Hướng dẫn free traffic cho woocommerce store

You are not alone, there are plenty of WooCommerce stores looking for reliable ways to increase their traffic.

According to the report, almost 63% of all websites using CMS that we know- use WordPress. Among them, WooCommerce is used by 19.9% ​​of all websites using WordPress. But many of them are still struggling with low to no traffic.

Hướng dẫn free traffic cho woocommerce store

Don’t Worry!

Good news is that there are proven strategies to increase your store traffic and attract more potential customers.

From Pmax campaigns to retargeting customers, there are many ways to increase traffic and grow your online business. We cover a variety of strategies that can be implemented immediately.

Let’s look at the top 5 ways to drive more traffic to your WooCommerce store.

You can only get more traffic if your online store search appears in the top 5 results. To do this, you must adopt some smart ways. Keep scrolling to see how Conversios automation may speed up and simplify the process.

1. Product Listing On Google Merchant Center

“ Because when it comes to WooCommerce traffic, product placement is everything, bout that placement, no shuffle. “

Google Merchant Center (GMC) product listings allow woocommerce store owners to upload detailed information about their products, such as images, prices, descriptions, and other product attributes. This helps them to get more visibility on Google by running Pmax campaigns.

But doing product listing manually is a hectic task. To map each product category to their respective id is a tiresome process if you have thousand of products. Try Conversios instead. Our advanced woocommerce plugin would help you to automate the product listing, thus saving time and money.

How To Improve your Product listings on Google Merchant Center

You can use these tips for accurate product listing in GMC:

  • Use high-quality images
  • Optimize product titles and descriptions
  • Provide a unique product ID
  • Update product information regularly

By ensuring that product listings are accurate and up-to-date, you can increase visibility on Google and attract more potential customers to your website, resulting in more revenue and sales.

Conversios offers you Product Feed Management that helps you to improve your product listings and mappings in Google Merchant Center without any hassle. All it would take is a click and your products would get automatically mapped to the GMC.

Hướng dẫn free traffic cho woocommerce store

👉Sync Your 10,000+ products to Google Merchant Center with a click!

Yes, we are. You can sync unlimited products and more than 10,000+ products with a click with our woocommerce plugin. All it would take is some clicks and you are good to go!

By automating the product data feed, businesses can ensure that all necessary information is included, such as product titles, descriptions, and images.This reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies affecting product visibility and customer loyalty.

In addition, automation streamlines the process of updating product information and pricing, allowing your WooCommerce store to adapt quickly to market changes and stay competitive.

“Give your Woocommerce store the ‘paid’ badge and watch your traffic/ sales soar to new heights. “

One way to increase traffic to your WooCommerce store is paid marketing. Paid marketing is an effective way for businesses to attract potential customers to their woocommerce store.

By creating targeted ads, businesses can reach people who are more likely to be interested in their products, which can result in more traffic to their WooCommerce store.

Wait…A little new to running paid advertising campaigns for your store?

Worry not!

We have got it sorted!

With Conversios, you can run Performance max campaigns for products that are available on your Google Merchant Center. After syncing your products to GMC, you can start running Pmax campaigns from the dashboard only as shown below👇

Hướng dẫn free traffic cho woocommerce store

How Performance Max can help

1.Targeted advertising: PMax campaigns allow you to target specific keywords that are most relevant to your business.

2.Increased visibility: Increase your brand exposure and reach a wider audience by placing your ads on relevant websites and search engines.

3.Cost efficient: Conversios bid strategies allocate budget to keywords with the highest conversion potential. It means you don’t waste money advertising to people who aren’t interested in your product.

4.Real-time data: PMax campaigns provide real-time data and analytics to help optimize your advertising campaigns.

Overall, running Performance Max campaigns can be a valuable strategy for promoting your WooCommerce store and increasing sales.

Moreover, Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, influencer marketing, Affiliate marketing, & retargeting ads are different types of paid ways to attract more traffic to your store.

