madis là gì - Nghĩa của từ madis

madis có nghĩa là

Madi's are often bubbly and out going. They like to speak their mind, and won't take shit from anyone. Madi's often find themselves in sticky situations with boys, and they love committed relationships, although they often pick the wrong choices for love. A Madi is a deep thinking, gorgeous and entertaining person, that needs a lot of love and affection. They are very trust worthy and loyal to all loved ones, and can be an amazing friend to have because they fight for what is write.


Dave : Wow, look at that girl. She stands out from the crowd!
Tarn : That's because she's a Madi, nobody else is like her.

madis có nghĩa là

Doesn't fall in love easily, but when she does, she falls hard and fast and her heart shatters into pieces when they are separated. Funny, Gorgeous, acts tough but she's really just a big softie.


Person 1: Hey man, did you hear about Madi?
Person 2: Yeah dude she's gorgeous just heard she got out of a rough relationship.
Person 1; Aw man she falls hard

madis có nghĩa là

Very loving,kind,sexy,caring,generous,shy,quirky,beautiful girl! Loves being with her friends and is shy around cute boys. She Adores her animals/lemurs. Is willing to have a go with stuff, She is absolutely Beautiful and can never take eyes of her. She has a sweet funny quirky personality, but can be lots of fun. Can make up some great funny jokes sometimes, always has a smile on her face and is always laughing. Love you Mady😘



madis có nghĩa là

The best friend in the whole wide world! Gorgeous, kind, funny, loving, precious, awkward at times :) graceful.......Not :) The most loyal trustworthy friend a person could have! <3< p>


Oh hey there's Madi what a great friend!

madis có nghĩa là

Mady is the type of girl that can stil your heart within a few days She is sooo beautiful, yet she herself doesn't see it and will be in denial of the fact, she is has a great personality, she is kind, sweet, and can be shy but will open up to you if you get close enough, she is an amazing person and you should cherish your moments with her, she is a very kind hearted person and cares for her friends, she is extraordinarily beautiful, and will claim the heart of a special guy that will give her great and loving care that she will cherish. She is a over all amazing girl, if you ever catch your self falling for a mady, you should always go for her, you won't regret it!


Wow madys great!

madis có nghĩa là

she is the best person you will ever meet. she is quiet at first but once you get to know her she is very loud. she is very clingy and she will love you no matter what. she is beautiful, smart and kind. dont be afraid to be friends with a madi. she is the best person you will meet.


Madi is a beautiful person

madis có nghĩa là

Mady is a sweet and shy girl. She is very creative and smart. When you first meet her, she might be distant, but as your bond grows, she will become more lively and will talk more with you. Mady has definitely had some hard times in her life. She never shows it though, just because she doesn’t want others to worry about her. Mady is elegant, and she can be a little vain at times. This is good though, because she always looks her best. Many guys like her, but they never show it. If you are friends with a Mady, give her extra attention, and be more considerate to her. She will help you in the toughest times of your life if you are kind to her.


Guy: Mady is so nice!!
Girl: I know right, but I wish I could get to know her better

madis có nghĩa là

Madi’s are girls who can light up a persons mood without even trying. She doesn’t think very highly of herself and wears her heart on her sleeve. She is usually brunette with brown eyes sometimes hazel, she’s very insecure and often thinks she’s very ugly and not confident in the way she looks. Madi always cares what other people thinks, and really takes what you say to her with heart. She loves guy friends though cause they light uo her mood and get her away from tensions and make her not care what she looks like very much. Madi’s also have an amazing sense of humor and will laugh at many jokes. Madi’s are excellent girlfriends, they are amazing kissers and can sometimes be freaky. Madi’s are genuinely good people but pick the wrong guys, she often chooses fuck boys and over looks the good guys who could treat her right. But one day she might acaully choose that good guy. Even though they don’t know it they are truly beautiful and any guy is lucky to have this beautiful girl.


Guy 1: How does Madi not know how hot she is.
Guy 2: I don’t know man it’s a shame, i hope i can get her.
Guy 1: Back off man i wanted her

madis có nghĩa là

Madi is the cutest, most funloving, sexiest girl you'll meet. She is always there to talk and always there to have fun. She is sweet and so attractive and incredibly athletic. She can blow you away with her smarts and her sense of humor. Her personality is a 10 and her body is an 11. Trust me, you want a Madi.


Damn, that Madi sure is something.

madis có nghĩa là

A Madi is a special type of girl, the one you only come across once in a lifetime, if you are lucky, that is. She will drive you crazy if you happen fall in love with her, it is hard not to. Madi has a good body, but most importantly, an even better personality. You should never get tired of hearing her voice or seeing her. She has eyes so hypnotic a snake could get lost in them. Madi has many things attractive about her, and that's why you can't help but stare.


Guy 1: "I heard Madi has a new boyfriend. Adrian."
Guy 2: "He's lucky."
Guy 1: "VERY lucky."