whitey tighty là gì - Nghĩa của từ whitey tighty

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

The tight stlyle of underwear worn by cool kids. They come in many different patterns and colors. It is tight because they have elastic around the legholes and waistband. Unfortunately they are more embarrasing to be seen in public with because they dont have extensions down the legs, it just stops at the top. The people who wear them, such as myself, are the usual targets for wedgies, which is where one of more people take the back of someones tighty whiteys and pull up as hard as they can. Sometimes over the head, or sometimes they get hung on something. Tighty Whiteys are cool.


I am 13 and I was getting changed for gym. When i took off my shirt I got pantsed and I was standing there in these dinosaur tighty whiteys. Then they took me outside and pushed me into the girls locker room. Then when the girls got in they gave me a huge hanging wedgie inbetween the lockers. How they did this was they went inbetween a row of lockers took the front of my undees and hooked it onto a top locker on one side of the row, then they took the back of my undees and hooked it onto a top locker on the other side of the row. So I was suspended about 3 feet in the air by these dinosaur tighty whiteys. Then they left me there for the rest of the gym class, and when they got back they still wouldnt let me down for another fifteen minutes. Eventally the janitor came in and let me down. Then I had to walk across the school in these dinosaur tighty whiteys to the office to call my mom and tell her to bring me some clothes.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

the cool style of boys underwear. It is tight because it has an elastic band around the waistband and the leg holes, and they come in many different colors and patterns. They are more embarasing to be seen in while you are getting changed in a locker room, because they do not extend down the legs, but stop right at the top. Unfortunately the cool people who where them, such as myself are common targets for wedgies which is when someone grabs the back of your tighty whiteys and pulls it up, sometimes over the head, sometimes it gets hung on a high object.


I am currently 13 and in 7th grade. I was getting changed for gym. When I took off my shirt one of the 8th graders pantsed me, so I was standing in the middle of the locker room in these dinosaur tighty whiteys. Then they take me to the girls locker room and push me in and hold the door shut. When the girls get in they give me a huge hanging wedgie off of one of the lockers with hooks on them. So I am suspended about 3 feet in the air by these dinosaur tighty whiteys with all these girls laughing and taking pictures with their cell phones to show their friends. But they somehow tied my undees to the hook so I was stuck there for the entire gym class, then when they came back they still would not untie my undees. Eventually the janitor came in and let me down, but the boys took my clothes so I had to walk across the school in These dinosaur tighty whiteys to the office to call my mom and tell her to bring me some clothes.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

Tight white briefs that are comfortable and hold your balls and penis into a fixed position so that they don't sag.


I was changing in the locker room when the cool kids came over and pantzed me (no one usually saw because I covered it with my shirt) showing my tighty whiteys. They took me and gave me a HUGE wedgie which gave me a boner. They then pushed through the lockerroom doors and the hot girls saw my TWs. I was SO embarressed.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

White briefs, sometimes including brown stains, also known as skid marks. Some famous manly men that wear whitey tighties include:
-Vin Diesel
-Billy Ray Cyrus
-That mouse in the nutcracker The term "tighty whitey" is not only incorrect but inferior. Whitey tighty is the proper term for white briefs.


Damn, look at those whitey tightys on Piccolo's head! Oops, I spilled some pop on the carpet. Use my whitey tightys to mop it up. What kind of moron thinks that tighty whiteys are actually whitey tightys.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

A Comfertable Yet Embarrising type of underwear to buy and wear, though I wear Them, they're the best underwear ever.


As I Got Dress For Gym, Some Kid Cme Up To Me And Pantsed Me, Showing My Tighty Whiteys, And Just After That I Was Given An Enoumous Hanging Wedgie And Wouldn't Be Let Down!, Then, As They Pulled Down On My Briefs, Tey Started To Rip Sorta Come Off, Then, It Happend, They Ripped Off Exposing My Penis To Everyone, Luckily, I Was Near The Restroom, So I Was Hiding There Nearly The Whole Day! Afterwords I Was Able To Get My Pants On And get Home, A Misrable Day Indeed.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

Only the coolest underwear ever! Also the worst underwear for boys to be wedgied in


I wear tighty whiteys

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

If you are a boy or man it is the first kind of underwear your mother bought you. White and tight, you didn't have anything yet to be proud of, so they were ok. But then you grew, and you were wearing the same underwear at 13 or 14 that you were wearing when you were 10. "Mom, I need some new underwear!" "They still look good, honey, you sure you need new ones?" "Mom, I've had the same underwear since I was 10, you know." "Oh I know, honey, I will get you some new ones, next paycheck, you say you still wear 10s, honey?" then I only hear screaming.


Hey, honey, if them whitey tightys, get any tighter, you voice ain't neva gunna change.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

When you have a roommate that just won’t shut up so you take their whitey tighties and lift them over the back of their head


I’m totally going to whitey tighty pant lift my roommate if he doesn’t stop talking.

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

The act of removing the back of your whitey tighty strap and lifting it over someone’s head so that your ballsack makes direct contact with their face. The perpetrator typically wiggles their balls so as to inflict the most butt assery.


“If you say anything else about my nose I’m going to whitey tighty ball face you!”

whitey tighty có nghĩa là

The act of removing the back of your whitey tighty strap and lifting it over someone’s head so that your buttcheeks make direct contact with their face. The perpetrator typically wiggles their butt so as to inflict the most butt assery.


“If you say anything else about my nose I’m going to whitey tighty butt face you!”