directionator là gì - Nghĩa của từ directionator

directionator có nghĩa là

the worlds craziest, scariest, most-dramatic yet dedicated fandom that has ever walked planet earth. “directioners” would die for the 1d members, and will basically do absolutely ANYTHING to make sure they rise to number #1 on the charts every time a new album/song is released. Directioners have fully devoted theirs lives and souls to one direction, but have no regret in doing so at all.


“hey, that girls pretty cute” “true, but watch out, she’s a directioner” “directioners fully devote all of their time and effort to these group of boys”

directionator có nghĩa là

The only fandom that can hack into security cameras, leak albums, find ultrasound pictures, blood types, penis sizes... But yet we can't order at McDonalds without fucking up and stuttering the whole time.


Directioners talking about One Direction: Niall's blood type is A,
Louis was born at 1:47 PM on December 24, 1991,
Liam's penis size is 10.2 inches
Zayn was 8 pounds when he was born
Harry's blood type is B Ordering at McDonalds: Cashier: What would you like today?
Directioner: Y-y-es um I would like a um m-m-medium n-number s-s-even p-please? *Gets Meal* Directioners: DAMMIT! I WANTED A LARGE!

directionator có nghĩa là

Directioners are the MEANEST, Deadliest, Scariest and Creepiest fandom in History. If you're in a career, messing with One Direction will be the biggest mistake of your life. THEY BELIEVE THAT BEING SASSY/MEAN WILL MAKE THEM PROTECT THE BOYS (One Direction) FROM NONSENSE HATES NO MATTER WHAT. WHICH WORKS, And that's what makes them unbreakable. Creepiest: other than any fandom, not only because they're bad ass, they are best at works in these fandoms: Hack airport, security cams, CCTV's, blood types and even Penis sizes etc. They were in popular demand for leaking every song and every music video, the strongest fandom in the world, I must say. But of course, everything isn't about them being badass. Directioners are also wise, they're the most Popular fandom in the world by ruling wattpad, YouTube, twitter, google, and tumblr and many other sites, very excellent at making Fanfics, Photo edits, Videos and the Most Updated fandom ever that keeps the Biggest Boyband in the World (One Direction) strong. And by the way, they're the HORNIEST ones too, so be safe.


"Our fandom can leak songs, find blood types, exact birth time, penis sizes, their parent's middle names, baby pictures when they were still in their mothers womb, and can hack into airport security cameras while watching the boys doing nothing." "Can your fandom do that?" "I CAN'T." "Directioners"

directionator có nghĩa là

More dangerous and skilled than FBI. The Directioners found Paul's yeabook pictures, Zayn's and Niall's and Louis' bebos, and Harry's and Liam's myspaces'. They get One Direction related topics top-trending on Twitter daily on average and can analyse the shit out of everything they do based on choice of words, facial expressions, appearances and actions. News about One Direction spread amongst the Directions faster than Niall can devour a chicken wrap, double portion of curly chips, 5 hot chicken wings, and a corn on the cob.


Person 1: Did you hear, Zayn just bought celery and a frying pan. Person 2: When? Person 1: Like, four minutes ago. Person 2: How do you know, they're on the other side of the world? Person 1: I'm a Directioner.

directionator có nghĩa là

Smart, crazy, FBI hacking, badass, bitches that are verified One Direction fans and that can and will take you down if you fuck with them or the band.


Other Fandom: "Don't fuck with Directioner their crazy."

directionator có nghĩa là

a person who has dedicated their heart and soul to the famous and drop dead gorgeous boy band One Direction is known as a directioner. they are also known as the meanest and sassiest fandom. (after all they learn from the best)


"Beware, she's a Directioner"

directionator có nghĩa là

Directioners are the craziest, scariest, horniest fandom out there. Known for blogging 24 hours a day and writing the best gay smut that you will ever read, directioners are secretly insecure but hide it with amazing humour. Directioners have terms for everything: Fake Fans, supporting people together, young fans, girlfriends, etc. Many common, carrot-y inside jokes include 10.2 inches, carrots, spoons, cats, mirrors, etc. Do not mess with a directioner or make fun of their ships, because they will most likely yell and then blog about it.


Person1: Hey, Why does Becky look so tired?
Person2: She's a directioner. She was probably up all night reading gay smut.

directionator có nghĩa là

a military fan base of one direction who will destroy everything that comes in thier way between them and one direction. will slay every day. and makes sure that larry is real


dont mess with them they are directioners

directionator có nghĩa là

The craziest fandom and the only one who will hack into an airport security feed to see the boys just sitting around.


directioners are the best fandom

directionator có nghĩa là

a person who hates one direction.
a directionator could also be a fake fan.
