Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers

1. From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?



C. boot.ini


E. None of the above

2. What could cause a fixed disk error.

A. No-CD installed

B. bad ram

C. slow processor

D. Incorrect CMOS settings

E. None of the above

3. Missing slot covers on a computer can cause?

A. over heat

B. power surges


D. incomplete path for ESD

E. None of the above

4. When installing PCI NICS you can check the IRQ availability by looking at

A. Dip switches


C. Jumper settings

D. Motherboard BIOS

E. None of the above

5. With respect to a network interface card, the term 10/100 refers to

A. protocol speed

B. a fiber speed

C. megabits per seconds

D. minimum and maximum server speed

E. None of the above

Latest Hardware MCQ Objective Questions

Hardware Question 1:

What are the functions of the tab key?

  1. Move a cursor across the screen
  2. Indent a paragraph
  3. Move the cursor down the screen
  4. Only 1 and 2

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Only 1 and 2

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The correct answer is "Option (4)".

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
Key Points

  • A tab key is generally used in a document for proper spacing and enhancing readability by adjusting the text in the document.
  • It can also be used for moving a cursor across the screen and for indenting a paragraph while the user is working with the document.

Hardware Question 2:

Which of the following options lists all devices used for output from a computer?

  1. LED display monitor, Inkjet printer, Plotter 
  2. Flat panel display, Plotter, Barcode scanner
  3. Laser printer, Optical character reader Plotter
  4. Laser printer, Inkjet printer, Scanner
  5. Not attempted

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : LED display monitor, Inkjet printer, Plotter 

The correct answer is LED display monitor, Inkjet printer, Plotter.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
Key Points

  • LED display monitor, Inkjet printer, Plotter are used for output from a computer.
  • An output device is a piece of computer hardware that receives data from a computer and then translates that data into another form.
    • It may be audio, visual, textual, or hard copy such as a printed document.
  • Plotter
    • This generates a hard copy of a digitally depicted design.
    • The design is sent to the plotter through a graphics card, and the design is formed by using a pen.
  • Printer
    • A printer produces hard copies of the processed data.
    • It enables the user to print images, text, or any other information onto paper.
  • LED display monitor
    • ​It displays the output result of the information fed into computers by users.
  • Barcode scanner
    • It is an input device.
    • Barcode is a printed series of parallel bars or lines of varying width that is used for entering data into a computer system.
    • The bars are used to represent the binary digits 0 and 1, sequences of which in turn can represent numbers from 0 to 9 and be processed by a digital computer.
    • A barcode scanner will read this pattern of black and white bars and translate them into a line of tests that your retail point of sale system can understand.
  • Optical character Reader
    • It is an input device.
    • It is the mechanical or electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded data, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo.

Hardware Question 3:

In computing, ________ is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

  1. Spyware
  2. Cookie
  3. Spam
  4. Firewall

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Firewall

The correct answer is option 4) i.e. Firewall.

  • A firewall is a type of computer-security system.
  • A firewall controls the flow of data from one computer or network to another and they are mainly intended to protect an individual computer system or a network from being accessed by an intruder, especially via the Internet.


  • Cookies are small files that are stored on a user's computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. 
  • Spam is an undesired or illegal email message.
  • Spyware is unwanted software that infiltrates your computing device, stealing your internet usage data and sensitive information. 

Hardware Question 4:

In 1991, India's first indigenous supercomputer named ____________ was developed by Vijay Bhatkar.

  1. Param 8000
  2. Pragati 5000
  3. Prayog 2000
  4. Prayas 3000

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Param 8000

The correct answer is option 1 i.e. Param 8000

Param 8000:

  • It was designed and assembled by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing.
  • The latest machine in the series is the PARAM Brahma which was released in September 2019.
  • It was released in 1991 having 64 CPU's.
Name of the computer Released year
Param 8000 1991
PARAM Brahma September 2019
PARAM ISHAAN September 2016

Hardware Question 5:

In the world of computers, what is 'Ubuntu'?

  1. An ERP system from SAP
  2. Open source Linux operating system
  3. Latest financial software package by Infosys
  4. A firewall developed by Microsoft
  5. Not Attempted

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Open source Linux operating system

The correct answer is option 2, i.e. Open-source Linux operating system.

