Which one of the following statements is true for a date/time value salesforce

Are you working with checkboxes in your skip-if formula? Be sure to review this doc for more details on using the checkbox choice alias in your formula for the best results.

Blank Values

If you would like to have a formula check to see if a value is blank, and send a value based on that, you can use a formula like this:


This formula says, "If there is a value in tfa_1, send that value. Otherwise, send the value in tfa_2


Check a box in Salesforce only if both "I agree to be contacted" and "I would like daily emails" checkboxes are checked

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.

@IF(@AND(%%tfa_XXX%%="I agree to be contacted",
%%tfa_YYY%%="I would like daily emails"),"1","0")

Skip an object creation if a checkbox labeled "Don't create Contact" is checked


Skip an object creation if a checkbox labeled "Create Contact" is unchecked

@IF(%%tfa_XXX%%="Create Contact","FALSE","TRUE")

Check a box in Salesforce if a certain option is selected from a multi-select drop-down list

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.

@IF(@CONTAINS("Send me more information",%%tfa_XXX%%),"1","0")


Title-case format a respondent's name in Salesforce

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Add line breaks to a set of values being populated into a Salesforce field

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Add a copy of the response data to a Salesforce text field

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Add a copy of the response data to a Salesforce rich text field

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Calculate an Age Using a Date Entered

Set the connector's field mapping selector to Formula.


Output will be the year difference between the date entered and today's date.  Replace tfa_XXX with the alias for the date field in your form.

Set today's date and time on a Salesforce Date field

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Output will include time and be in the following format: 2017-09-05-04:00 

Set today's date and time on a Salesforce Date field (alternative method)

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Output will include time and be in the following format: 09/05/2017 17:17

Set today's date on a Salesforce Date field

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


Output will be in the following format: 09/05/2017

Set yesterday's date on a Salesforce DateTime field

Set the field's mapping selector to Formula.


  Output will include the time and be in the following format: 2017-09-05T17:16:30-04:00

Set the date on a Salesforce Date field to a year from today's date


Compare today's date with a specific date 


The output will be "TRUE" if the date listed (01/15/2019) has passed. 

Note: FormAssembly formulas honor the same date format parameters as PHP. More information can be found here.

Note: When pre-filling a Time field type from Salesforce, times will often pre-fill in the military time format (08:00:00.000Z). As a workaround, we suggest using the Salesforce field alias (%%SFA_Date_Field__c%%) in a formula in the pre-fill connector to trim the first 5 characters. For example: @LEFT(%%SFA_Date_Field__c%%,5) will output 08:00.


Give a user's file upload attachment a custom Salesforce file name while retaining the extension

Set the Attachment object's FileName field to Formula.


Dynamic Email Notifications

You can set up your form to send conditional email notifications. It will send to different email addresses based on an answer in your form. 


How do I insert line breaks between parts of my concatenation formula?

Rich Text fields accept HTML5. Instead of concatenations with @CHAR(10), use
for line breaks.

Dear person,

Hello Hello
Hello becomes:


When using line breaks in a concatenate formula, you can use @CHAR(10).

@CONCATENATE("Dear ", %%tfa_1%%, ",", @CHAR(10), "Great team work!")  becomes:


How do I keep leading zeros on a formula when sending to Salesforce?

You will need to replace the 5 in the formula below with the desired length for the number of characters you would like to send. Also, this does not appear to work when sending to a Number field type in Salesforce as the API strips the 0s. It needs to be sent to a text field. 


Note: FormAssembly's formula engine can only handle a maximum integer/number length of 19 digits. This means if you are trying to prefill or use a formula with a number that is longer than 19 digits, it will be cut off. There is no limit for letters, only for numbers.

How do I format a currency field to always add a decimal with two places?

If you are using email notifications or the autoresponder, you may see that currency amounts are automaticaly stripped of 0's if they are after a decimal. If you would like those 0's to remain, you can use the following formula:

Which one of these is a good use for a date time value?

To find the current moment as a Date/Time value, use NOW(). These functions are useful for finding dates in the future or past, or how many days away from today another date is. To take just the day, month, or year from a Date value as a number, use DAY(), MONTH(), or YEAR(), respectively.

What is Datevalue function in Salesforce?

Returns a date value for a date/time or text expression. As of Winter '20, the DATAVALUE() formula option provides more accurate daylight savings time values without workarounds. The option avoids an existing one-hour discrepancy when processing times between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM.

What is the date time format in Salesforce?

Salesforce uses the ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SZ for date/time fields, which stores date/time in UTC.

Is today () a date time Salesforce?

The TODAY() function returns the current day, month, and year as a Date data type. This function is useful for formulas where you are concerned with how many days have passed since a previous date, the date of a certain number of days in the future, or if you just want to display the current date.