Which research study characteristic would be inappropriate for qualitative methods?

A nurse researcher who is considering whether to use qualitative research design should be aware that the focus of qualitative research is what

Studying human experiences that occur within a person's natural setting

The determining factor for a researcher in selecting a qualitative research approach should be what

The nature of the research questions

Which of these terms are synonymous with paradigm

In which of the circumstances should a nurse researcher select a qualitative research design over a quantitative design

The goal is to view the phenomenon in the same way as those who experience it

A nurses research question is "what is the Grief experience of women older than 30 years from Royal Mexico who have late stage pregnancy loss"? Which aspects of the question represents the studies context?

Which aim of research is characteristic of or appropriate for qualitative research methods

Which research study characteristic would be inappropriate for qualitative methods

How is the number of subjects for participation determined for a qualitative study

Data are collected from new subject until saturation is reached

Which description of typical of a qualitative research study

Truth is a subjects perception of reality

How does the nurse researcher know when data saturation has been reached

When the ideas or information coming from the new participants have been expressed previously by other participants

A nurse reads a qualitative study concerning the grief process. Later, the nurse explains to a grieving widow that grief is a process and that many others have successfully made their way through the process. The nurse is using which clinical application of research?

The findings of a qualitative research study described the main essence of an experience but also show how the experience varies, depending on the individual or context. These results fall into which of Kearney'scategory of qualitative research findings

Description of experiential variation

Which type of clinical application of qualitative research would help a nurse describe the trajectory of an illness

Assessment of status or progress

Which of Kerney's category of qualitative findings describes a phenomenon portrayed vividly from a new perspective?

Which of Kearney's categories of qualitative findings describes a synthesis of a shared experience or process or integration of concepts that provides a complex picture of a phenomenon

Shared pathway or meeting

A description of how adolescent girls recovering from addiction to prescription narcotics might or might not move forward to create a new life is an example of which of Kearney's category of qualitative finding

Description of experiential variation

An older adults description of pain, including descriptors, attributed causes, and what constitutes good care during a painful episode, would be an example of which category qualitative findings

Computer management of qualitative data can assist a nurse researcher with which of these processes

Which are steps in the qualitative research process? Select all that apply

Sample selection
Data collection
review of the literature
Description of the finding
Discussion of the conclusions

Which qualitative research approach is used by researchers for the purpose of theory building

Which qualitative approach would be most appropriate for a nurse researcher to use when studying the daily experience of women undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer

When a researcher analyzes data from a phenomenological study, what is the final synthesis of participants reported experiences

Description of the lived experience

When reviewing the report of phenomenological study, The nurse find there is no section that describes/reports the research question. What approach should be used to determine the research question?

Examination of the questions or statements posed to the study participant

When reading report of a phenomenal logic study, the nurse finds direct quotes from the participants threaded throughout the narrative. What is the significance of this observation

The researcher is supporting the study's finding

A characteristic of qualitative research data is that they are what

What is the foundation for the grounded theory method of qualitative research

What is the purpose of grounded theory

To examine the patterns of actions and interactions between And among various types of social units

Why is a literature review often limited in a study using grounded theory

Theories are expected to emerge directly from the data and not from previous research

Which feature is characteristic of the grounded theory method of qualitative research

Data gathering and data analysis occur simultaneously

Which statement is consistent with an emix view of a factor or situation

White teenager's statement that being "skinny" is more socially acceptable than having a higher weight

Which title suggests an ethnographic study?

The phenomenon of breast self-examination among African-American women

What criterion of scientific rigor for qualitative research is Met when the research report leads the reader from the research question and raw data through the steps of analysis and interpretation of the data

Which factor in a research report indicates that the study used a qualitative design

People who participate in the study are described as informants

The nurse planning to conduct a qualitative research study should have which understanding about ethical issues in naturalistic settings

The emerging nature of the research design may require ongoing negotiation of consent

A nurse researcher has chosen to use the phenomenal logic method. What feature distinguishes the intensive dialogue the researcher will use in this method from a simple interview?

The researcher is fully engaged, becoming a thoughtful presents during the interview

The nurse researcher has opted to use grounded theory as the research method. Compared with phenomenological research, which data gathering technique is unique to grounded theory

Skilled observations of individuals in a social setting

Which research question is appropriate for a grounded theory approach

How do you incarcerated prisoners interact with fellow prisoners are known pedophiles

The nurse researcher opts to use grounded theory as the research method. which action or behavior should be avoided in such a study?

Expressing the researchers opinions or values to the participants

how can computer management of qualitative data assist a nurse researcher in the research process

In an ethnographic study titled "how do you rural Appalacian families with preschool children define and practice health"?The researcher gathered data from mothers who were identified as the primary directors health care within the family unit. What role did the mothers having the study

Which research question will indicate to the nurse researcher that ethnographic approach was used in the research study

In what ways do Puerto Rican women learn about health information

A nurse researcher conducts a grounded theory study examining the process of social support that occurs within interactions between nursing students and clinical faculty in the hospital setting. Which research activities are consistent with a grounded theory study? Select all that apply

Using theoretical sampling

Changing approaches to data collection as data emerges

A nurse researcher is critiquing a research report of a phenomenological study that examines the lived experience of domestic violence. The nurse should recognize which elements are consistent with a phenomenological research report

Open ended questions were used as participants to describe experiences with the Domestic violence

Data about domestic violence reported by participants are present in the form of narrative text

What is not appropriate for qualitative research?

What qualitative research is not: Quantifiable: Surveys, even those that include open-ended questions, are never qualitative, neither is putting numbers to frequencies of word occurrences.

What are the characteristics of qualitative research methods?

Qualitative Research Characteristics.
Natural environment (natural setting). ... .
Researcher as a key instrument (researcher as key instrument). ... .
Multiple sources of data. ... .
Inductive data analysis. ... .
The meaning of the participants (participant's meaning). ... .
Design that develops (emergent design)..

Why is a hypothesis inappropriate for a qualitative study?

No - there can never be a null hypothesis in qualitative research. They are purely the domain of certain approaches in quantitative research. Qualitative research uses 'questions' instead. You cannot statistically test the narrative data that emerges from qualitative data collection.

What are common limitations in a qualitative study?

Qualitative research has many limitations which include possible small sample sizes, potential bias in answers, self-selection bias, and potentially poor questions from researchers.