  • The Ubuntu desktop is by far the world’s most widely used Linux workstation platform, powering the work of engineers across the globe.
  • The first official Ubuntu release — Version 4.10, codenamed the ‘Warty Warthog’ — was launched in October 2004, and sparked dramatic global interest as thousands of free software enthusiasts and experts joined the Ubuntu community.
  • Ubuntu Server is the reference operating system for the OpenStack project, and a hugely popular guest OS on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Ubuntu is pre-installed on computers from Dell, HP, Asus, Lenovo, and other global vendors.
  • There are also special editions for servers, OpenStack clouds, and connected devices.
  • All editions share common infrastructure and software, making Ubuntu a unique single platform that scales from consumer electronics to the desktop and up into the cloud for enterprise computing.

Top Hardware MCQ Objective Questions

System software acts as a bridge between the hardware and _____ software?

  1. Management
  2. Processing
  3. Utility
  4. Application

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Application

The correct answer is Application

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
Key Points

  • An application, or application program, is a software program that runs on your computer. Web browsers, e-mail programs, word processors, games, and utilities are all applications. The word "application" is used because each program has a specific application for the user.
  • In contrast, system softwareconsists of programs that run in the background, enabling applications to run. These programs include assemblers, compilers, file management tools, and the operating system itself. Applications are said to run on top of the system software since the system software is made of "low-level" programs. While system software is automatically installed with the operating system, you can choose which applications you want to install and run on your computer.
  • Macintosh programs are typically called applications, while Windows programs are often referred to as executable files. This is why Mac programs use .APP file extension, while Windows programs use the .EXE extension. Though they have different file extensions, Macintosh and Windows programs serve the same purpose and can both be called applications.

MS Office, Photoshop and Animagic are examples of:

  1. Device driver
  2. Application software
  3. System software
  4. Operating system

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Application software

The correct answer is Application software

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
Important Points

  • MS Office, Photoshop, and Animagic are examples of Application software
  • MS Office is a software bundle provided by Microsoft.
  • It includes software like MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, MS Outlook, MS Access, MS One Note, and others.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
Additional Information

  • Photoshop is a powerful photo editing tool by Adobe.
  • An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware.
  • An operating system is software that performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

Flash drive is popularly known as

  1. Microprocessor
  2. RAM
  3. ROM
  4. Pen drive

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Pen drive

The correct answer is Pen drive.

  • Flash drive is popularly known as a pen drive.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • A pen drive is also called a USB flash drive.
    • It is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated USB interface.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  •  The RAM is a read/write memory.
    • The CPU can change the contents of the RAM at any time.
    • RAM is volatile.
  • Read-Only Memory (ROM) is non-volatile and retains its information even after the power is turned off.

Which of the following are input devices?

  1. Monitor
  2. Printer
  3. Scanner
  4. Plotter

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Scanner

The correct answer is Scanner.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • A scanner is an input device, which works more like a photocopy machine.
  • It is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages.
  • The scanner captures images from the source which are then converted into digital form that can be stored on the disk.
  • These images can be edited before they are printed.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • A Printer is an output device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper.
    • It is used to generate hard copies and print any document.
    • A document can be of any type such as a text file, image, or combination of both.
    • It accepts an input command to print the documents.
  • A Plotter is an output device much like a printer that is used for printing vector graphics.
    • Plotters use a pen, pencil, marker, or another writing tool to draw multiple, continuous lines onto the paper rather than a series of dots like a traditional printer.
  • A monitor is an output device that is used to display images, text, video, and graphics information generated by a connected computer.
    • It is an output device that displays information in pictorial form.
    • It is also known as a video display terminal (VDT) or a video display unit (VDU). 
    • The first computer monitor was introduced on 1 March 1973, which was part of the Xerox Alto computer system.

Auxiliary memory is popularly known as

  1. Primary Storage
  2. Secondary Storage
  3. Random Access Storage Device
  4. Processing Unit

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Secondary Storage

The correct answer is Secondary Storage.

