bunny boilers là gì - Nghĩa của từ bunny boilers

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

taken from the Glenn Close character in 'Fatal Attraction', boiling her Ex'es pet rabbit.

after a relationship break up, the person who wants some kind of revenge, like stalking, or harrasment


'Man i can't believe kate, after we broke up she keeps ringing my place and hanging up when I answer, she turned into a bunny boiler for real!"

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

Clingy possesive overbearing psycho bitch of a girlfriend. (think fatal attraction)


Julie Findlay

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

n. a woman who follows or observes her mark persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement (stress derangement). A bunny boiler's mark is a man that she has had sex with maybe one time, usually this man is hard working and strives to succeed profesionally and in life. A bunny boiler's plan consists of plan A and plan B.

Plan A: The ultimate goal of a bunny boiler is to fix her mark's life by interfering and/or setting him up and blackmailing him in an effort to force him into a horrible relationship that was never meant to be. The bunny boiler's goal is almost certainly a recipe for disaster and a fate worse than death itself. When the plan begins to fail the bunny boiler then resorts to plan B: destruction.

The term is taken from Glenn Close's character in 'Fatal Attraction', who after engaging in a steamy hot one time sex scene with a colleague, Michael Douglas' character, she resorts to boiling her former one time sex parter's family pet rabbit in an all out war aimed at disrupting his life, family, career and destroy (emphasis on destroy) him for not wanting a sincere man/woman (nuclear family) type relationship with her.


An open letter to all bunny boilers:

Dear Bunny Boilers (you know who you are):

I am sorry that it didn't work out. Really I meant you no harm and hope that you had a good time. I am sure you will find a new boy friend.

Your friend always

E. Nuff Allready

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

A vile, vindictive woman who can't let her man go. Made worse if man and woman have child together. Woman uses child to get at man. Man gets screwed up. Woman spends life simmering in her own bile and bitterness. Don't have children with a bunny boiler.


bunny boilers có nghĩa là

an unhinged and overly possessive woman. From the rabbit boiling scene in the film "Fatal Attraction". e.g. "I don't like the look of that aeroplane blonde-could be a bunny boiler".


bunny boilers có nghĩa là

Inspired from the movie Fatal Attraction when the mistress of Michael Douglas boils his daughters rabbit on his kitchen stove in a pot because he decides to stay with his wife instead of her.

Term used to describe someone you've just met and are casually dating only to find out later that they are "stalker material" and possibly psycho obsessed with you.


Friend: "Are you still dating that girl you met a few weeks ago?"

You: "No, she started driving by my house late at night when I didn't answer her phone calls and hacked into my email. Shes a bunny boiler!

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

just a special note for some of you who have defined bunny boiler. the key bunny boiler characteristic is such that a bunny boiler is not the girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife etc. of the man who's bunny gets boiled. she is just some skank who he, maybe, poked in the whiskers or gave it too one time on a whim or a dare (or request) from a friend when he was drunk. really having no liability whatsoever, not even a requirement to call.


yeah, my housemate of spring semester my first senior year asked me to give it to one of her buddies so i told i would if i were really drunk. she got me drunk and took care of me, i threw up after being dragged to my bedroom by the skank and then was asked to brush my teeth and taken to bed in a very suggestable drunken (read shmattered) state. the bunny boiler thinks we have a relationship some 13 years later or some shit and she thinks we have dated in between as well. uh, no, no we didn't, now go away. I need WITSEC.

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

A Bunny Boiler refers to the movie Fatal Attraction where Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) boils the family pet, a bunny, of Dan Gallagher's (Michael Douglas) family in retaliation for him rejecting her. A Bunny Boiler is always a woman. Men are referred by other terms, but the term Bunny Boiler is used only for women.


Guy A: Dude, there is a broad staring at you like she wants to cut your head off. Guy B: Oh man, that chick is a trip. I tapped that once and now she thinks we're married or something. Guy A: How bad is it? Is she a Bunny Boiler? Guy B: Yeah, she may be. This one is a psycho hose beast. I don't have any pets, but if I did I'm sure they'd be part of a stew right now. Guy A: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

A female stalker, a fatal attraction.


A woman who get's a relationship twisted and crosses boundaries as set in the game of lust. This woman will bust your windows, key your car and try and cut your new girl. She will boil your pet bunny! She is a creep. A Glenn Close bunny boiler.

bunny boilers có nghĩa là

Calmer version of a Rabbit Roaster


She was a sick Bunny Boiler but not quite as bad as the Rabbit Roaster I once had..