunday September 22, 2024 8:44 AM EDT or 1:44 PM UTC. As the September full moon will be closer to the Autumnal Equinox than the October full moon, it will be called the Full Harvest Moon.

October 17, 2024 (Full Hunter’s Moon)

The tenth full moon in 2024, also called the Full Hunter’s Moon will be on Thursday October 17, 2024 7:26 AM EDT or 12:26 PM UTC. It will be the first full moon of the Autumn 2024 season as the first full moon after the Autumnal Equinox. The October full moon will be the full moon in Aries and the second full supermoon in 2024.

November 15, 2024 (Full Beaver Moon)

The eleventh 2024 full moon, also called the Full Beaver Moon, will be on Friday November 15, 2024 4:29 PM EST or 9:29 PM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Autumn 2024 season as the second full moon after the Autumnal Equinox. The November full moon will be the full moon in Taurus.

December 15, 2024 (Full Cold Moon)

The last full moon of 2024, also called Full Cold Moon, will be on Sunday December 15, 2024 4:02 AM EST or 9:02 AM UTC. It will be the third full moon of the Autumn 2024 season as it will occur before the Winter Solstice. The December Full Moon will be the full moon in Gemini.

The Winter Solstice is on the calendar for Saturday December 21, 2024 4:20 AM EST or 9:20 AM UTC.

What are the names of 2024 full moons?

Full moon names come from various traditions and depending on the region you’re from the nicknames will change.

The names of the 2024 full moons are as follows:

January 2024: Full Wolf Moon

The January full moon is commonly referred to as the Full Wolf Moon, named for wolves howling at the moon. It’s also been referred to as the Ice Moon, Old Moon,  Moon After Yule, and Snow Moon. Sometimes full moon names overlap and the Snow Moon name is commonly used to refer to the February full moon.

February 2024: Full Snow Moon

The February full moon is commonly referred to as the Full Snow Moon, named for the usually frequent snow that occurs at that time of the year. Other nicknames for the February full moon include the Hunger Moon, Chaste Moon, and Storm Moon.

March 2024: Full Worm Moon

The March Full moon is commonly referred to as the Full Worm Moon, inspired by the time of the year when the earthworms start to reappear as the grown thaws at the end of the winter. The birds start to come back as spring approaches, with the Spring Equinox that happens each year towards the end of March. Other nicknames for the March Full Moon include: Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Chaste Moon, Sugar Moon, and Lenten Moon.

April 2024: Full Pink Moon

The April Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Full Pink Moon, insipred by a pink herb moss that would flower at that time of year. Other nicknames for April’s full moon include: Egg Moon, Full Sprouting Grass Moon, and Full Fish Moon (generally among the coastal indigenous tribes). They all have a common tie to the spring season as new flowers start to bloom and the fish begin to spawn.

May 2024: Full Flower Moon

The May Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Full Flower Moon. This name probably isn’t a surprise when you think of the saying: “April Showers bring May Flowers”. While the April full moon name doesn’t reference rain, the May full moon matches the time-honored saying. Welcome to spring and the flowers that come with the season. Other nicknames for the May Full Moon include the Corn Planting Moon, and Milk Moon.

June 2024: Full Strawberry Moon

The June Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Full Strawberry Moon. It’s a name you could have guessed if you like to pick strawberries in June. The Full Strawberry Moon fits nicely as summer approaches, and it’s time to enjoy this fruit. Other nicknames for the June Full Moon include: Rose Moon, Mead Moon, and Honey Moon.

July 2024: Full Buck Moon

The July Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Full Buck Moon. It’s not likely a name you would have immediately guessed. The Full Buck Moon takes its name from the time of year when antlers start to appear on male deer (bucks). Other nicknames for July’s Full Moon include the Thunder Moon and Hay Moon.

August 2024: Full Sturgeon Moon

The August Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Full Sturgeon Moon. It’s likely not a name you would guess. The Full Sturgeon Moon gets its name as sturgeon are caught in high numbers in North America’s Great Lakes at that time of year. Other nicknames for the August Full Moon include the Barley Moon, Corn Moon, Dog Moon, Fruit Moon Grain Moon, Green Corn Moon, Herb Moon, Red Moon, and Wyrt Moon.

