A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals

The purpose of scholarly journals is to inform other scholars of research findings. Some knowledge of the subject terminology is required.

Peer reviewed and refereed journals

Most scholarly journals are peer reviewed or refereed. This refers to a process in which submitted articles undergo rigorous evaluation by a group of academics or researchers whose knowledge and credentials are similar to those of the author, hence the author's 'peers'.

The reviewers send their recommendations on to the journal's editors. Articles ultimately approved for publication have gone through this refereed process and when published, further the knowledge in a given discipline.

Some article databases, such as Academic Search Premier, allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed or scholarly publications, excluding the popular material. If you need to use scholarly resources for your research paper, checking this box will help limit the results to journal titles that are considered scholarly. Here is a great video that will help you better understand the peer review process:

Peer Review in Three Minutes [NCSU Libraries]

On this page

  • Scholarly, academic, and peer-reviewed journals
  • Popular magazines and articles
  • Trade journals (or publications)
  • Choosing academic or popular sources
  • Finding scholarly journals at the SFU Library
  • Additional information and resources

This guide will help you identify and evaluate scholarly (also known as peer-reviewed) journals, magazines, and trade publications — both print and online.

For more help, Ask a Librarian.

Scholarly, academic, and peer-reviewed journals

  • Articles are written by and for faculty, researchers or scholars (chemists, historians, doctors, artists, etc.)
  • Use scholarly or technical language
  • Articles tend to be long and detailed, about research in a particular academic discipline
  • Include full citations for sources 
  • Are often refereed or peer-reviewed
  • Include information about the authors 
  • Are published by academic organisations
  • Note: book reviews and editorials are not considered scholarly articles, even when found in scholarly journals


Scholarly journals usually have simple covers, clearly stating basic information like title, volume/issue numbers, and the name of the organisation or university responsible for their publication. 

A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals


The SFU Library subscribes to thousands of academic (or scholarly) journals. Here are just a few examples:

  • Canadian Journal of History
  • The Linguistic Review
  • Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Journal of Biomechanics
  • Articles are usually written by journalists or professional writers for a general audience
  • Use language easily understood by general readers
  • Rarely give full citations for sources
  • Are written for the general public (non-experts)
  • May present or adapt information originally published in scholarly journals
  • Do not always include information about the authors
  • Articles tend to be shorter than those in academic journals


Popular magazines usually have glossy, coloured covers, designed to attract attention on the newsstand. Pages are usually laid out with photos, appealing graphics, and advertisements. 

A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals


The SFU Library subscribes to many popular magazines, for example:

  • Maclean's
  • National Geographic
  • Psychology Today
  • Sports Illustrated
  • Scientific American

Trade journals (or publications)

  • Are written by and for people who work in specific industries (such as advertising, education, health care, media, mining, technology, tourism, etc.), or practitioners or teachers with advanced degrees (such as a PhD in Psychology)
  • Often require professional knowledge and vocabulary to be fully understood
  • Are usually published by professional or trade organisations​
  • May present or adapt information originally published in scholarly journals
  • Rarely give full citations for sources
  • May not include information about the writers


Like popular magazines, trade publications may have glossy, coloured covers, advertisements, and appealing graphics. 


A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals
A n is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals


  • Canadian Banker
  • Food in Canada
  • Sight and Sound
  • Magazine and journal articles may all be appropriate sources for your work, depending on the subject discipline and the specific assignment. 
  • If in doubt about which sources to use, check with your instructor.

When selecting articles, think about how you intend to use the information

  • Do you want background on a topic new to you? Use magazines for introductory information.  
  • Did your instructor tell you to use scholarly resources? Use scholarly articles or journals. 

Finding scholarly journals at the SFU Library

For an introduction to different ways to search for journal articles, see How to find journal articles. For more about peer-reviewed articles, see What is a peer-reviewed journal?

If you are searching for scholarly or peer-reviewed articles in a database, you may be able to limit your results to peer-reviewed or scholarly journal articles. Watch for check boxes with wording such as "scholarly journals" or "peer-reviewed."

Caveat: Be cautious when using this feature. Different instructors and publishers will have different definitions of what a scholarly journal is. Use your judgement, and double-check using the criteria on this page as well. 

Additional information and resources

On library research

  • The Assignment Calculator: more than just a time management tool, it will help you break down your writing assignments (including research) into a series of manageable steps.
  • Start your research here

On evaluating sources

Increasingly, academic publications are available on the open web as well as in Library databases (and of course in print).

An essential part of the research process is to be able to evaluate the authority, relevance, and credibility of sources no matter where you find them.

  • Evaluating sources: for the basic questions you should be asking.
  • How to spot fake news: Identifying propaganda, satire, and false information

On journal articles

  • How to find journal articles
  • ​What is a journal article?

On writing

  • Writing & style guides
  • Writing for university

The Student Learning Commons offers further resources and services on academic writing.


Much of this guide, and many of the images, have been adapted from a page developed by the University of Arizona Libraries. 

What is a research aid that Catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals?

Ch. 7, 14 and 15 test.

What is periodical database?

Databases (also called periodical databases) include the citations of articles in magazines, journals and newspapers. Some article indexes contain abstracts or brief summaries of the articles.

What is a list of all the books periodicals and other resources on by a library?

Catalog "A database (either online or on paper cards) listing and describing the books, journals, government documents, audiovisual and other materials held by a library. Various search terms allow you to look for items in the catalog."

Which is a number used in libraries to classify books and periodicals and to indicate where they can be found on the shelves?

The Dewey Decimal system is a classification system used by libraries to arrange books via subject. Each book is issued a shelfmark number, usually found on the spine of the book, and arranged in numerical order.