fake-ass là gì - Nghĩa của từ fake-ass

fake-ass có nghĩa là

Just means fake. ((((((((

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Jay Z is a fake ass dick ridin faggot

fake-ass có nghĩa là

A girl who is selfish and will make everyone's life miserable as long as she is the center of attention. Loves drama.

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Jay Z is a fake ass dick ridin faggot A girl who is selfish and will make everyone's life miserable as long as she is the center of attention. Loves drama.

fake-ass có nghĩa là

"Paige lied to my face so she could be the center of attention"

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Jay Z is a fake ass dick ridin faggot

fake-ass có nghĩa là

A girl who is selfish and will make everyone's life miserable as long as she is the center of attention. Loves drama.

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Jay Z is a fake ass dick ridin faggot

fake-ass có nghĩa là

A girl who is selfish and will make everyone's life miserable as long as she is the center of attention. Loves drama.

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"Paige lied to my face so she could be the center of attention"

fake-ass có nghĩa là

"Don't worry, Hardy is just a fake ass hoe"

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Describing or pertaining to one's innability to accomplish their motives. When one tries to be something they are not. Can also pertain to inanimate objects. Look at that fake-ass player trying to draw that girl in with his fake-ass spinning hub caps.

fake-ass có nghĩa là

a so called friend who only comes around when he or she needs something.

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"foo, that bitch denise is such a fake ass friend! she only comes around when shes tryna score some weed and dont even break you off! other then that that bitch never calls or comes around!

fake-ass có nghĩa là

STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM , THEY WILL FUCK YOU OVER . THEY WILL USE YOU FOR ALL YOUR GOOD QUALITY'S . ALSO JUST BE YOURSELF, DON'T BE ONE OF THEM . IF THEY GIVE YOU A WEIRD HARD LOOK JUST LAUGH AT THEM AND CALL THEM OUT . DON'T LET THEM TAKE ADVANTAGE , TAKE THE W FROM THEM . FIND THE REAL ONES , BECAUSE NOWADAYS THESE PEOPLE JUST WALK OFF. FUCK EM. FAKE ASS PEOPLE, SNAKES. A trend among some Tumblr users where they invent a dumb definition for their URL and pretend someone on Urban Dictionary actually posted it. Usually they sound very narcissistic and is quite obvious that they were made by none other than the person who posted them. Most of the other users can't stand them and actively make fun of them. Person #1: Hey, have you seen what somebody wrote about that Tumblr user on Urban Dictionary?
Person #2: That's clearly such a fake-ass definition, like no one would ever say that about them without being paid or seriously obsessed! không thực sự. see psuedo-conformist and pretentious and passive aggressive that fake ass tits are hot. some fake ass hoe that says shit like "Waddup nigga" when she's whiter than bleached baby powder and walks around with big ass nails as long as their list of one night stands (long af). There hair is plastic and is really shiny because its fake (obviously)

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has a skirt shorter than the time it took for them to lose their virginity and looks older than their rich druggie parents because of all the makeup everyday. They usually have two ID card because they look so different without makeup

fake-ass có nghĩa là

Everyone pretends to love them but deep down they wish they were dead

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usually have silicone ass and tits because they naturally have none
obsessed with fucking mirror selfies half naked and usually are trying so hard to look skinny

fake-ass có nghĩa là

thinks that people think they are hot or cute just because they be commenting on their IGs

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look at that fake ass felicia