September 2024: Full Harvest Moon

The September full moon is called the Full Harvest Moon because it’s closer to the Autumn Equinox than the October Full Moon. The nickname is inspired by nature and agriculture as well as the timing of the Fall Equinox. In 2024, the September full moon will be called the Full Harvest Moon because it will be closer to the start of Autumn than October’s. In other years, the September Full Moon is also called the Full Corn Moon.

The September 2024 full moon will technically be in the Summer 2024 season because it occurs before the Autumn Equinox. And it will be part of a seasonal blue moon season as it will be the fourth full moon of the Summer 2024 season.

October 2024: Full Hunter’s Moon

The October Full Moon is called the Full Hunter’s Moon. This nickname is inspired by Native Americans and their activities for getting ready for the winter. They would start gathering provisions to get them through the winter. In some years, the October full moon’s name switches to the Full Harvest Moon if it occurs closer to the Fall Equinox and the September full moon.

November 2024: Full Beaver Moon

The November Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Full Beaver Moon. It’s not likely a name you would have immediately guessed. The Full Beaver Moon is inspired by nature as this nickname comes from the time when Native Americans and early settlers would set traps to catch beavers to have warm furs for the winter. Another nickname for the November full moon is the Frosty Moon.

December 2024: Full Cold Moon

The December Full Moon is called the Full Cold Moon. It’s a name that doesn’t come as a surprise and one you may have guessed. The Full Cold Moon is a fitting name for a moon given how the temperatures get colder with the official start of Winter. Another nickname for the December Full Moon is the Long Nights Moon, another equally fitting given December has the shortest day of the year. A final nickname for the full moon is the Oak Moon.

Related: New Moons in 2024

Will there be a blue moon in 2024?

Yes, the August 2024 full moon will be a seasonal full moon because there will be 4 full moons during the Summer 2024 season. There will not be a traditional full blue moon in 2024 as all months will have 1 full moon. No month in 2024 will have two full moons.

The 2024 seasonal blue moon will be on Monday August 19, 2024 2:26 PM EDT or 7:26 PM UTC as the third full moon of the Summer 2024 season.

There are two definitions of blue moons. The most common, and the one you likely know is when two full moons occur in the same month. The second full moon is typically called a blue moon.

The second definition of a blue moon relates having an extra full moon during a season. When a season has four full moons, the third full moon of the season is also called a blue moon, or a seasonal blue moon to help distinguish between the other definition.

2024 Equinoxes and Solstices

The 2024 dates for the equinoxes and solstices are as follows:

  • Vernal Equinox: March 19, 2024 11:07 PM EDT (March 20, 2024 4:07 AM UTC)
  • Summer Solstice: June 20, 2024 4:51 PM EDT (9:51 PM UTC)
  • Autumnal Equinox: September 22, 2024 8:44 AM EDT (1:44 PM UTC)
  • Winter Solstice: December 21, 2024 4:20 AM EST (9:20 AM UTC)

The first full moon after Spring Equinox 2024 will be on Monday March 25, 2024 3:00 AM EDT or 8:00 AM UTC. It’s the March 2024 full moon, also called the Full Worm Moon.

The first full moon after the Summer Solstice 2024 will be on Friday June 21, 2024 9:08 PM EDT or June 22, 2024 2:08 AM UTC. It’s the June 2024 full moon, also called the Full Strawberry Moon.

The first full moon after the Autumn Equinox 2024 will be on Thursday October 17, 2024 7:26 AM EDT or 12:26 PM UTC. It’s the October 2024 full moon, also called the Full Hunter’s Moon.

The first full moon after the Winter Solstice 2024 will not occur until 2025 on Monday January 13, 2025 5:27 PM EST or 10:27 PM UTC. Because the December 2024 full moon will happen before the Winter Solstice, the next full moon will be in January 2025. It’s also called the Full Wolf Moon, and is the first full moon of the Winter 2024-2025 season.

2024 Moon Phases in Eastern Time and UTC

Below are the lunar phases for 2024 including the new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter that were on the schedule for each month. The date and times are based on both the United States Eastern Time Zone and UTC, adjusted for daylight saving time.

