Can you play multiplayer COD 4?

Can you play multiplayer COD 4?
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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first person shooter game for the PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo DS. All four platforms have multiplayer capability but only the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 have the ability to play the game online. The Nintendo DS is capable of multiplayer using a feature, known as multi-card play, which is a local area wireless connection which allows up to four Nintendo DS gaming systems to connect and play together. You will need to have a paid Playstation Network Membership or Xbox Live Network membership and a high-speed Internet connection to play online.

  1. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    insert the Call of Duty 4 disk into your CD or DVD drive and launch the game.

  2. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Select the "Multiplayer Menu." This will bring you to a menu where you can choose to join a game, start a new server, select the player profile you wish to use, return to the single player menu or quit the game.


  3. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Choose one of the displayed options. To play online, the fastest option is to select the "Join a Game" option from the menu.

  4. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Select the game you wish to join from the menu listed. You are now able to play online

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  1. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Turn your Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 on and insert the Call of Duty 4 disk. The game will execute automatically.

  2. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Select the "Multiplayer" option at the bottom of the main menu.

  3. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Select the "Play Online" option. This will prompt a sign on screen for the Playstation Network. The Xbox 360 is automatically connected to the network when the console is turned on. If you do not currently have a membership with the Playstation Network or Xbox Live.

  4. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Select either the "Find Game" option or "Private Match" option to begin playing online.

  5. Can you play multiplayer COD 4?


    Select your character and begin playing.

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    How do I set up online multiplayer on "Call of Duty 4"?

    Can you play multiplayer COD 4?

    Ph03n1x n0v4

    Community Answer

    You need Xbox or PlayStation live, then after setting up an online profile, go to online.

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Does COD 4 have multiplayer?

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare features team-based and deathmatch-based multiplayer modes on various maps. Each mode has an objective that requires unique strategies to complete.

Does COD 4 still have servers?

Yes, Its highly recommended to play. MP always has people playing, my favorite server e.g has at least 14 people on it, but mostly 30-34. There are also highXP servers to max out your rank in 4-5 games to gain access all of the weapons, so you can just use everything you can.