3. Social Media Marketing

“Get social with your Woocommerce store and watch your sales go from ‘checkout’ to ‘checkmate’. “

If you are an ecommerce store owner and are not promoting your business on social media, then you are missing out a lot. There are various channels that you can use for marketing, like Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, etc but the best among them is Facebook.

According to the report, With around 3 billion people, Facebook has the highest traffic for monthly active users(MAU). It is impossible to ignore Meta’s ecosystem if you are an ecommerce store owner. Facebook ads is the best thing happened to the ecommerce store owners.

You can create Facebook ad campaigns but all your money would go in drain, if you haven’t got Facebook(aka Meta) Pixel installed. With Meta Pixel, you can capture every detail about the user and then retarget them via ads. You cannot optimize your Facebook ads without Meta pixel.

This single piece of code is responsible for all those ads that you see after searching about a product on its website. But, it is equally difficult to install Meta pixel to your woocommerce store. Here, Conversios comes handy. It helps you to integrate Meta Pixel to your store without any code.

Don’t believe us?

Watch it by yourself👇

Hướng dẫn free traffic cho woocommerce store

👉 Integrate Facebook Pixel To Your Woocommerce Store Now

4. Measure Results

“ Without measuring the data on WooCommerce, you’re just guessing and leaving your profits to chance – don’t be a metric-less opportunity gambler.”

Measuring your data with Google Analytics will give you valuable insights to improve traffic to your WooCommerce store. You can find the exact source of your traffic and performance of your product with it and increase those activities to maximize your results.

Google Analytics provides data on user behavior such as How long visitors stayed on the website and what pages they navigated to. Now you have a well-tailored plan; you just need to execute it well.

Conversios provides Google Analytics(Universal Analytics) and Google Analytics 4 integration with a single click. You can track all your traffic, product performance, conversions and campaign performance by one-click no-code integration.

You are again doubting us, aren’t you?

Well, have a look at it by yourselves👇

Hướng dẫn free traffic cho woocommerce store

After integrating Google Analytics, you can see Ecommerce Conversion Funnel, Product Performance Report, Google Ads Performance Report, and Campaign Performance Report within the plugin. This would help you to understand reports of GA4 as they are very complex.

👉 Integrate Google Analytics To Your Woocommerce Store Now

5. Ecommerce SEO

“Take good content out; your WooCommerce site may become a ‘WooNoTraffic’ site. “

Ecommerce SEO helps you to bring more traffic and visitors to your woocommerce store.It will help you with constant traffic over a period of time. You would definitely get benefit from paid ads till you are paying whereas SEO would help you in the long run.

What do you think ?

Will customers buy your service/product without knowing it?

Absolutely not. You need to make them aware of your product via Content Marketing.

Content Marketing is the best part of Ecommerce SEO. It helps you to market your products by providing relevant information to the users who are already searching for the solution. This creates a win-win situation for both, seller and buyer.

Effective content marketing can add value by providing accurate information to visitors, improving search engine rankings, and encouraging content sharing on social media.Informative product descriptions, blog posts, and customer reviews can greatly influence a user’s purchase decision.

With content, you can improve customer retention, increase brand loyalty, and increase sales for your woocommerce store.Paid ad would help you to bring traffic but content would ensure and retain that user.

How Can Conversios Help To Increase Your Woocommerce Business? Conversios would help you to measure every click and conversion effectively by integrating GA4 to your woocommerce store with a click. Apart from that, our plugin would help to track customer behavior with the help of reports, using which you can focus on the activities that are working.

By integrating various pixels like Facebook Pixel, Snapchat Pixel, TikTok Pixel, and 3 other types of marketing pixels, you can track conversions, build dynamic audiences and do dynamic remarketing for those customers who abandoned your cart.

Conversios would also help you to sync unlimited products to Google Merchant Center with the help of a single click. It would help you to manage product feed and sync 10,000+ products within seconds.