Flower of service là gì

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A service consists with two product element to perform it function. The two product elements are core product and supplementary services. Core product is the core set of benefits and solutions delivered to customer while the supplementary services are service-related activities that surround the core product. Other than that, Supplementary services classified with facilitating and enhancing services into eight factors. Facilitating services are included information, order taking, billing and payment yet the enhancing services contain with consultation, hospitality, safekeeping, and exceptions.

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The core product provide by First World Hotel (Genting) to consumers is accommodation. The hotel was designated to contribute the supreme comfort and luxury for the customers with the help of variety types of Room Facilities. They had located 32 counters at lobby to let customers do the check in process for the 6118 rooms available. First World Hotel had supply six room types for consumers to choose. There are Standard rooms, Deluxe rooms, Deluxe triple rooms, Superior deluxe rooms, and World Club rooms. To assist the customer, hotel also provide no smoking rooms and special rooms for the people who deficient. Each of these types of rooms is designed to offer comfort and pleasure to the customers.

The hotel was build with convenient location, variety of types of facilities and warm hospitality. In the hotel rooms, service provider had provide the basic infrastructure to roomer like in room safe deposit box, mini refrigerator, air conditioning, hairdryer, television, in house movie channels, tea and coffee facilities, direct dial telephone, radio, shower, mini bar, and others. Besides that, the roomer can get an attentive room service for all 24 hours, absolute privacy and total getaway experience. They emphasis every detail in accommodation to make sure roomers had memorable experience and enjoy with the First World Hotel.

First World Hotel also provides supplementary services for the customers who stay in their hotel. The supplementary services are categorized by facilitating services and enhancing services. The facilitating services are included:


Information provide by hotel let customer obtain full value form of any service and relevant information. First World Hotel delivery more information about the services provide for visitor to attract more customers. The information provided by them can be payment for an overnight stay in different class of room, warning and reminders to using hotel facilities, operation time of dining and so on. Customers can get the information from many sources like phone call, customer’s service centre website, flyer, newspaper, social apps and more. For example, customer can get the location, price of the rooms, promotion packages from www.genting.com.

Order taking

Once customer ready to order First World Hotel services, they will move to the process of order taking. It can be on website, by mail, telephone and e-mail. Customer hotline of First World Hotel is +66-38-364-700, this hotline exists for help the customers to make a reservation of room whether it is a standard room or other room types. While for the booking at internet, customers can make booking at the website like www.booking.com/Hotels, www.genting.com.mym and others.


Customer can easily get all price information since First World Hotel provided their price of different rooms through website, flyer, counter, customer’s service centre and hotline. At their hotel lobby, 32 counters are waiting customers to check in or make payment so customers no need to waste their time for waiting. Other example is customers can log in to the website like www.genting.com.my to see the price of the rooms and do the online booking at same time.


Customers expect to be easy and convenient when make payment. There are variety of options exist to facilitate customer bill-paying provided by First World Hotel like credit card (master card or visa card), e-banking, at the counter, tokens or world card into machines.

Another category of the supplementary services and last part in product element is enhancing services that contain with the following four factors:


Consultation involves a dialog to probe customers’ requirements and then develop a solution that is suited to the needs of the customers. For example, First World Hotel provide medical consultation for people who got any illness and gym consultant give customers advices on how to use the gym equipments.


The quality of hospitality services offered by a firm can increase or decrease satisfaction with the core product so First World Hotel ensure their staff treat every customer as guest. They provided quality meals and room services for each customer. First World Hotel offers myriad Hotel Amenities and Services in Genting Highlands to suit the taste and purpose of the different customers and this factor attract many visitors from all over the world. Furthermore, restaurants over there offer a lot of dining such as Mediterranean food, sea food, Hainan food, western dishes, hawker style noodles, refreshing coffee and the places for relax tired like Starworld Café.

The hotel offers enough spaces to conduct corporate meetings and conference that equipped with modern amenities and services. The hotel also feature business center for smooth of the business, banquet facilities with international standard, gymnasium, and other recreational facilities include tennis court, golf course, shopping arcade, casino and many others. Other Hotel Amenties and Services at hotel are car parking facilities, reception, currency exchange, laundry and many more.


Customer can fully enjoy the service provided without worry about their things at First World Hotel because they provide variety of safekeeping services. For example: caring for possessions customer bring with them, child care, security personnel, caring for good purchased(or rented) and others.


This is something that outside from the normal services delivery. There are four types of exception provided by First World Hotel:

  • Special requests in advance of service delivery – Hotel provide children’s needs and disability needs to customer. For example, toilet for disability people.
  • Handling special communications – Hotel overcoming complaint by the customers at counters and give customer suggestion. For example, customer complaint the room was unclean and untidy.
  • Problem solving – Hotel help customer resolving difficulties cause by accidents or service failure. For example, if customer injured in hotel, help them to have medical treat.
  • Restitution – refunds and compensation for the dissatisfaction customer using the services. For example, compensate for the customer who injured at theme park.