Lunar PhaseUnited States Eastern Date & TimeUTC Date & Time
January Last Quarter January 3, 2024 10:30 PM EST January 4, 2024 3:30 AM UTC
January New Moon January 11, 2024 6:57 AM EST January 11, 2024 11:57 AM UTC
January First Quarter January 17, 2024 10:53 PM EST January 18, 2024 3:53 AM UTC
January Full Moon January 25, 2024 12:54 PM EST January 25, 2024 5:54 PM UTC
February Last Quarter February 2, 2024 6:18 PM EST February 2, 2024 11:18 PM UTC
February New Moon February 9, 2024 5:59 PM EST February 9, 2024 10:59 PM UTC
February First Quarter February 16, 2024 10:01 AM EST February 16, 2024 3:01 PM UTC
February Full Moon February 24, 2024 7:30 AM EST February 24, 2024 12:30 PM UTC
March Last Quarter March 3, 2024 10:24 AM EST March 3, 2024 3:24 PM UTC
March New Moon March 10, 2024 4:00 AM EDT March 10, 2024 9:00 AM UTC
March First Quarter March 17, 2024 12:11 AM EDT March 17, 2024 5:11 AM UTC
March Full Moon March 25, 2024 3:00 AM EDT March 25, 2024 8:00 AM UTC
April Last Quarter April 1, 2024 11:15 PM EDT April 2, 2024 4:15 AM UTC
April New Moon April 8, 2024 2:21 PM EDT April 8, 2024 7:21 PM UTC
April First Quarter April 15, 2024 3:13 PM EDT April 15, 2024 8:13 PM UTC
April Full Moon April 23, 2024 7:49 PM EDT April 24, 2024 12:49 AM UTC
May Last Quarter May 1, 2024 7:27 AM EDT May 1, 2024 12:27 PM UTC
May New Moon May 7, 2024 11:22 PM EDT May 8, 2024 4:22 AM UTC
May First Quarter May 15, 2024 7:48 AM EDT May 15, 2024 12:48 PM UTC
May Full Moon May 23, 2024 9:53 AM EDT May 23, 2024 2:53 PM UTC
May Last Quarter May 30, 2024 1:13 PM EDT May 30, 2024 6:13 PM UTC
June New Moon June 6, 2024 8:38 AM EDT June 6, 2024 1:38 PM UTC
June First Quarter June 14, 2024 1:18 AM EDT June 14, 2024 6:18 AM UTC
June Full Moon June 21, 2024 9:08 PM EDT June 22, 2024 2:08 AM UTC
June Last Quarter June 28, 2024 5:53 PM EDT June 28, 2024 10:53 PM UTC
July New Moon July 5, 2024 6:57 PM EDT July 5, 2024 11:57 PM UTC
July First Quarter July 13, 2024 6:49 PM EDT July 13, 2024 11:49 PM UTC
July Full Moon July 21, 2024 6:17 AM EDT July 21, 2024 11:17 AM UTC
July Last Quarter July 27, 2024 10:52 PM EDT July 28, 2024 3:52 AM UTC
August New Moon August 4, 2024 7:13 AM EDT August 4, 2024 12:13 PM UTC
August First Quarter August 12, 2024 11:19 AM EDT August 12, 2024 4:19 PM UTC
August Full Moon August 19, 2024 2:26 PM EDT August 19, 2024 7:26 PM UTC
August Last Quarter August 26, 2024 5:26 AM EDT August 26, 2024 10:26 AM UTC
September New Moon September 2, 2024 9:55 PM EDT September 3, 2024 2:55 AM UTC
September First Quarter September 11, 2024 2:06 AM EDT September 11, 2024 7:06 AM UTC
September Full Moon September 17, 2024 10:34 PM EDT September 18, 2024 3:34 AM UTC
September Last Quarter September 24, 2024 2:50 PM EDT September 24, 2024 7:50 PM UTC
October New Moon October 2, 2024 2:49 PM EDT October 2, 2024 7:49 PM UTC
October First Quarter October 10, 2024 2:55 PM EDT October 10, 2024 7:55 PM UTC
October Full Moon October 17, 2024 7:26 AM EDT October 17, 2024 12:26 PM UTC
October Last Quarter October 24, 2024 4:03 AM EDT October 24, 2024 9:03 AM UTC
November New Moon November 1, 2024 7:47 AM EDT November 1, 2024 12:47 PM UTC
November First Quarter November 9, 2024 12:56 AM EST November 9, 2024 5:56 AM UTC
November Full Moon November 15, 2024 4:29 PM EST November 15, 2024 9:29 PM UTC
November Last Quarter November 22, 2024 8:28 PM EST November 23, 2024 1:28 AM UTC
December New Moon December 1, 2024 1:21 AM EST December 1, 2024 6:21 AM UTC
December First Quarter December 8, 2024 10:27 AM EST December 8, 2024 3:27 PM UTC
December Full Moon December 15, 2024 4:02 AM EST December 15, 2024 9:02 AM UTC
December Last Quarter December 22, 2024 5:18 PM EST December 22, 2024 5:18 PM11:18 PM UTC
December Black Moon December 30, 2024 5:27 PM EST December 30, 2024 11:27 PM UTC

