Go all in là gì

go all out Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

go all out

make one's utmost effort 尽某人最大努力;鼓足干劲
The police are going all out to put a stop to the violence.警察们正全力以赴制止这场暴力。
We shall have to go all out if we are to win the race.如果我们想赢得这场比赛,就得全力以赴。
They are going all out to make the fair a success.他们正在全力以赴使这次交易会获得成功。
The government is going all out to clear the cities of air pollution.政府正在尽一切努力消灭城市污染。

go all out

To put forth the utmost amount of energy, effort, enthusiasm, and/or resources (toward some task or action). You'll be going against a state champion in the next match, so you'll have to go all out if you want to beat her! The company went all out for Sam's retirement party, making it a gala affair and sparing no expense.Learn more: all, go, out

go all out (for someone or something)

to do everything possible for someone or something. We went all out for George and threw a big party on his return. We went all out and it was not appreciated at all.Learn more: all, go, out

go all out

If you go all out, you try as hard as possible to achieve something. If I had the choice over again, I would go all out for a degree in the Humanities and specialize in teaching. I had to go all out to limit my losses.Learn more: all, go, out

go all ˈout for something


go all out to ˈdo something

(informal) make a very great effort to get or do something: We knew that only one of the firms would get the order for computers and so we went all out to get the contract.We must go all out to increase our membership.Learn more: all, go, out, something
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go all the way to (some place) Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

go all the way to (some place)

To travel to a particular place, often one that is far away or difficult to reach. I can't believe I went all the way to the bank on a holiday. Of course it's closed! Nah, I don't feel like going all the way to the library right now. The buses aren't running, so we'd have to walk, and I'm tired. We can't go all the way to the beach today! Pick a destination that's closer to home.Learn more: all, go, way
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to go back

want to go

go to bed

go to work

where to go

to let go