  • Auxiliary memory is popularly known as Secondary Storage.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • Auxillary memory:
    • These units are among computer peripheral equipment.
    • Many times they are also referred to as secondary storage.
    • They have slower access rates for greater storage capacity and data stability.
    • This memory holds programs and data for future use and it is nonvolatile.
    • It is used to store inactive programs and to archive data.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • Primary storages are the key component of a computer system that enables it to function. Its examples are random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), cache, and flash memory.
    • The RAM is a read/write memory.
      • The CPU can change the contents of the RAM at any time.
      • RAM is volatile.
    • Read-Only Memory (ROM) is non-volatile and retains its information even after the power is turned off.

Which key on a windows keyboard sets to full screen mode in most browsers?

A. F1

B. F10

C. F11

D. F12

  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : C

The Correct Answer is Option 4 i.e C.

Keyboard shortcut Action
F1 Opens the help menu
F5 Refresh
F11 Full-screen mode
F12 used mostly in word file to open save dialogue box
F10 opens menu bar options

A _________ displays information in visual form, using text and graphics.

  1. Monitor
  2. Keyboard
  3. Printer
  4. CD

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Monitor

The correct answer is Monitor.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
Key Points

  • A monitor is an electronic output device that is used to display images, text, video, and graphics information generated by a connected computer.
  • It is an output device that displays information in pictorial form.
  • It is also known as a video display terminal (VDT) or a video display unit (VDU)
  • The first computer monitor was introduced on 1 March 1973, which was part of the Xerox Alto computer system.
  • Previously monitors were built by using a fluorescent screen and Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), which made them heavy and large in size and thus causing them to cover more space on the desk. 
  • Modern monitors are made up by using flat-panel display technology, commonly backlit with LEDs
  • computer monitors can be broadly categorized into three types based on the technology used to make it.
    • CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
    • LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
    • LED (Light-Emitting Diodes)

What is Full Form of BIOS?

  1. Basic Investment/Output system
  2. Basic In/ out system
  3. Basic Input/ Output system
  4. Basic Input/ Output Station

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Basic Input/ Output system

The correct answer is the Basic input/output system.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • It is the program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on.

A region of computer memory where frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access is called: 

  1. Cache 
  2. Token
  3. Cookie
  4. Plug-in

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Cache 

The correct answer is option 1) i.e. Cache.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers

  •  The basic purpose of cache memory is to store program instructions that are frequently re-referenced by software during operation.
  • Fast access to these instructions increases the overall speed of the software program.
  • Cache memory is not associated with ROM, rather it is called as CPU or Random access memory which a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than a regular RAM.
  • This memory is typically integrated directly with the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus interconnect with the CPU.

Hardware that creates sound from a mathematical representation :

  1. Sound synthesizer
  2. Stampers
  3. Speakers
  4. Set top box

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Sound synthesizer

The correct answer is Sound synthesizer.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • Music synthesizer, also called electronic sound synthesizer, 
  • Machine that electronically generates and modifies sounds, frequently with the use of a digital computer.
  • Synthesizers are used for the composition of electronic music and in live performance.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers
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  • Picture Stamper is an application that allows to do just that but with an intuitive and easy to use user interface.
  • Add the photos, logo and watermark text and let Picture Stamper.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers


  • A computer speaker is an output hardware device that connects to a computer to generate sound.
  • The signal used to produce the sound that comes from a computer speaker is created by the computer's sound card.

Computer Hardware for teaching and learning Multiple choice Questions and answers

Set top box:

  • A set-top box is a hardware device that allows a digital signal to be received, decoded and displayed on a television.
  • The signal can be a television signal or Internet data and is received via cable or telephone connection.

What are some questions about hardware?

Consider these common hardware and networking interview questions and answers:.
What does network mean?.
How do you secure a computer network?.
What does HTTP mean?.
What is bandwidth?.
What is an IP address?.
How would you recover lost files from a system infected by a virus?.
What is ASCII?.

What is a computer hardware question answer?

Generally, Computer hardware are the physical parts or components of a computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphic card, sound card and motherboard. There are various companies that offers jobs in Computer Hardware.

What is hardware in computer Mcq?

Any physical items that make up a computer system are referred to as hardware. It describes the physical components of the computer or its functioning for the software's written command to be stored and executed.

What is the 20 examples of hardware?

20 Examples of Computer Hardware.
Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Power Supply..
Random Access Memory (RAM).
Hard Disk Drive (HDD).
Video Card..
Solid-State Drive (SSD).
Optical Disc Drive (e.g. BD drive, DVD drive, CD drive).