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions about the 2024 Full Moon Calendar to help you prepare for the year ahead.

How many full moons in 2024?

There will be 12 full moons in 2024 with one full moon each month of the year. There will be a full seasonal blue moon in the Summer 2024 season without adding another full moon to the annual calendar.

When is the first full moon of 2024?

The first full moon of 2024 will be on Thursday January 25, 2024 12:54 PM EST or 5:54 PM UTC. It will be called the Full Wolf Moon. It is also the second full moon of the Winter 2023-2024 season as the December 2023 full moon occurred right after the Winter Solstice.

When is the next Snow Moon 2024?

The Full Snow Moon 2024 will be on Saturday February 24, 2024 7:30 AM EST or 12:30 PM UTC. This will be the third full moon of the Winter 2023-2024 season. The snow moon is the name of the February full moon.

When is the next Strawberry Moon 2024?

The 2024 Full Strawberry moon will be on Friday June 21, 2024 9:08 PM EDT or June 22, 2024 2:08 AM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Summer 2024 season as it falls a couple of days after the Summer Solstice.

What is the first full moon after the spring equinox 2024?

The first full moon after Spring Equinox 2024 will be on Monday March 25, 2024 3:00 AM EDT or 8:00 AM UTC. It’s the March 2024 full moon, also called the Full Worm Moon.

In 2024 there will be 12 full moons, and a seasonal blue moon in August. The year will have 2 full supermoons. The dates of the Full Moons in 2024 are:

  1. January 25, 2024 12:54 PM EST (5:54 PM UTC)
  2. February 24, 2024 7:30 AM EST (12:30 PM UTC)
  3. March 25, 2024 3:00 AM EDT (8:00 AM UTC)
  4. April 23, 2024 7:49 PM EDT (April 24, 2024 12:49 AM UTC)
  5. May 23, 2024 9:53 AM EDT (2:53 PM UTC)
  6. June 21, 2024 9:08 PM EDT (June 22, 2024 2:08 AM UTC)
  7. July 21, 2024 6:17 AM EDT (11:17 AM UTC)
  8. August 19, 2024 2:26 PM EDT (7:26 PM UTC)
  9. September 17, 2024 10:34 PM EDT (September 18, 2024 3:34 AM UTC)
  10. October 17, 2024 7:26 AM EDT (12:26 PM UTC)
  11. November 15, 2024 4:29 PM EST (9:29 PM UTC)
  12. December 15, 2024 4:02 AM EST (9:02 AM UTC)

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New Moon May 2024

Future Full Moon Calendars

  • Full Moon Calendar for 2022
  • Full Moon Calendar for 2023
  • Full Moon Calendar for 2025
  • Full Moon Calendar for 2026

Hello and welcome to FullMoonology, a blog dedicated to the full moon. Why you ask? Because I've been fascinated with the full moon for years and knowing when one is coming up helps explain the odd things that usually happens.

What date is New Moon in May?

2022 Phases of the Moon.

What is the full moon schedule for 2024?

March 25, 2024 3:00 AM EDT (8:00 AM UTC) April 23, 2024 7:49 PM EDT (April 24, 2024 12:49 AM UTC) May 23, 2024 9:53 AM EDT (2:53 PM UTC) June 21, 2024 9:08 PM EDT (June 22, 2024 2:08 AM UTC)

What is the New Moon in May 2022?

May 30. Monday morning, May 30, 2022, at 7:30 a.m. EDT, will be the new moon, when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from the Earth.

What is the New Moon in May called?

May: Flower Moon Native Americans called it Budding Moon, Egg Laying Moon, and Planting Moon.