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advanced (a) tiên tiến

courteous (a) lịch sự

equip (v) trang bị

express (a) nhanh

Express Mail Service (EMS) dịch vụ

chuyển phát nhanh

facsimile (n) bản sao, máy fax

graphic (n) hình đồ họa

Messenger Call Service (n) dịch vụ

điện thoại

notify (v) thông báo

parcel (n) bưu kiện

press (n) báo chí

receive (v) nhận

recipient (n) người nhận

secure (a) an toàn, bảo đảm

service (n) dịch vụ

spacious (a) rộng rãi

speedy (a) nhanh chóng

staff (n) đội ngũ

subscribe (v) đăng ký, đặt mua (dài


surface mail (n) thư gửi đường bộ

hoặc đường biển

technology (n) công nghệ

thoughtful (a) sâu sắc

transfer (n;v) chuyển

transmit (v) gửi, phát, truyền

well-trained (a) lành nghề


clerk (n) thư ký

customer (n) khách hàng

document (n) tài liệu

fee (n) chi phí

Flower Telegram Service (n) dịch vụ

điện hoa

Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11 Học kỳ II, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên

ve (v) nhận được resign (v) từ chức step (n) bước đi Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 15 E. LANGUAGE FOCUS contact (v) liên lạc figure (n) con số; hình hurt (v) làm đau, đau jacket (n) áo vét leg (n) chân mirror (n) gương try on (v) thử (quần áo) ☺ GRAMMAR 1) Could, was/were able to (có thể, có khả năng) 1.1. Could: được dùng để chỉ khả năng nói chung hoặc được phép làm điều gì trong quá khứ. Ex1: My grandfather was very clever. He could speak five languages. (Ông tôi rất thông minh. Ông có thể nói năm thứ tiếng.) Ex2: W e were totally free. W e could do whatever we wanted. (Chúng ta hoàn toàn rãnh rỗi. Chúng ta có thể làm những gì mình muốn.) 1.2. W as/were able to: bên cạnh chỉ khả năng COULD, còn được được dùng để chỉ khả năng xảy ra ở một tình huống cụ thể trong quá khứ. Ex: A girl fell into t he river, but fortunately we were able to rescue her. (Một cô gái té xuống sông, nhưng thật may mắn chúng tôi có thể cứu cô ta.) *CHÚ Ý: đối với câu phủ định, có thể dùng COULD NOT hoặc W AS/W ERE NOT ABLE TO. Ex: My father couldn’t swim. (=My father wasn’t able to swim.) TÓM TẮT: COULD W AS/W ERE ABLE TO Khả năng Khả năng Nói chung Cụ thể NOT NOT 2) Tag questions (câu hỏi đuôi) Hãy quan sát các phần in đậm và gạch dưới trong các ví dụ dưới đây và cho biết cách thành lập câu hỏi đuôi. Ex1: You are a student, aren’t you? Ex2: The film wasn’t very interesting, was it? Ex3: Mary does a lot of homework every day, doesn’t she? Ex4: John didn’t go to school yesterday, did he? Ex5: We have seen this film twice, haven’t we? Ex5: They can swim very fast, can’t they?  Hãy cho biết cách thành lập câu hỏi đuôi. Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 16 UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD ☺ VOCABULARY A. READING base (n) nền móng block (n) khối burial (n) sự mai táng chamber (n) buồng, phòng circumstance (n) tình huống construction (n) công trình; sự xây dựng enclose (v) dựng tường, rào (xung quanh cái gì) entrance (n) lối vào exit (n) lối ra journey (n) cuộc hành trình mandarin (n) vị quan man-made (a) nhân tạo metre square (n) mét vuông mysterious (a) huyền bí, bí ẩn pharaoh (n) vua Ai Cập cổ pyramid (n) kim tự tháp ramp (n) đường dốc rank (v) xếp hạng spiral (a) hình xoắn ốc stone (n) đá surpass (v) vượt qua, trội hơn theory (n) giả thuyết tomb (n) mộ, mồ, mả treasure (n) kho báu wall (n) bức tường wheelchair (n) xe lăn wonder (n) kỳ quan B. SPEAKING builder (n) người xây dựng fact (n) sự thật, sự việc giant (a) khổng lồ high (a) cao opinion (n) ý kiến sure (a) chắc chắn transport (v) vận chuyển C. LISTENING ancient (a) cổ, thời xưa attraction (n) sự thu hút average (a) trung bình cover (v) bao phủ dynasty (n) triều đại feature (n) đặc điểm height (n) độ cao length (n) chiều dài magnificence (n) vẻ tráng lệ, lộng lẫy province (n) tỉnh roadway (n) đường đi significance (n) sự quan trọng visible (a) có thể thấy được world heritage (n) di sản thế giới D. WRITING architecture (n) kiến trúc brief (a) ngắn gọn, vắn tắt central Vietnam (n) miền Trung Việt Nam Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 17 consist of (v) bao gồm dedicate (v) dành cho (để tưởng nhớ) god (n) vị thần illustrate (v) minh hoạ in honour of (exp) để tưởng nhớ (tỏ lòng tôn kính) marble (n) cẩm thạch sandstone (n) sa thạch (đá do cát kết lại thành) statue (n) tượng throne (n) ngai vàng tower (n) tháp E. LANGUAGE FOCUS believe (v) tin escape (v) chạy thoát factory (n) nhà máy flood (n) lũ lụt homeless (a) vô gia cư prisoner (n) tù nhân puppy (n) chó con, cún report (v) báo cáo strike (n) cuộc đình công suppose (v) cho là wanted (a) bị truy nã ☺ GRAMMAR Trong phần này, các em sẽ biết sử dụng hai cách mới để chuyển câu tường thuật sang câu bị động. Hãy quan sát các ví dụ và cho biết đó là hai cách nào. (A) là viết tắt của Active (chủ động) và (P) là Passive (bị động). Ex1: (A) People