How did the English conquest of New Netherland affect freedom in the colony quizlet?


-While English settlers perceived Indians to be in need of their help, in reality they were skilled hunters and farmers and offered assistance to the settlers.

-Europeans were drawn to the New World because they felt it was their Christian responsibility to "save" the Indians.

-By the time settlers arrived, some Indians were accustomed to Europeans, and both offered them assistance and traded with them.

- royal charter, Colonists were recruited from among middle-class farmers, artisans, and tradesmen. Indentured servants, specialists in certain areas (i.e., sawmill workers, lumbermen), and convicted criminals were also brought over. Immigrants from other countries were welcomed.
ECONOMY: Diverse economic activities included farming, fishing, and trading. Exports included tobacco, rice, timber, and fish. Tobacco was the main source of revenue in the Virginia and North Carolina colonies.
RELIGION: Largely non-Catholics. Although some tolerance was practiced in most colonies, the Puritans in Massachusetts established an autocratic and restrictive religious leadership. Pennsylvania mandated complete tolerance
GOVERNMENT: Distance from England and a frugal Parliament allowed colonists to set up local governments and representative assemblies and to tax themselves, as long as they did not take up arms against the Crown

Crown-sponsored conquests gained riches for Spain and expanded its empire. Populated with Conquistadores, soldiers, and missionaries were the primary Spanish colonizers; farmers and traders came later
ECONOMY:Largely a trading economy; some farming in the West. Commerce was controlled by the Spanish board of trade, with regulations enforced by the Spanish military.
RELIGION: Settlers were restricted to Catholics; Protestants were persecuted and driven out.
GOVERNMENT: Colonies were governed by crown appointed viceroys or governors. Settlers had to obey the king's laws and could make none of their own.

The Spanish tended to set up the equivalent of fiefdoms, where the ruler of a particular area tended to be from Spain itself rather than one of the local residents. The Spanish also had a higher instance of intermixing with the First Nations, resulting in the modern distinction between Latinos and Spanish proper.

The French were generally not into large scale colonization. Their preferred activity in the Americas (Canada and Louisiana) was trade. The only major settlement of the French forms the basis of modern Quebec, although a significant settlement in the Acadia region of Canada got displaced by the British, with the residents eventually settling in modern Louisiana. The term Cajun is derived from Acadia.

The English formed large-scale colonies along the Atlantic seaboard, but unlike the Spanish, they were for the most part home-ruled. That is, the leaders of the colonies generally came from those colonies instead of from Britain itself. The English colonies were also more heterogeneous, having groups from Scotland (before the Act of Union), Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden. They were also more religiously diverse as some colonies were Anglican, but others tended to be refuges for Puritans, Separatists, Quakers, and English Catholics.

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-Virginia's shift from white indentured servants to African slaves as the main plantation labor force was accelerated by Bacon's Rebellion.
-Virginia's government ran a corrupt regime under Governor Berkeley. he gave to his followers with land grants and lucrative offices.
-Good, free land was scarce for freed indentured servants, you had to be connected with the governor and you had with death rate falling, less indentured servants could get that land after freedom.
-the governor had good trade with the indians and did not want to push them out but people wanted him to to get more good land and he refused. a rebellion began starting with indian massacres growing into a full rebellion.
-this reb shows issues within the elite of virginia because other servants, landless men, sad some africans teamed up to fight the governor's decision.
--Nathaniel Bacon, an elite planter, called for the removal of all Indians, lower taxes, and an end to rule by "grandees."
-His campaign gained support from small farmers, indentured servants, landless men, and even some Africans.

-Bacon spoke of traditional English liberties, poor being robbed and cheated by their social superiors, and taking indians land.
-in 1676, bacon gathered an armed force, they went against the gov. orders, burned down jamestown. bacon took control and the the forces plundered the estates of berkeley's supporters. warships from england restored order. 23 of his supporters were hanged.
-The rebellion's aftermath left Virginia's planter elite to consolidate their power and improve their image.
-They restored property qualifications for voting, planters developed a new political style in which they cultivated the support of poorer neighbors., the authorities reduced taxes and adopted a more aggressive Indian policy, opening western areas to small farmers.
-To avert the further growth of a rebellious population of landless former indentured servants, Virginia's authorities accelerated the shift to slaves (who would never become free) on the tobacco plantations.
-as vrgina reduced the nimber of indentured servents, ot refined their freedom dued to include fifty acres if land.

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