say that he is intellige nt. (P1)It is said that he is intelligent. (P2) He is said to be intelligent. Ex2: (A) They believed that she came here. (P1)It was believed that she came here. ( P2) She was believed to come here  Hãy cho biết hai cách chuyển câu tường thuật sang bị động các em vừa học được. (P1) (A) S + V + that + S + V (P2) * CHÚ Ý: động từ tường thuật thường gặp: say (nói), think (nghĩ), believe (tin), suppose (cho là), report (tường thuật), expect (trông chờ), know (biết) Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 18 PHỤ LỤC: ĐỘNG TỪ BẤT QUY TẮC THƯỜNG GẶP Hiện tại Quá khứ QK PT Nghĩa am/is/are was/were been thì, là, ở arise arose arisen xuất hiện bear bore borne sinh ra beat beat beaten đánh, đập become became become trở nên begin began begun bắt đầu bend bent bent cúi, gập bet bet bet đánh cuộc bite bit bitten cắn bleed bled bled chảy máu blow blew blown thổi break broke broken làm vỡ breed bred bred nuôi bring brought brought mang build built built xây dựng burn* burnt burnt đốt cháy burst burst burst bừng cháy buy bought bought mua catch caught caught bắt được choose chose chosen chọn lựa come came come đến cost cost cost trị giá creep crept crept bò cut cut cut cắt dig dug dug đào do did done làm draw drew drawn vẽ dream* dreamt dreamt mơ drink drank drunk uống drive drove driven lái xe eat ate eaten ăn fall fell fallen té xuống feed fed fed cho ăn feel felt felt cảm thấy Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 19 fight fought fought đánh nhau find found found tìm thấy fit fit fit vừa vặn fly flew flown bay forecast forecast forecast dự báo forget forgot forgot(ten) quên forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ freeze froze frozen đông lạnh get got got(ten) đạt được give gave given cho go went gone đi grind ground ground nghiền grow grew grown mọc hang hung hung treo have had had có; dùng hear heard heard nghe hide hid hidden che giấu hit hit hit đụng hold held held cầm,nắm,tổ chức hurt hurt hurt làm đau keep kept kept giữ know knew known biết lay laid laid đặt, để lead led led dẫn dắt learn* learnt learnt học leave left left rời khỏi lend lent lent cho mượn let let let để cho lose lost lost đánh mất make made made làm mean meant meant nghĩa là meet met met gặp overcome overcame overcome vượt qua pay paid paid trả tiền put put put đặt, để quit quit quit thoát ra read read read đọc Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 20 ride rode ridden cưỡi, đạp xe ring rang rung reo, rung rise rose risen nhô,mộc lên run ran run chạy say said said nói seek sought sought tìm kiếm sell sold sold bán send sent sent gửi đi set set set xếp đặt shake shook shaken lắc shoot shot shot bắn shut shut shut đóng lại sing sang sung hát sink sank sunk chìm, đắm sit sat sat ngồi sleep slept slept ngủ slide slid slid trượt đi smell* smelt smelt ngửi speak spoke spoken nói speed sped sped tăng tốc spell spelt spelt đánh vần spend spent spent tiêu xài spill spilt spilt tràn ra spread spread spread lan truyền stand stood stood đứng sting stung stung chích, đốt strike struck struck đánh swear swore sworn thề sweep swept swept quét swim swam swum bơi, lội swing swung swung đánh đu take took taken cầm, nắm teach taught taught dạy tear tore torn xé rách tell told told bảo, kể think thought thought suy nghĩ throw threw thrown ném Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 21 thrust thrust thrust ấn mạnh understand understood understood hiểu wake woke woken đánh thức wear wore worn mặc, đội weave wove woven dệt weep wept wept khóc wet wet wet làm ướt win won won thắng write wrote written viết * Có thể thêm “ed” để thành lập V2/3.  ☺  Chúc các em thành công!!!ù ù øù ù øù ù ø Từ vựng, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 11-HKII (CTC) Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy Học, học nữa, học mãi!!! Trang 22 MỤC LỤC Trang Unit 9: THE POST OFFICE ..............................................................................1 Unit 10: NATURE IN DANGER ......................................................................4 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY ....................................................................6 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES ..........................................................................8 Unit 13: HOBBIES ...........................................................................................10 Unit 14: RECREATION ..................................................................................12 Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST .........................................................................14 Unit 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD ...............................................16 Phụ lục : ĐỘNG TỪ BẤT QUY TẮC THƯỜNG GẶP .................................18